today, app raise one database deadlock, from googleed, it said it is my app design issue.
keep trace log as backup. trying to solve it.
SQL> select object_name from dba_objects where object_id=57327;
Deadlock graph:
---------Blocker(s)-------- ---------Waiter(s)---------
Resource Name process session holds waits process session holds waits
TM-0000dfef-00000000 148 242 SX 89 1069 SX SSX
TX-000a0011-00002f93 89 1069 X 148 242 X
session 242: DID 0001-0094-00000002 session 1069: DID 0001-0059-00000002
session 1069: DID 0001-0059-00000002 session 242: DID 0001-0094-00000002
Rows waited on:
Session 242: obj - rowid = 0000DFEF - AAAN/vAAJAAACtxABV
(dictionary objn - 57327, file - 9, block - 11121, slot - 85)
Session 1069: no row
----- Information for the OTHER waiting sessions -----
Session 1069:
sid: 1069 ser: 1 audsid: 302357 user: 69/SA
flags: (0x45) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
flags2: (0x40009) -/-/INC
pid: 89 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 10889
image: oracle@A15-fm-1
client details:
O/S info: user: , term: , ospid: 1234
machine: A15-fm-1 program:
current SQL:
delete from V00_00_00.NodeInfoBase where m_nodeId=:1
----- End of information for the OTHER waiting sessions -----
Information for THIS session:
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=cwu2js263cgt9) -----
update V00_00_00.NEComponentEntity set componentIndex=:1, componentType=:2, m_nodeId=:3, accessControlDataStatus=:4, accessControlSignalingStatus=:5, administrativeState=:6, alarmStatus=:7, cellBarring=:8, componentName=:9, ecgi=:10, oneXACBarringProfile=:11, operationalState=:12, PARENT_NODE_ID=:13, unknownStatus=:14 where componentId=:15
- `java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource`: 两个或多个事务因相互等待对方释放资源而陷入死锁。通过死锁检测工具或优化事务处理逻辑来解决。 9. **权限问题** - `...
9. **ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource** - 死锁检测到等待资源。这和ORA-00054类似,都是指死锁情况,解决方法也相同。 10. **ORA-00074: missing clause** - 指SQL语句中缺少必要的...
#### ORA-00061: Deadlock detected while waiting for resource - **解释**: 等待资源时检测到死锁。 - **解决方案**: 重新组织事务处理逻辑以避免死锁。 #### ORA-00062: Unable to get DML lock - **解释**: ...
-- Some operation that causes an ORA-00060 error EXCEPTION WHEN deadlock_detected THEN -- handle the error END; 对于用户自定义异常,只能在 PL/SQL 块中的声明部分声明异常,异常的名字由 EXCEPTION ...
ORA-000060: Deadlock detected. More info in file e:\oracle\admin\GEDEON\udump\ORA01784.TRC. ``` 这些日志条目可以帮助定位死锁发生的具体位置以及相关的进程和会话信息。 ##### 3.2 使用跟踪文件 除了alert...