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Chinese Hummer A Threat To US Security?

通用汽车(GM)将悍马(Hummer)品牌出售给中国买家是否会威胁到美国的国家安全?鉴于此前中国在美国的多项大规模投资都因这种担忧而搁浅,提出这个问题也是很自然的事情。www.midlandslimos.com代表圣地亚哥地区的国会议员亨特(Duncan Hunter)说,我们需要讽刺地看待这个问题,流向中国或中国企业的任何资金都会在某种程度上增强中国的军力。不过将要收购悍马的四川腾中重工机械有限公司(Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co., 简称:腾中重工)并不是由中国政府所有,通用汽车的悍马也与美国军方的Humvee不同。后者是由Renco Group旗下的AM General生产的。事实上,让悍马名气大增的更可能是灯红酒绿之夜这款豪华加长轿车带来的冲击,而不是其作为美军实力的象征。不过,亨特说,悍马的出售将进一步吞食美国的制造业基础,同时推动中国的经济增长。这位曾参加了伊拉克和阿富汗战争的前海军陆战队士兵说,我们唯一可做的就是说:我们不喜欢这样。我不知道我们能做些什么阻止这项出售。美国国会对悍马的出售基本保持沉默,《华尔街日报》报导称,奥巴马政府对计划中的出售持欢迎态度。国会也未对中投公司(China Investment Corp.)周二以12亿美元购买摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的股票发表意见。此次认股将使中投公司持有摩根士丹利的股份比例重新达到9.9%。这与美国国会在2005年时的表现形成了鲜明反差,当时民主党人和共和党人一致反对中海油(Cnooc)以185亿美元收购加州联合石油公司(Unocal),因为这项交易将使中国企业控制美国的大型石油公司。中海油最终取消了收购。过去曾对中国收购美国公司提出质疑的议员,如共和党参议员格拉斯利(Charles Grassley)没有回复要求就悍马交易置评的电话。是华盛顿承认了中国是提振美国经济主要元素的事实?还是议员们认为中国拥有悍马实在谈不上是什么威胁?Michael Corkery(“并购看台”实时报导影响华尔街格局的交易和交易撮合人,包括并购融资私人资本运营和破产,由Heidi N. Moore主笔。)相关阅读中国腾中重工欲重振悍马 2009-06-04四川腾中重工将收购通用汽车的悍马子公司 2009-06-03通用汽车拟舍弃四大品牌以求自保 2009-02-20 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年06月04日10:36', 'G'));吉列公司英文名称:Genpact Ltd.总部地点:百慕大(Bermuda)上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:Gdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年06月04日10:36', 'GM'));General Motors Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:GM

Is the sale of GM's Hummer brand to a Chinese buyer a threat to U.S. national security?Considering the number of high-profile Chinese investments in the U.S. that have been knocked down by such concerns, it is natural that the question would arise.'We have to look at this cynically,' says Duncan Hunter, a freshman Republican Congressman, representing the San Diego area. 'Any money that is going to China or to Chinese companies is contributing in some way to China's military buildup.'But Hummer's prospective buyer, Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industries Machinery, isn't controlled by the Chinese government, and GM's Hummer is different from the U.S. military's Humvee, which is made by Indiana's AM General, which is owned by Renco Group.In fact, the Hummer is probably better known as the inspiration for stretch limos (left) that are popular on prom night than as a symbol of U.S. military might.Still, Hunter says the Hummer sale would further erode the U.S. manufacturing base, while boosting the Chinese economy. 'But all we can do is say, we don't like it. I am not sure what we can do' to block the sale, says Hunter, a former Marine who served recent tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.Congress has kept mostly mum on the Hummer sale, while the Wall Street Journal notes that the Obama administration applauded the planned sale. Congress also has been quiet about China Investment Corp.'s purchase on Tuesday of $1.2 billion in Morgan Stanley shares, returning its ownership of the U.S. bank-holding company to 9.9%It is a far cry from the Congress of 2005, which Democrats and Republicans alike objected to Cnooc's $18.5 billion bid for Unocal, a deal that would have given a Chinese company control of a large U.S. petroleum company. (In the end, Cnooc pulled the offer.)Lawmakers who questioned past Chinese bids for U.S. companies, such as Republican Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, didn't return calls seeking comment on the Hummer bid.Is Washington resigned to the fact that the Chinese are a key component of propping up the U.S. economy? Or have lawmakers decided that Chinese-owned Hummers really aren't all that much of a threat?Michael Corkery





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