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【转】Save SHSH Blobs for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch with TinyUmbrella


Using TinyUmbrella you can save SHSH blobs for iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPad and iPod Touch 3G, 2G. In this guide you’ll learn how to save SHSH blobs for iOS 4.0.1, 4.0, 3.1.x firmware with TinyUmbrella in both Windows and Mac OS X.

save shsh blobs iphone ipad ipod touch

What Is TinyUmbrella?

TinyUmbrella is a unified version of Firmware Umbrella and TinyTSS. For more details, click here.

Why To Save SHSH Blobs?

If you jailbreak your iPhone/iPod Touch or want to do so in near future, it’s a good idea to save SHSH blobs for iOS 4.0.1, iOS 4.0 or any upcoming firmware to secure future jailbreak. The developer of the TinyUmbrella has explained why to save SHSH blobs in details here. Whenever a new firmware comes out Apple stops signing the older firmware which cannot be restored then. But if you’ve SHSH blobs for a firmware which Apple has already stopped signing, you can always restore back to that one no matter how many firmwares are released after that. Apple will stop signing the current iOS as soon as the new iOS firmware is released, so it’s best time to save SHSH blobs using the guide below.

This TinyUmbrella Guide Applies To:

  • iPhone 4 (Make sure device is connected. Read details here)
  • iPhone 3GS,  3G
  • iPod Touch 3G, 2G
  • iPad


  • TinyUmbrella can save SHSH blobs regardless of jailbreak.
  • You can save SHSH blobs for iOS 4.x even if you’re on OS 3.1.3 or older.
  • It does not matter what firmware version is on the device TinyUmbrella will get the currently signed firmware by default.
  • iPhone 2G and iPod Touch 1G users do NOT need to save SHSH blobs

Follow the Steps mentioned below to save SHSH blobs of iOS 4.x, 3.x firmware for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 2G (MC).

How to Save SHSH Blobs for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Simple Mode

  1. Run the TinyUmbrella. (Mac users: Copy the app to your desktop or you’ll get repeating password prompts if you ran the app from within the DMG).
  2. Now Connect your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS3G, iPod Touch 3G or iPod Touch 2G or iPad to your computer
  3. Now Simply Hit the Save My SHSH button and TinyUmbrella will grab SHSH blobs of the latest firmware for the connected device. This will also generate a ticket to save SHSH blobs to Saurik’s server.

save shsh blobs tinyumbrellasave shsh blobs tinyumbrellasave shsh blobs tinyumbrella
(Click to Zoom)

All Done! You have secured your future jailbreak by saving SHSH blobs for iOS 4 using TinyUmbrella. You can find the saved SHSH file under:

Advanced Options

If you’ve SHSH blobs saved via Cydia for an older firmware and want to get those old SHSH blobs into your computer or want to save SHSH blobs without connecting your device (not possible for iPhone 4) simply by providing ECID, then use the advanced options. You can also download latest firmware blobs via Advanced options.

  1. Connect your Device to your computer and fire up the TinyUmbrella.
  2. Check mark the advanced options.
  3. ECID: TinyUmbrella auto detects your iDevice ECID or you can enter manually if device not connected. (How to: Check ECID)
  4. Device/Version: Select your device and the firmware version for which you have saved SHSH blobs on Saurik server or the latest one.
  5. Locations
    Select Cydia or Apple. This is what these options do:


    • Cydia: searches for SHSH blobs on Cydia. If found, then it downloads them to your PC. If NOT found, then it pings Apple server for the blobs and download them to you PC if being signed by Apple and also submits a ticket to Cydia server to save blobs there.
    • Apple: Directly pings Apple server and download SHSH blobs for currently signed firmware to your Computer. It does NOT submit a ticket to Cydia for saving SHSH there or download older blobs.
  6. Hit the Save my SHSH button.

save shsh blobssave shsh blobssave shsh blobs
(Click to Zoom)

This way TinyUmrella will save SHSH blobs for latest firmware or older firmware (if already saved at Saurik server). This will download and save your older SHSH on file, that are already at Saurik server, into your computer.

Now Click on Display SHSH to confirm that SHSH blobs has been saved. There’s also a link “Click here to Open” in the Log (the bottom text section) to view the saved SHSH blobs (See the 3rd screenshot under advanced options)

save shsh blobs

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