Hi PerlMonks,
I'm using SOAP::Lite to do some online payments. The whole mechanism is set on separate machine which is communicating with payment gateway. So WWW machine sends a message to invoke SOAP::Lite and SOAP message is sent to payment gateway.
In development I had both "machines" running on one (separate instances) and there was no problem, but the moment it went on two separate machines I got this error from SOAP::Lite :
Code execution error: Method [ method_name ] returned error: Insecure dependency in eval while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/SOAP/Lite.pm line 3225
Any idea?
----------------------------------------------------------------------Hi, I tried the trick (added in new line 3363):
sub generate_stub {
$self->{'_stub'} = $1 if $self->{'_stub'} =~ /^(.*)/;
return $self->stub;
and the error has changes . Now it's:
Code execution error: Method [ method_name ] returned error: Bad stub: at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/SOAP/Lite.pm line 3669
which with moving one line bellow (adding the fix line) is:
my %services = %{$self->schema->parse(@_)->load->services};
So the fix won't do.
As for the code example, I'll try to make something later during the day, but it's not so easy because I have XMLRPC web service calling SOAP service. And like I said, when it's on the same machine (but running on two different instances) everything's fine. When I put this SOAP to other machine I get this.
I "solved" the problem just by adding
my $result = $1 if ($self->generate_stub($_) =~ m{^(.+)}s);
eval $result or Carp::croak "Bad stub: $@";
which was previously
eval $self->generate_stub($_) or Carp::croak "Bad stub: $@";
and it works now. Not really elegant, but I need this urgently so it should do. Alfter that I'm getting this warning message:
could not find ParserDetails.ini in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/XML/SAX
Is this related?
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