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财政刺激措施会对印度有帮助吗?它可能起到适得其反的效果。印度政府将制定新刺激计划的任务放到即将举行的选举之后。这将造成几个月的拖延,投资者因此深感失望。但是,投资者可能本就不应该对财政刺激支出的威力抱有信心。某种程度上说,印度是一个财政支出不会有效发挥作用的经济体。减税是投资者的愿望之一,但减税可能达不到直接促进消费的效果。同亚洲其它地区一样,由于缺乏良好的福利制度,印度消费者可能会将他们所获得的补贴存下来,而不是用于消费。虽然印度企业的储蓄意愿一般低于普通消费者,但他们发现目前国内外的举债环境都很严峻。他们也可能囤积减税省下的资金,而不是将其用于支出。与此同时,印度预算赤字扩大对借款成本的影响可能会破坏印度央行提振经济的努力。照目前情形看,财政紧张可能会使任何支出都受到限制。印度目前预计,2010财年的预算赤字将上升到国内生产总值(GDP)的5.5%。这个预测还没有考虑选举后推出的支出计划可能产生的影响。尽管如此,花旗投资研究(Citi Investment Research)依然认为印度政府的预测太过雄心勃勃了。比如,该预测假定4月份开始新财年的名义GDP增长率接近11%,乐观地认为不会比目前的增长速度低多少。因此,债券投资者对未来可能增加债券发行感到不安,这推高了政府债券的收益率。换言之,借贷的成本增加了,这将减少印度央行的减息举措所带来的好处。信用评级机构提高了警惕。惠誉(Fitch Ratings)说,在财政的可持续性方面,印度是其最为担心的亚洲国家。当前投资者也对这个问题非常敏感。因此,更多的借款和支出可能不能给印度投资者带来他们希望得到的那种安慰。Mohammed Hadi / Andrew Peaple相关阅读中国督促印度审慎克制使用贸易救济措施 2009-02-10印度计划加大支出刺激增长 2009-01-19后萨蒂扬时代哪些印度企业受人追捧? 2009-01-13
Would fiscal stimulus in India even help? It might actually hurt.India's government chose to leave the task of assembling a new stimulus plan until after upcoming elections. It's a delay of months, so investors are disappointed.But faith in the power of stimulus spending in India may be misplaced. In some ways, the country fits the profile of an economy for which fiscal spending won't work effectively. Tax cuts are on investors' wish lists, but benefits handed directly to consumers could fall flat. Like elsewhere in Asia, Indian consumers, lacking an adequate welfare system, are likely to stuff any dole-outs in the mattress.And though Indian companies tend to save less than consumers, they now find themselves facing difficult borrowing conditions at home and abroad. They too may hoard the benefits of tax breaks rather than spend them.Meanwhile, the impact of a wider budget deficit on the cost of borrowing in India could undermine the central bank's efforts to spur the economy. As it is, fiscal restraints could keep any spending limited. The country now forecasts its budget deficit will rise to 5.5% of GDP in fiscal 2010 - that's before the impact of any spending plans that might follow the elections.But that, Citi Investment Research says, could prove ambitious. The forecast, for example, assumes nominal GDP growth of nearly 11% in the year that starts in April, optimistic given that this isn't much slower than current growth rates.So bond investors are feeling jittery about the coming increase in bond issuance, driving up yields on government bonds. In other words the cost of borrowing has increased - unwinding some of the benefits of an interest rate cutting campaign by India's central bank.Credit rating agencies are raising red flags - Fitch Ratings says India is its top concern in Asia when it comes to fiscal sustainability - something investors are particularly sensitive to these days.More borrowing and spending, then, might not offer India's investors the reassurance they're hoping for.Mohammed Hadi / Andrew Peaple
Would fiscal stimulus in India even help? It might actually hurt.India's government chose to leave the task of assembling a new stimulus plan until after upcoming elections. It's a delay of months, so investors are disappointed.But faith in the power of stimulus spending in India may be misplaced. In some ways, the country fits the profile of an economy for which fiscal spending won't work effectively. Tax cuts are on investors' wish lists, but benefits handed directly to consumers could fall flat. Like elsewhere in Asia, Indian consumers, lacking an adequate welfare system, are likely to stuff any dole-outs in the mattress.And though Indian companies tend to save less than consumers, they now find themselves facing difficult borrowing conditions at home and abroad. They too may hoard the benefits of tax breaks rather than spend them.Meanwhile, the impact of a wider budget deficit on the cost of borrowing in India could undermine the central bank's efforts to spur the economy. As it is, fiscal restraints could keep any spending limited. The country now forecasts its budget deficit will rise to 5.5% of GDP in fiscal 2010 - that's before the impact of any spending plans that might follow the elections.But that, Citi Investment Research says, could prove ambitious. The forecast, for example, assumes nominal GDP growth of nearly 11% in the year that starts in April, optimistic given that this isn't much slower than current growth rates.So bond investors are feeling jittery about the coming increase in bond issuance, driving up yields on government bonds. In other words the cost of borrowing has increased - unwinding some of the benefits of an interest rate cutting campaign by India's central bank.Credit rating agencies are raising red flags - Fitch Ratings says India is its top concern in Asia when it comes to fiscal sustainability - something investors are particularly sensitive to these days.More borrowing and spending, then, might not offer India's investors the reassurance they're hoping for.Mohammed Hadi / Andrew Peaple
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Why OECD Boosted Outlook: Housing, China, Inventories
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Stimulus Profiles Editor 是用来创建、修改和执行激励配置文件(Stimulus Profiles)和实时序列(Real-Time Sequence)的工具。 在开始介绍之前,先要了解几个关键概念: 1. 实时序列(Real-Time Sequence):这是...
