GitNux is an open source Github app that lets you access your Github profile, repositories, starred, projects and codes. Features Show your profile overview See your follower's project/repositories ...
只需从列表中选择“ Open in GitHub / Bitbucket扩展” 安装手册 Mac和Linux cd $HOME /.vscode/extensions git clone cd vscode-open-in-github npm
See all open pull requests for your repositories and check them out as if they were a local branch, even if they're from upstream branches or forks. See which pull requests pass commit status checks, ...
OpenPDF is an open source Java library for PDF files OpenPDF is a Java library for creating and editing PDF files with a LGPL and MPL open source license. OpenPDF is the LGPL/MPL open source successor...
open source development (the epitome of collaboration), as well as effective ways to work with one other person — or even yourself over the course of many years! (I don’t know about you, but Sarah ...
A library to easily show open source (GitHub) project contributors Screenshots Usage Add dependency to your build.gradle compile 'com.github.alorma:githubcontributors:0.0.1' new ...
GitNux is an open source Github app that lets you access your Github profile, repositories, starred, projects and codes. Features Show your profile overview See your follower's project/repositories ...
GitHub 读取jupyter报错Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?,用于在github.com上打开文件的atom包在github包上打开,atom是一个用web技术构建的开源文本编辑器。
如果Github下载较慢的话,可以使用这个文件 ,原github地址: g
GitHub 上标星 115k+ 的 Java 教程 GitHub 上标星 115k+ 的 Java 教程 GitHub 上标星 115k+ 的 Java 教程 GitHub 上标星 115k+ 的 Java 教程 GitHub 上标星 115k+ 的 Java 教程 GitHub 上标星 115k+ 的 Java 教程 ...
OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一个强大的计算机视觉库,包含许多图像处理和计算机视觉的功能,如图像读取、图像处理、特征检测、对象识别等。在这个全景拼接源码中,开发者会用到OpenCV来处理...
只需从列表中选择“ Open in GitHub / Bitbucket扩展” 安装手册 Mac和Linux cd $HOME /.vscode/extensions git clone cd vscode-open-in-github npm
标题 "linux-gitopen输入gitopen就能够在你的浏览器中打开一个仓库的GitHub页面或网站" 描述了一种在Linux环境中高效地访问GitHub仓库的方法。这个工具名为`git-open`,它是一个方便的命令行实用程序,允许用户通过...
【标题】"source-archive_github_" 指的是一个源自GitHub的源代码存档,它可能包含了一个完整的软件项目或库的源代码。在IT领域,GitHub是一个非常重要的平台,开发者们在这里托管、分享和协作开发各种开源项目。...
googlebreak 编译好的源码和lib文件,省去了从github下载的时间了,vs2017和vs2010都可以使用(推荐使用vs2017)vs2010编译还会需要很多适配,注意编译处理的lib是使用哪个运行库的。
介绍Orange开源组织Github网站,该网站汇总了有关我们所有开源项目的信息。 该网站建有: 基于自制CSS, Javascript函数可获取基于和项目信息, 图片,字体和图标 全部在Apache 2.0许可下
gatsby-source-github 用于从Github存储库中将数据提取到Gatsby中的源插件。 如果您想从存储库中提取markdown文件,则可以与gatsby-transform-remark一起使用。技术支持从Github存储库中提取树/文件从Github仓库中...
如果您在github上有Open API yaml文档,并且想要快速浏览? 这是您的Chrome扩展程序。 导航到Open API Yaml… 如果您在github上有Open API yaml文档,并且想要快速浏览? 这是您的Chrome扩展程序。 导航到github上的...
See all open pull requests for your repositories and check them out as if they were a local branch, even if they're from upstream branches or forks. See which pull requests pass commit status checks, ...
因为在网上逛了一天,也没有找到心仪的安装包(重要是要付费的资源),所以嘛,自己动手丰衣足食! 顺便说明一下,小伙伴们,可以在安装后,把整个文件夹拷贝。(路径:C:\Users\[自己的用户名]\AppData\Local\...
OpenPDF is an open source Java library for PDF files OpenPDF is a Java library for creating and editing PDF files with a LGPL and MPL open source license. OpenPDF is the LGPL/MPL open source successor...
open source development (the epitome of collaboration), as well as effective ways to work with one other person — or even yourself over the course of many years! (I don’t know about you, but Sarah ...
A library to easily show open source (GitHub) project contributors Screenshots Usage Add dependency to your build.gradle compile 'com.github.alorma:githubcontributors:0.0.1' new ...