It's 2014 and while we don't have flying cars just yet it looks like interactive holographic displays could be a reality rather soon. The not-so-cleverly-named Leia Display System(LDS) uses a combination of light, water-vapor and air to provide a transparent canvas for projected images while sensors track movement and touch inputs from users. The videos we've embedded below show all manner of poking and prodding by users, a bit of Minority Report-style pinching and zooming things in mid-air and even using gestures to rotate and flick stuff out of the way. There's even a sample with a Mercedes sedan driving through the curtain and it "shattering" around the vehicle as it passes through.
As of now, the screens come in 95cm x 65cm (roughly 37 inches by 25 inches) and 3m x 2.5m (around 10 foot by 8 foot) versions, with the latter able to be linked with other displays for an even bigger installation. The tech's Polish creator says that the LDS mostly has been requested for use in digital signage and advertising so far, but that it gets "non-standard" use requests pretty regularly. Here's to hoping that we see it used for more than just shilling products in the near future -- let's save that for Michael Jackson, okay?
Kodi(前身是XBMC)媒体中心,是一个屡获殊荣的自由和开源的跨平台媒体播放器和用于HTPC(Home theater PC,家庭影院PC)的数字媒体娱乐中心软件。这是最新的18.0版本
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科迪Kodi(以前称为XBMC)是一个免费的开放源代码媒体播放器软件应用程序,由XBMC基金会(一家非营利技术联盟)开发。 Kodi可用于多种操作系统和硬件平台,配有软件10英尺用户界面,可用于电视机和遥控器。...
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LeapMotion 光环模板 这个 Halo 模板包括 THREE.LeapMotion 使 LeapMotion 原型制作成为一个一步过程。 三、飞跃 LeapMotion 的接口适配器,使其更容易在 THREE.JS 内部工作 活动 HAND_CLOSED HAND_UPDSIDE_DOWN ...
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