本文档《Portable_Test_Stimulus_Standard_v10a.pdf》涉及了便携式测试刺激标准(Portable Test and Stimulus Standard,简称PSS)的1.0a版本,该标准由Accellera组织发布于2019年2月。标准提供了一种语言语法、C++...
针对提供的文件内容,以下是对“Portable Test Stimulus Standard v1.0.pdf”的知识点详细说明: 1. 可移植激励标准(Portable Test Stimulus Standard)版本1.0是Accellera组织在2018年发布的标准文档,用于制定可...
Stimulus与Turbo完美搭配,以最小的努力为快速,引人注目的应用提供了完整的解决方案。 Stimulus for Rails使在资产浏览器和浏览器中的ES6 / ESM中轻松使用这种适度的框架成为可能。 它使用7kb es-module-shim为...
【刺激反应(Stimulus)框架入门教程】 在IT领域,前端开发的工具和技术日新月异,其中,Stimulus 是由 Basecamp 公司推出的JavaScript库,它旨在为HTML元素提供轻量级的控制器,帮助开发者实现数据驱动的前端应用...
The bailouts and stimulus packages are a short-term solution that does not really attempt to solve the overreaching problem. It is going to be slow and painful economic recovery. Nothing is wrong ...
It shows the basic shape of a Haemodynamic Response Function (HRF), how to convolve an HRF with a time-series of stimulus onsets in order to produce a predicted fMRI signal, and how to plot the ...
刺激剪贴板入门用于将文本复制到剪贴板的Stimulus控制器。 :books: 文献资料请参阅。 :male_sign::male_sign: 贡献不要犹豫,通过修改或添加功能为项目做出贡献! 错误报告或请求请求是受欢迎的。 :memo: 执照该...
添加@clearcove/stimulus-controllers模块: $ yarn add @clearcove/stimulus-controllers 或者$ npm install @clearcove/stimulus-controllers基本用法首先,您需要初始化StimulusJS,然后可以导入所有ClearCove ...
Practice exercises throughout the book give students stimulus material to use as they practice to achieve mastery of the program. Thoroughly field-tested; your students are certain to appreciate this ...
刺激反射测试 一起。 因此,您已经开始使用StimulusReflex的魔力。 整洁,我们也是! 目前,StimulusReflex库中没有官方的测试助手。... gem 'stimulus_reflex_testing' 使用5.2或更低版本? 还是使用低于
标题 "BoilerplateRails6SaaS应用程序与Webpack、Stimulus和Docker.zip" 提供了一个关于SaaS(Software as a Service)应用开发的基础框架,它基于Ruby on Rails 6,整合了Webpack、Stimulus以及Docker等现代Web开发...
刺激下拉入门用于创建下拉列表的 Stimulus 控制器。 :books: 文档请参阅。 :man_construction_worker: 贡献不要犹豫,通过调整或添加功能为项目做出贡献! 欢迎错误报告或拉取请求。 :memo: 执照这个项目是在许可下...
添加tailwindcss-stimulus-components模块: yarn add tailwindcss-stimulus-components 或者 npm install tailwindcss-stimulus-components 或直接从unpkg使用: < script src =" ...
使用以下命令在您的项目中安装库: yarn add stimulus-check-all# ornpm install --save stimulus-check-all 并在您的应用程序中注册控制器 import { Application } from "stimulus"import CheckAll from "stimulus...
刺激灯箱入门一个Stimulus控制器,用于在图像上添加灯箱。 :books: 文献资料请参阅。 :male_sign::male_sign: 贡献不要犹豫,通过修改或添加功能为项目做出贡献! 错误报告或请求请求是受欢迎的。 :memo: 执照该...
### 实现分层刺激模型使用隐式封装方法 #### 概述 本文档提出了一种称为隐式封装的方法,用于创建适用于受约束随机验证环境的分层刺激模型。该方法侧重于利用VMM类库(特别是原子生成器和场景生成器)以及交易级...