mobin是intel公司主推的MID(mobile internet device)上基于X86架构下的linux 内核的操作系统,可以自由定制,具体参照。Android是google的手机操作系统(主要运行在ARM架构下,X86也能运行),随着移动互联网业界MID、上网本、和只能手机界限的模糊,两者的功能角色有了一定程度的重合。下面做一个简单的分析。
3、开发环境差异。mobin上使用GTK/GLIB的图形开发类库,android上有一个Dalvik virtual machine非标准的java虚拟机,可以以java的语法进行开发应用。GTK的开发门槛要比java高许多,开发人员的数量也要少很多。如果要定制mobin,可以考虑在moblin上引入一个开发平台(配合引入第四点)。
4、app store,苹果公司的app store运营获得巨大的成功,android也有一个类似的东西。但是intel和moblin
Moblin Image Creator (MIC):
allows developers to create a custom Linux file system for a device. Using MIC, a platform developer can choose which components from Moblin they want on their device, build the target file system, copy all the necessary files to a USB pen drive and load it onto the target.
platform-specific patches to the Linux kernel and various other device drivers.
UI Framework:
screen interface and its underlying GTK-based framework, which uses the Hildon application framework.
Power Management Policy:
extending and enhancing existing Linux power management capabilities
the Moblin browser is full-featured web browser based on Mozilla technologies with a finger-driven UI and MID UI integration. The Moblin browser supports key plug-ins like Adobe Flash.
audio and video playback and photo viewing including Helix or GStreamer multimedia frameworks.
Linux Connection Manager:
Internet connections that can be extended through plug-ins to support various wired or wireless technologies.
Handset layouts:
The platform is adaptable to larger, VGA, 2D graphics library, 3D graphics library based on OpenGL ES 1.0 specifications, and traditional smartphone layouts.
The Database Software SQLite is used for data storage purposes
Android supports connectivity technologies including GSM/EDGE, CDMA, EV-DO, UMTS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.
SMS and MMS are available forms of messaging including threaded text messaging.
Web browser:
Main article: WebKit
The web browser available in Android is based on the open-source WebKit application framework.
Dalvik virtual machine:
Software written in Java can be compiled into Dalvik bytecodes and executed in the Dalvik virtual machine, which is a specialized VM implementation designed for mobile device use, although not technically a standard Java Virtual Machine.
Media support:
Android will support audio/video/still media formats such as MPEG-4, H.264, MP3, AAC, OGG, AMR, JPEG, PNG, GIF.
Additional hardware support:
Android can utilize video/still cameras, touchscreens, GPS, accelerometers, and accelerated 3D graphics.
Development environment:
Includes a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, a plugin for the Eclipse IDE.
Similar to the App Store on the iPhone, The Android Market is a catalog of applications that can be downloaded and installed to target hardware over-the-air, without the use of a PC. Currently only freeware applications are supported, although Google has announced plans to allow developers to offer paid applications as well.
"Moblin 1.0 UI Framework" 是一个专为移动设备设计的用户界面框架,它主要针对基于Linux操作系统的便携式设备,如上网本、移动互联网设备(MID)和智能手机。Moblin项目由Intel发起,旨在提供轻量级、高效且用户...
"IDF 2008 TP For Moblin" 和 "IDF 2008 Taiwan For Moblin" 提到的是2008年英特尔开发者论坛(Intel Developer Forum, IDF)在台湾举行的一场活动,专注于Moblin项目。Moblin是一个开放源代码的操作系统平台,主要...
本文将详细介绍Moblin的安装过程、开发环境搭建以及库的应用,旨在帮助开发者理解和掌握Moblin项目的基本架构。 1. Moblin SDK的安装与配置 Moblin SDK是开发Moblin应用的重要工具,包含了创建特殊平台构建环境所...
Moblin(Mobile Linux)是一个基于Linux的开源操作系统,设计用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑。它由Intel公司发起,后来成为MeeGo的一部分,旨在提供高效能和低资源占用,优化用户体验。 描述中的"Can't see ...
文章提到了GENIVI和Moblin对特定汽车硬件设备(例如,CAN总线上网络特定的设备)的支持,而这些设备在Android上尚未得到实现。但是,由于Android的开源特性,用户可以对终端程序进行安装和卸载。 文章接着详细介绍...
Moblin的发展潜力巨大,因为它不仅仅是Andriod的提供者和应用开发倡导者,而且还是推动者,受到业界的极大关注。 随着云计算技术的普及,移动终端平台的开发趋势也逐渐向云服务靠拢。云计算使得开发者可以依托云...
Moblin 是一个基于 Linux 的操作系统平台,专为移动互联网设备(MID)、上网本和其他互联网中心设备设计。该平台由 Intel 开发并维护,旨在为用户提供更加快速、高效的互联网体验。Moblin 2.0 版本是该平台的重要...
Something about Moblin 2.0
Moblin项目的关键技术和项目包括: - **图形用户界面优化**:通过集成最新的图形库和技术,优化用户界面的交互体验。 - **电源管理技术**:研究并实施高效的电源管理方案,以实现更长的电池续航时间。 - **无线通信...
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