When i was a SHS2 student, i fell in love with a lovely girl...she is pretty, smart, and naughty...But the other day, she went away with another guy..perhaps it was just her choice, or perhaps i cannot give what she dreams. whatever,she left me, and from then on, it seems to be suffering a horriable disaster.
when she loved me, i ignored her; when she left me, i just feel how much i love her. and its too late, she wont come back again. i don wanna know why so, i am scared and unwilling.
perhaps, this is the most penitential thing in my life.
i am so frustrated that i missed too many good girls. deeply in my heart, i really would like to have a girl to be in company with me the left timing. but i am self-contemptuous, i do fear to face the girl when she knows where i am from, how poor i am. it seems to be a big worrior to they guys from rural areas. or it is just to me!
now all i can do is just to study harder and harder to win a good future, and make my parents live a confortable life.Fighting, man!You can do it!
基于UCI Heart Disease数据集的心脏病分析python源码+数据集+演示ppt+详细资料.zip基于UCI Heart Disease数据集的心脏病分析python源码+数据集+演示ppt+详细资料.zip基于UCI Heart Disease数据集的心脏病分析python...
svm测试数据下载:heart_scale.mat load heart_scale model = svmtrain(heart_scale_label, heart_scale_inst, '-c 1 -g 0.07'); [predict_label, accuracy, dec_values] = svmpredict(heart_scale_label, heart_...
Heart Disease UCI数据集是机器学习领域中一个经典的数据集,用于预测患者是否患有冠状动脉疾病(简称心脏病)。这个数据集源自University of California, Irvine(UCI)机器学习仓库,是一个广泛使用的资源,帮助...
UCI Heart Disease 数据集原始数据 UCI Heart Disease Dataset 是一个心脏病数据集,其包含共计 76 个属性,但是所有已发布的实验均引用其中 14 个属性的子集,其中克利夫兰数据库是 ML 研究人员使用过的唯一数据库...
09.My Heart Will Go On[我心永恒]_萨克斯_[APE] 萨克斯版的APE文件,可以用 千千静听 转换为MP3格式,由于文件较大分为两个文件 09.My Heart Will Go On[我心永恒]_萨克斯_[APE].part1 09.My Heart Will Go On[我...
nrf51822 BLE heartrate
"heart_count.zip_51 心率_Heart rate sensor_心率_心率 51_心率计 51"这个项目的核心是通过集成红外压力传感器来获取人体的心率数据,并在LCD1602显示器上实时显示。让我们逐一解析其中的关键技术点。 首先,51...
这里的"heart.csv、gisette.csv+elevators.csv+glass.csv"提到的三个CSV文件,分别代表三个不同的数据集,可以用于训练和评估不同的机器学习模型。 1. **heart.csv**: 这个数据集通常用于预测心脏病的发生。它可能...
"Heartbreaker"这个标题可能是指一个特定的字体设计项目或者一款独特的字体。在这个场景下,我们可以深入探讨字体设计的基本概念、Heartbreaker字体的特点以及如何在不同的应用中使用这种字体。 字体设计是一门艺术...
《深入理解Godot游戏引擎:以"heart_bars.zip"为例》 在游戏开发领域,Godot游戏引擎凭借其开源、跨平台以及强大的2D和3D功能,逐渐获得了开发者们的青睐。本篇文章将深入探讨如何利用Godot来创建一个"heart_bars...
4 databases: ... The "goal" field refers to the presence of heart disease in the patient. It is integer valued from 0 (no presence) to 4. Experiments with the Cleveland database have concentrated
To Heart2 R18_V9的补丁哦 ~
heart rate produced by algorithms embedded in the commercially available optical heart rate sensor. An analysis of the raw PPG signal is necessary to fully assess the usability of PPG for heart rate ...
【标题】"heart_scale"指的是一个专用于心脏疾病预测的数据集,它被设计为MATLAB环境中的使用。MATLAB是一种广泛应用于科学计算、数据分析和工程领域的编程语言,因其强大的矩阵和数组操作功能而受到青睐。 【描述...