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尽管美国国际集团(AIG)新任首席执行长本默切(Robert Benmosche)表示在出售高价资产方面要有耐心,这家陷入困境的保险公司仍不排除迅速分拆的可能,目前正着手出售较小型业务,比如AIG同意出售给香港知名商人李泽楷的资产管理部门。本默切上个月接任AIG首席执行长一职后不久随即表示,如果他可以拿到一个更好的价格的话,他可能会等上至多3年,为两个规模达数十亿美元寿险部门引入投资者。不过知情人士说,为这两个部门明年初开始的首次公开募股(IPO)而进行的准备工作仍在继续之中,这让AIG有了灵活性,可以在本默切认为适宜的时候行动。所以,如果本默切认为市场形势可能恶化的话,AIG可能会迅速行动。AIG目前正着手出售业务,以便帮助偿还去年9月政府提供的数百亿美元联邦救助资金。该公司拒绝置评。AIG上周六表示,已经同意把一个重要的资产管理部门出售给李泽楷的私人投资公司盈科拓展集团。李泽楷最初将支付3亿美元现金收购AIG Investments,还将为与该部门未来业绩相关联的附带收益和其他款项向AIG支付2亿美元。这个价码远远低于几个月前一些潜在竞标者曾讨论过的约8亿美元的价格。价格的变动显示出本默切面临的一个风险──随着时间的推移,AIG受损的形像将导致其业务价值缩水。在美国政府出手救助之后,AIG Investments所管理的部分类别资产下滑,价值缩水,交易协议中提出的基于业绩的条件显示出对更多问题的担忧。AIG Investments为全球32个国家的客户管理着890亿美元资产。它的资产包括私募股权基金以基金为投资对象的对冲基金股票和固定收益。在经历了近来一系列引人注目的挫败后,这次的收购对李泽楷来说是个大胆的举措。李泽楷是香港最大的电信企业电讯盈科主席亚洲超级富豪李嘉诚的次子。Liam Pleven / Rick Carew相关阅读李泽楷斥资5亿美元收购AIG亚洲资产管理业务 2009-09-07AIG出售亚洲资产考验投资者耐心 2009-09-01AIG不急于剥离子公司 将等待至多三年 2009-08-28 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年09月08日11:34', 'AIG'));美国国际集团英文名称:American International Group Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:AIGdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年09月08日11:34', 'PCY.YY'));盈科拓展集团英文名称:Pacific Century Group Holdings Ltd.总部地点:香港
While American International Group Inc.'s new CEO preaches patience on selling big-ticket assets, the hobbled insurer is still leaving open the option of quick spinoffs and is shedding smaller units like the asset-management division it agreed to sell to prominent Hong Kong businessman Richard Li.Soon after taking AIG's top job last month, Robert Benmosche said he might wait as long as three years to offer investors a stake in two multibillion-dollar life-insurance units if he could get a better price. But the work to get them ready for initial public offerings of stock starting early next year is nonetheless continuing, which gives AIG the flexibility to act when Mr. Benmosche sees fit, people familiar with the matter say. So AIG could move quickly if, for instance, he thinks market conditions might deteriorate.AIG is selling off businesses to help repay tens of billions of dollars that it owes the government due to a federal bailout last September. The company declined to comment.AIG said Saturday it had agreed to sell a major asset-management unit to Mr. Li's private investment vehicle, Pacific Century Group. Mr. Li will pay an initial $300 million in cash on closing for AIG Investments, and an additional $200 million in carried interest and other payments linked to future performance of the business.The price tag is well below the roughly $800 million some potential bidders had discussed paying for the asset-management unit several months ago. The range in values shows one risk confronting Mr. Benmosche -- that AIG's battered image will make its businesses worth less over time.The assets under management at AIG Investments fell in some categories after the bailout, cutting into its value, and the performance-based conditions tied to the deal suggest concern about further problems. AIG Investments manages $89 billion for clients in 32 countries. Its assets include private-equity funds, 'hedge funds-of-funds,' stocks and fixed income.The purchase is a bold venture for Mr. Li after recent high-profile setbacks. Mr. Li is chairman of Hong Kong's biggest telecommunications firm, PCCW Ltd., and the younger son of Li Ka-shing, one of the wealthiest men in Asia.Liam Pleven / Rick Carew
