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如何备份和恢复BIG-IP V9.0
BIG-IP version 9.0 - 9.0.5 - How do I back up and recover BIG-IP?
Product: BIG-IP
Version: 9.0 through 9.0.5
Updated: 05/02/2005
How do I back up and recover BIG-IP?
This Solution describes how to back up and restore your configuration data using a UCS configuration archive. Unless your configuration has been customized to run programs that are not normally supported on BIG-IP, the UCS archive will contain all files required to restore your current configuration to a new system.
The .ucs file contains the following configuration data:
All BIG-IP-specific configuration files
BIG-IP product licenses
User accounts and password information
DNS zone files
Installed SSL certificates and keys
Backing up your current configuration data
To back up your current configuration data, perform the following steps:
Log in to the command line.
Save the configuration into a UCS archive by typing the following command, replacing with the name of your choice:
bigpipe config save
Note: F5 Networks recommends that you name the file the same as the BIG-IP host name, since you will need this information before you restore the configuration.
By default, BIG-IP will save the UCS archive file in the /var/local/ucs directory.
Copy the .ucs file to another system for safekeeping.
Note: For specific instructions about copying files to and from BIG-IP, refer to SOL175: How do I copy files from a BIG-IP or 3-DNS to another device?
Important: In addition to user accounts, passwords, and critical system files, the UCS archive file contains the SSL private keys that are used with your SSL proxies. It is important to store the backup UCS archives in an environment that is as secure as where you store your private keys.
Your system is now backed up.
Restoring configuration data
To restore the BIG-IP configuration, use one of the following procedures:
Restore the configuration data for a system that is currently running system software
Install the operating system and restore the configuration data to a new system
Restore the configuration data for a system that is currently running system software
If you are using a system that already has system software running, and you do not want to reinstall the software, perform the following steps:
Copy the UCS archive file to the system.
Note: For specific instructions about copying files to and from BIG-IP, refer to SOL175: How do I copy files from a BIG-IP or 3-DNS to another device?
Set the hostname of the system to match the hostname of the system on which the UCS archive was created, by typing the following command:
Important: If you do not set the hostname to match the original hostname, the configuration restoration will fail.
Restore the configuration from the UCS archive, by typing the following command, replacing with the name of your UCS archive file&#58
bigpipe config install
If you are running BIG-IP version 9.x on a 1500, 3400, 6400, or 6800 hardware platform, type the following command to verify that the new or replaced SSH keys from the UCS file are synchronized between the BIG-IP and the SCCP:
keyswap.sh sccp
Note: For additional information about synchronizing SSH keys, refer to SOL3759: How do I synchronize SSH keys between the BIG-IP host system and the SCCP?
Reboot the system, by typing the following command:
When the system reboots, it will load the restored configuration.
Install the operating system and restore the configuration data to a new system
To install the operating system and restore configuration data to a new system, perform the following steps:
Network boot the system software from the CD-ROM drive.
Note: For specific instructions, refer to SOL4411: How do I reinstall the BIG-IP system software?
After the system software installs, reboot the system by typing the following command:
Connect to the serial port.
Log in to the command line.
Type the following command:
Follow the prompts to configure the system with an IP address.
Copy the UCS archive file to the system.
Note: For specific instructions about copying files to and from BIG-IP, refer to SOL175: How do I copy files from a BIG-IP or 3-DNS to another device?
Set the hostname of the system to match the hostname of the system on which the UCS archive was created, by typing the following command:
Important: If you do not set the hostname to match the original hostname, the configuration restoration will fail.
Restore the configuration from the UCS archive, by typing the following command, replacing with the name of your UCS archive file&#58
bigpipe config install
If you are running BIG-IP version 9.x on a 1500, 3400, 6400, or 6800 hardware platform, type the following command to verify that the new or replaced SSH keys from the UCS file are synchronized between the BIG-IP and the SCCP:
keyswap.sh sccp
Note: For additional information about synchronizing SSH keys, refer to SOL3759: How do I synchronize SSH keys between the BIG-IP host system and the SCCP?
Reboot the system, by typing the following command:
When the system reboots, it will load the restored configuration.
If you restored the backup on an RMA system, you must now license the system.
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