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iOS Developer Enterprise Program

Who should apply to the iOS Developer Enterprise Program?

Developers who are creating proprietary in-house iOS apps should apply to the iOS Developer Enterprise Program. A Dun & Bradstreet (D-U-N-S) Number is required for enrollment.

I don't have a D-U-N-S Number. Can I still apply to the iOS Developer Enterprise Program?

A Dun & Bradstreet (D-U-N-S) Number is required for enrollment in the iOS Developer Enterprise Program. If your company does not currently have a D-U-N-S number, your company will need to obtain one from Dun & Bradstreet prior to enrolling in the Program.

I am enrolled in the iOS Developer Enterprise Program. Can I distribute my applications on the App Store?

The ability to distribute applications on the App Store is available to developers who enroll in the iOS Developer Program as an Individual or a Company. The iOS Developer Enterprise Program only allows you to distribute your applications to employees or members of your organization through Ad Hoc distribution. If your company is enrolled in the Enterprise Program but would also like to distribute your application(s) to customers via the App Store, you will need to enroll in theiOS Developer Program as an Individual or as a Company.

I am a developer who wants to create an in house app for my client. Can I join the iOS Developer Enterprise Program to do that?

The iOS Developer Enterprise Program should be used to develop and distribute proprietary in-house applications to your own employees within your own company. As such, your company would not qualify for direct Program enrollment in this situation. We would suggest that your client apply for enrollment in the Program, and, once enrolled in the Program, your client may add the appropriate developers from your company to their iOS Development Team.




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