While American International Group Inc.'s new CEO preaches patience on selling big-ticket assets, the hobbled insurer is still leaving open the option of quick spinoffs and is shedding smaller units like the asset-management division it agreed to sell to prominent Hong Kong businessman Richard Li.Soon after taking AIG's top job last month, Robert Benmosche said he might wait as long as three years to offer investors a stake in two multibillion-dollar life-insurance units if he could get a better price. But the work to get them ready for initial public offerings of stock starting early next year is nonetheless continuing, which gives AIG the flexibility to act when Mr. Benmosche sees fit, people familiar with the matter say. So AIG could move quickly if, for instance, he thinks market conditions might deteriorate.AIG is selling off businesses to help repay tens of billions of dollars that it owes the government due to a federal bailout last September. The company declined to comment.AIG said Saturday it had agreed to sell a major asset-management unit to Mr. Li's private investment vehicle, Pacific Century Group. Mr. Li will pay an initial $300 million in cash on closing for AIG Investments, and an additional $200 million in carried interest and other payments linked to future performance of the business.The price tag is well below the roughly $800 million some potential bidders had discussed paying for the asset-management unit several months ago. The range in values shows one risk confronting Mr. Benmosche -- that AIG's battered image will make its businesses worth less over time.The assets under management at AIG Investments fell in some categories after the bailout, cutting into its value, and the performance-based conditions tied to the deal suggest concern about further problems. AIG Investments manages $89 billion for clients in 32 countries. Its assets include private-equity funds, 'hedge funds-of-funds,' stocks and fixed income.The purchase is a bold venture for Mr. Li after recent high-profile setbacks. Mr. Li is chairman of Hong Kong's biggest telecommunications firm, PCCW Ltd., and the younger son of Li Ka-shing, one of the wealthiest men in Asia.Liam Pleven / Rick Carew
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标题 "AIG逻辑构建" 指向的主题是关于一种逻辑综合优化的数据结构构建方法,它针对了基于二元决策图(BDD)的局限性。在这个领域,AIG(And-Inverter Graph,与非门图)作为一种替代数据结构被广泛应用。让我们深入...
电信光猫TEWA-300AIG,新疆乌鲁木齐全新的U盘导出的配置文件。用户名:telecomadmin 密码:nE7jA%5m
TEWA-300AIG配置文件超级用户telecomadmin导出 TEWA-300AIG用了我几天的时间,网上教程都是针对 TEWA-300AI的,G太难破解,淘宝最少25远程,但发扬分享、DIY及折腾精神,我们一起研究吧,最终破解方法我没开搞了,...
昆腾数据备份解决方案通过整合重复数据删除磁盘、磁带和异地复制技术,在提高AIG公司遵守萨班斯法案(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)力度的同时,每年为公司节省了200,000美元的介质成本。萨班斯法案是美国立法机构为了提高...
And-Inverter Graph (AIG) 是一种在电子设计自动化领域常用的布尔代数表示形式,用于逻辑综合、逻辑仿真和逻辑优化等任务。OCaml 是一种功能强大的、静态类型的、基于ML语言的编程语言,以其类型系统和高效编译而...
### 企业级AIG应用解决方案——洞元科技 #### 一、概述 洞元科技是一家致力于为企业提供全方位人工智能(AI)应用解决方案的高科技企业。其核心产品“洞元AI Control”旨在帮助企业快速构建人工智能生成内容(AIGC)...
在"convnet-aig-master"这个压缩包中,我们可以期待找到以下内容: 1. `README.md`:项目介绍、安装指南、使用示例和贡献指南。 2. `models/`:包含实现自适应推理图的卷积网络模型代码。 3. `data/`:可能存储训练...
DLF-AIG元数据评估工作组 这是DLF AIG元数据工作组网站和工具包的沙盒或开发站点。 沙箱将部署到进行查看。 请参阅位于的Live / Production / Current站点,以及位于的实时站点的资源库。 我们决定为此沙盒创建一...
本压缩包"aig.zip"包含了Windows编程与Visual C++的相关资料,特别是"aig"这个主C源文件,为我们提供了宝贵的实践学习资源。 Windows编程的核心在于理解Windows API(Application Programming Interface),它是...
根据提供的文件信息,本篇论文主要阐述了在等价电子杨盘的杨算符约化基础上,确定Aig[λ]的定义法和将Aig[λ]中的算符分解为α算符的正序积的分解规则。下面将详细介绍这一过程。 首先,让我们来理解Aig[λ]的含义...