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Japanese Cut Output Of Autos

日本三大汽车制造商说,1月份它们减少了在日本生产的车辆,这主要是由于全球需求下降导致其减产了用于出口的汽车产量。丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)说,1月份该公司日本工厂的汽车产量比上年同期减少了40.3%,为209,224辆。丰田汽车发言人说,这至少是1988年以来国内产量的最大月度降幅。按产量计算,丰田汽车是世界上最大的汽车制造商。Getty Images日产汽车在国内的一间车厂日本第三大汽车制造商日产汽车公司(Nissan Motor Co.) 1月份的国内汽车产量减少了59%,至47,477辆。日产汽车发言人说,这至少是1971年以来的最低单月产量。日本第二大汽车制造商本田汽车公司(Honda Motor Co.)表示,其国内工厂1月份生产汽车77,224辆,比上年同期减少了23%。同本国的两个竞争对手相比,本田汽车的减产幅度相对较小,原因是该公司一直在缓慢减产以降低库存。此番减产让这三家汽车制造商的增长雄心受到了重大挫折。这三大厂家都已预计将出现多年来的首次亏损。本田预计将在截至3月31日的下半财年出现亏损,丰田和日产则会在截至3月31日的整个财年出现亏损。日圆走强和欧美及日本的汽车需求大幅下降让这些公司遭受了重创。1月份的数字反映出,这些公司计划将今年前三个月的国内汽车产量比上年同期削减40%至60%。在今年4月份开始的下一财年中,它们的产量可能还会继续减少。随着对欧美和亚洲主要市场出口的下降,今年1月,这三家公司大幅削减了国内市场的产量。Yoshio Takahashi相关阅读日本三家车商季度亏损  前景预期不佳 2009-02-05日本经济的汽车出口瘾 2009-01-06日本汽车销量降至1974年以来最低 2009-01-05 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月26日11:53', 'TM'));Toyota Motor Corp. (ads)总部地点:日本上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:TMdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月26日11:53', 'HMC'));本田汽车英文名称:Honda Motor Co. (ADS)总部地点:日本上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:HMCdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月26日11:53', 'NSANY'));Nissan Motor Co. (ADS)总部地点:日本上市地点:NCM股票代码:NSANYdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月26日11:53', '7203.TO'));丰田汽车公司英文名称:Toyota Motor Corp.总部地点:日本上市地点:东京证交所股票代码:7203document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月26日11:53', '7267.TO'));本田汽车英文名称:Honda Motor Co.总部地点:日本上市地点:东京证交所股票代码:7267document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月26日11:53', '7201.TO'));日产汽车英文名称:Nissan Motor Co.总部地点:日本上市地点:东京证交所股票代码:7201

Japan's top three car makers said they produced fewer vehicles in Japan in January as they cut output for export to contend with faltering world-wide auto demand.Toyota Motor Corp., the world's largest car maker by volume, said its Japan factories produced 40.3% fewer automobiles in January from a year earlier with 209,224 vehicles -- its biggest monthly domestic output drop at least since 1988, a Toyota spokesman said.Nissan Motor Co., Japan's third-largest car maker, reduced monthly domestic production 59% in January to 47,477 vehicles. It was its lowest monthly output volume since at least 1971, a Nissan spokesman said.The country's second-biggest car maker, Honda Motor Co., said its domestic plants made 77,224 vehicles in January, 23% fewer than at the same time last year. Honda's reduction was relatively moderate compared with those of the two local rivals as the company has been relatively slow to cut output to lower inventories.The reductions constitute a major setback for the growth ambitions of the three car makers.The trio already expects to swing into red territory for the first time in years.Honda is forecast to book a loss in the fiscal second half ending March 31, and Toyota and Nissan are due to report losses for the full fiscal year ending March 31. The companies have suffered from a strong yen and collapsing auto demand in the U.S., Europe and Japan.The January figures reflect the companies' plans to cut domestic production for the three months ending March 31 by 40% to 60% from a year earlier.They are likely to continue making fewer vehicles year-to-year into the next fiscal period starting this April.In January, the three companies sharply reduced output in their home market as exports dropped particularly to the U.S., Europe and primary markets in Asia.Yoshio Takahashi


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