What is UPIK®?
Unique Partner Identification Key (UPIK®) is a standardized, clear, and company-wide identification system.
The Unique Partner Identification Key is based on the D&B D-U-N-S® Number. The D&B D-U-N-S® Number enables the clear classification of business partners on a global level.
Business partner information on any company can be newly added and updated at the UPIK® platform.
UPIK® was developed by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verband der Automobilindustrie, VDA) and the German Chemical Industry Association (Verband der Chemischen Industrie, VCI) in cooperation with D&B Germany.
The UPIK® identification system is directed primarily at all factories, business locations, and delivery addresses in the automobile and chemical industries, as well as suppliers to these industries.
What advantages does UPIK® offer?
Business partners and locations are classified in a uniform manner. This allows master data to be easily modified and updated. It also eases order and delivery processes.
Each company worldwide is allocated one unique D&B D-U-N-S� Number. This enables clear identification of companies and suppliers in the automotive and chemical industries:
- Existing supplier/customer keys can be supplemented or replaced
- The transparency of data is considerably increased thanks to a source of data that is always correct and current
- Duplicate entries are avoided and expenditures associated with updating data are significantly reduced
Participants can use UPIK� free of charge at any time without technical expenditure.
How does UPIK® work?
The cooperative efforts of participants are key to the success of UPIK�: Each company updates its own data, thus ensuring that UPIK� stays current. The continuously updated company data is collected and managed on the UPIK� platform. All affiliated partners can access this data.
Many national and international companies have already joined the UPIK� program. Discover the advantages for your company!
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