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RIM's Blackberry Curve Outsells IPhone In Quarter

市场研究机构NPD Group周一公布的数据显示,今年前三个月Research In Motion Ltd.的黑莓Curve手机销量超过了苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone。NPD称,美国运营商Verizon Wireless “买一送一”的大规模促销活动提振了Curve的销量。Verizon Wireless是Verizon Communications Inc.和沃达丰空中通讯公司(Vodafone Group PLC)旗下子公司。NPD称,这一营销活动和Curve在美国的普遍适用性使得这款手机的市场占有率较上年上升了15%,而iPhone在美国的市场占有率下滑了10%。NPD没有公布具体的销量数据。目前美国有四家主要运营商在销售Curve。而美国电话电报公司(AT&T Inc.)按照与苹果公司的独家销售协议销售iPhone。去年6月至12月,苹果公司的iPhone 3G一直是美国智能手机市场的销量冠军。苹果公司一位发言人拒绝对此置评。总的来说,尽管经济遭受衰退,今年前三个月美国智能手机销售状况依然稳定。NPD称,智能手机销量仅较上年上升1%,而由于智能手机均价下滑,销售收入下滑了2%。Ben Charny相关阅读互动图:黑莓全球售价大比拼 2009-04-24原声视频:iPod Touch也能打电话 2009-04-30怎样将公司数据同步至iPhone? 2009-04-29智能手机一枝独秀 2009-04-06RIM黑莓软件网上商店开业 2009-04-02 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日12:22', 'RIMM'));Research in Motion Ltd.总部地点:加拿大(Canada)上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:RIMMdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日12:22', 'AAPL'));苹果公司英文名称:Apple Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:AAPLdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日12:22', 'VRZ.XX'));Verizon Wireless总部地点:美国document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日12:22', 'RIM.T'));Research In Motion Ltd.总部地点:加拿大(Canada)上市地点:多伦多股票代码:RIM

Research In Motion Ltd.'s BlackBerry Curve outsold the Apple Inc. iPhone during the first three months of the year, market tracker NPD Group reported Monday.Boosting Curve sales was an aggressive 'buy-one-get-one' promotion by U.S. carrier Verizon Wireless, owned by Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC, according to NPD.The marketing, and the Curve's widespread availability in the U.S., drove its market share 15% higher annually, while the iPhone's U.S. share fell 10%, according to NPD. The researcher did not provide unit sales figures for the devices.Four major U.S. carriers sell the Curve. AT&T Inc. sells the iPhone under an exclusive arrangement with Apple.Apple's iPhone 3G had been the No. 1-selling U.S. smartphone between June and December. An Apple spokeswoman had no immediate comment.Overall, U.S. sales of smart phones during the first three months of 2009 were 'steady' despite the recession.Smartphone sales rose an anemic 1% annually, while revenue from sales dropped 2% on a dip in average smart-phone prices, NPD reported.Ben Charny


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