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Obama Accepts Blame for AIG Bonuses

美国总统奥巴马说,他将对美国国际集团(AIG)奖金案承担责任,如果这样做可以平息事态──眼下,围绕AIG这样一家获得纳税人巨额救助的公司何以发放巨额奖金的问题,有关方面纷纷相互指责。奥巴马奥巴马周三在大会上说,华盛顿乱作一团,人人指责说是别人的错,是民主党的错,是共和党的错。好吧,我会负起责任的。我是总统。他也明确表示,这实际上并非他的错。他说,我们没有批准这些合同。不过他又说,所以华盛顿里忙着想方设法指责别人的人,你们可以来和我谈,因为确保解决这些问题是我的工作,即使并不是我制造了问题。他的这番话是在试图转移话题──AIG奖金问题本周在华盛顿闹得沸沸扬扬。这件事对他推动金融监管改革也至关重要,很多人指责,是金融监管不力造成了根本问题。奥巴马说,我们必须保证我们要制定法规,不允许公司冒这么巨大的风险,这些风险之大可以说让我们变得很被动。Laura Meckler相关阅读AIG部分员工将返还奖金 2009-03-19坏年景难破CEO奖金铁饭碗 2009-03-18华尔街机构欲打限薪擦边球 2009-03-17 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年03月19日15:38', 'AIG'));美国国际集团英文名称:American International Group Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:AIG

President Barack Obama said he will take the blame for bonuses being paid at American International Group Inc. if it will settle an intense finger pointing under way over how such payments were possible at a company that has received tremendous taxpayer aid.'Washington is all in a tizzy and everybody is pointing fingers at each other and saying it's their fault, the Democrats' fault, the Republicans' fault,' he said at a town hall meeting Wednesday. 'Listen, I'll take responsibility. I'm the President.'He also make clear that it isn't really his fault. 'We didn't grant these contracts,' he said.But he added: 'So for everybody in Washington who's busy scrambling, trying to figure out how to blame somebody else, just go ahead and talk to me, because it's my job to make sure that we fix these messes, even if I don't make them.'The comments were an effort to change the subject, which has engulfed Washington this week, and pivot to his push to overhaul financial regulations that govern the system and that many blame for the underlying problems.'We've got to make sure that we've got regulations that don't allow companies to take these huge risks that are so big that they can sort of hold us hostage,' he said.Laura Meckler


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