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Chaining of TDD


* Checklist
1 Pucharm
2 Firefox
3 Cmd:  pip list, hehave selenium


* Feature
Cost of development
1 Cost of communication(
2 Wall between dep
3 Time zone
4 Language
5 Vendor

* Test tools
PyCHarm Community Edition

* BDD/TDD/Code review/Verify

* Test case
Give I'm using the system as a call center user
when I type a phone num on th search field
and I click on search
then I see the results contains the client anme and address base on my search.
Phone num |name |address
10000  Tom New York

* Dont's in test case
1 make test auto the end goal
2 focus on a tool
3 have y/n answer in ur examples
4 have absract class of equivalence
5 explore every conbinatorial possibility
6 over specify exam

Exercise: Black Jack
Story 1
As a player
I want to know the card points of mine, so that I can tell if I need more card(select an option)

Given I'm a player
When I have some <cards>
then I should know the <points>
cards |points
10, A BJ
A,A,8 20
7,5,9 over flow
When he has Ace,
and only 2 cards and the other is 10
then his total points is BJ
when treate Ace as 11 and sum is less then 21
then treate this sum as total points
when other case, treate ace as 1

Story 2
As a play
I want to know if I win or lost

Given I"m a player
When the game is over and I have some <cards>
then I should know the <result>
player |holder  |result
give up na  give up

when user give up
then he lost

when user buy insurance
and dealer get black jack,
then user win

when the player's points is larger than dealer
then he win

when the player's points is less or equals than dealer
then player lost

Story 3: Opetion to player:
when dealer's first card is Ace
and he has only 2 cards
player has option to buy insurance

when dealer's points is large
====================================== Day 2
Group: BA,QA,Dev
 domain, Technical

Prastic case
Source code:  Ruby: 4905
  js:   1982533
Unit test: Ruby: 3217
  js:   3279
Scenario Ruby: 598





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