美国第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马(Michelle Obama)和东道主英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)周三晚间的一个举动震撼了皇家观察人士。Reuters此图截取自电视画面,当时白金汉宫正在举行G20首脑接待仪式,奥巴马夫人与英国女王伊丽莎白二世勾肩搭背。在英国女王为二十国集团(Group of 20)领导人举办的一个接待会上,摄像机拍到了女王和米歇尔两人勾肩搭背交谈的镜头──罕见地违反了不得碰触女王的标准皇家礼节。正如许多初次见面的情况一样,目前并不清楚是谁先作出这一举动的。白金汉宫周四表示,这一事件并没有带来什么不敬。一位发言人说,这方面并没有成文的礼节,这只是一个自然的友好举动。该发言人说,她印象中女王在公众场合被碰触的另外一次情况发生在2007年女王出访美国期间,当时一位妇女曾向女王伸手。在那次访问中,当时的美国总统布什还因为向女王眨眼而引发了一场风波。Alistair MacDonald相关阅读奥巴马与英女王:投之iPod,报之照片 2009-04-02
Michelle Obama and her host, Queen Elizabeth II, shook up royal watchers on Wednesday night.Televised footage from a reception for leaders of the Group of 20 countries shows the first lady and the queen standing with their arms around each other -- a rare departure from standard royal protocol of not touching the queen.As in many first-time relationships, it is unclear who made the first move.On Thursday, Buckingham Palace said the incident had caused no insult. 'There is no written protocol, it was a spontaneous act of affection,' a spokeswoman for the palace said.The spokeswoman said the only other time she could remember the queen being touched in public was when a woman reached out to the monarch during her 2007 visit to the U.S. During the same visit, President Bush caused a stir when he gave the queen a wink.Alistair MacDonald
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In his films ,the first impression giving me is that he wears a bowler ha and a tight jacket.Especially,the funniest is his little cane and he always using it to trip it up .Why he used to do it in ...
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The first step is to rewrite parts of the classes in the `Microsoft.Xna.Framework` and `Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game` assemblies. The project `Arcane.Xna.Presentation` contains some classes from these...
long-term success of C++ has also left a lasting impression on computer language development. For example, both Java and C# are descended from C++. Frankly, to be a professional programmer implies ...
In the VS Managed Languages team we are hard at work on creating the next version of the ...and this document is a first public description of the planned language features as we currently see them....
2. **Character Perception**: Certain characters, due to their shape and size, may give the impression of shorter lines than others. This can affect the overall appearance and readability of the text. ...
Abstract: Today the on-line shopping is becoming a kind of fashion.People have the deepest impression on the Olympic Games in Beijing.Conbining the favourite of the Olympic items and the fashion ...
Some time ago, DodgySoft had a technical support department with people sitting at telephone where customers could call to get advice and help with their technical problems with the DodgySoft ...
This allows you to get a good impression of how your game really looks and handles on the target device without the nuisance of a full build for each test. With version 4, Unity Remote has been ...
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- Most people like to make a good impression **E**. This is true when they go to a meeting, or when they go out with their friends. Dressing well is one of the ways **A**. Different countries **L** ...
A pleasing appearance can create a positive first impression, which is crucial in many professional settings. Moreover, in a highly visual world, a good-looking employee might be seen as a better ...
It can help create a positive first impression, enhance company image, or even boost customer satisfaction. Moreover, studies have shown that, consciously or unconsciously, employers often favor ...