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对经济的暗淡预测还在不断到来。根据美国注册会计师协会和北卡罗莱纳大学凯南-弗拉格勒商学院周四发布的一项调查结果,财务高管们称,他们预计美国经济2010年前不会开始复苏。许多分析师和大多数美联储(Federal Reserve)的决策者都预计美国经济将在今年下半年开始逐步复苏。而在2月12日前历时两周的调查中,财务主管们将复苏的时间推后了6个月。这项季度调查共涉及1,183名注册会计师,他们分别在企业中担任首席执行长首席运营长首席财务长或总审计师。约83%的受访者称对未来一年的美国经济感到“悲观”或“非常悲观”。只有5%的人说他们对经济前景感到“乐观”。去年11月,超过40%的受访者表示,他们预计2009年下半年经济将会复苏。现在只有30%的人持这种看法,而41%的受访者预计美国经济将在2010年上半年开始复苏,20%的受访者预计明年下半年出现好转。北卡罗莱纳大学教授Mark Lang在发布调查结果时说,我曾希望我们可以在本季度见底,但情况继续恶化,只是速度比上季度略有减缓而已。企业正在经受商业周期带来的各种影响。最让人担心的是,所有经济领域都存在这种通病。超过一半的受访者表示,他们预计他们公司的员工人数还会下降,43%的受访者所在的公司已经进行了裁员。调查中有一半的公司还冻结了资本开支。值得注意的是,这项调查说,让人感到“一线希望”的是有四分之一的公司仍预计业绩有所增长。(是的,只有四分之一的公司预计增长,在这些天来也是希望所在了。)Sudeep Reddy相关阅读奥巴马签署经济法案 警告经济复苏道阻且长 2009-02-18格林斯潘:难以确定经济复苏时间 2009-02-18亚洲各国推动债券市场促复苏 2009-02-17美经济学家对下半年复苏信心下降 2009-02-13美联储欲振兴市场 怎奈手脚受缚 2009-02-12
The grim forecasts for the economy keep coming. Top finance executives say they don't expect the U.S. economy to start recovering before 2010, according to a survey released Thursday by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School.Many analysts and most Federal Reserve policymakers expect the economy to begin a gradual recovery in the second half of this year. The finance executives, in a survey conducted over two weeks ending Feb. 12, push expectations for a turnaround six months down the road. The quarterly poll covered 1,183 CPAs who serve as chief executives, chief operating officers, chief financial officers or controllers in their firms.About 83% said they were 'pessimistic' or 'very pessimistic' about the U.S. economy over the next year. Just 5% said they were 'optimistic' about the outlook. In November, more than 40% said they expected a recovery in the second half of 2009. Now just 30% expect that, while 41% expect a recovery to begin in the first half of 2010 and 20% expect the turnaround to start in the second half of next year.'I had hoped we might see a bottoming out this quarter, but conditions continue to deteriorate, albeit at a slightly slower rate than last quarter,' said UNC professor Mark Lang in releasing the survey. 'Companies are feeling the effects all of the way through the business cycle. Most striking, the general malaise is prevalent in all sectors of the economy.'More than half said they expect the number of workers at their companies to decline and 43% have already carried out layoffs. Half of all companies in the survey also instituted capital-spending freezes.Remarkably, the survey says 'one glimmer of hope' is that a quarter of companies still expect some growth. (Yes, only a quarter of firms expecting growth is what passes for hope these days.)Sudeep Reddy
The grim forecasts for the economy keep coming. Top finance executives say they don't expect the U.S. economy to start recovering before 2010, according to a survey released Thursday by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School.Many analysts and most Federal Reserve policymakers expect the economy to begin a gradual recovery in the second half of this year. The finance executives, in a survey conducted over two weeks ending Feb. 12, push expectations for a turnaround six months down the road. The quarterly poll covered 1,183 CPAs who serve as chief executives, chief operating officers, chief financial officers or controllers in their firms.About 83% said they were 'pessimistic' or 'very pessimistic' about the U.S. economy over the next year. Just 5% said they were 'optimistic' about the outlook. In November, more than 40% said they expected a recovery in the second half of 2009. Now just 30% expect that, while 41% expect a recovery to begin in the first half of 2010 and 20% expect the turnaround to start in the second half of next year.'I had hoped we might see a bottoming out this quarter, but conditions continue to deteriorate, albeit at a slightly slower rate than last quarter,' said UNC professor Mark Lang in releasing the survey. 'Companies are feeling the effects all of the way through the business cycle. Most striking, the general malaise is prevalent in all sectors of the economy.'More than half said they expect the number of workers at their companies to decline and 43% have already carried out layoffs. Half of all companies in the survey also instituted capital-spending freezes.Remarkably, the survey says 'one glimmer of hope' is that a quarter of companies still expect some growth. (Yes, only a quarter of firms expecting growth is what passes for hope these days.)Sudeep Reddy
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"Turnaround" 是一个与字体设计相关的主题,它可能指的是在设计过程中对原有设计的改进、更新或转型。在IT行业中,字体设计是用户界面(UI)和用户体验(UX)设计的重要组成部分,对于网站、应用程序、电子出版物等...
【标题】:基于Java开发的小游戏“TurnAround”的解析与技术分享 【描述】:本文将深入探讨一款名为“TurnAround”的小游戏,该游戏由个人开发者使用Java编程语言完成,从概念构思到实际开发,全程亲力亲为。游戏...
【标题】"Turnaround源码" 是一个基于Java编程语言开发的小游戏的源代码集合,它为学习者和开发者提供了一次深入理解游戏编程、Java编程以及代码优化的机会。"Turnaround"这个名字可能指的是游戏的核心机制,即角色...
TurnAround * @param callback{callback} 成功显示后回调 * @param fail {callback} 失败回调 * @param LPstatus {string}横竖屏状态 * @param url{string} 图片地址 $.fn.turnaroundHide=function(callback,...
这里使用了LPDT模式下的指令,即MIPI_DCS_Short_no_para_Write_CMD(0x29),该指令的作用是设置显示开启(set_display_on)。通过观察测试波形图,我们可以看到LPDT模式下DCS short package---DataType 0x05发送数据0X...
- Turnaround模式用于数据交换,如从从设备返回ACK,进入和退出时序也有特定顺序。 5. **时序要求**: - 在调试DSI或CSI时,如T_LPX、T_HS-SETTLE、T_HS-TRAIL等时序至关重要。通常要求主机端的T_HS-SETTLE大于从...
《SAMSUNG-K7M161825M.pdf》是三星电子发布的一份数据手册,详细介绍了512Kx36位和1Mx18位Flow-Through NtRAM(No Turnaround Random Access Memory)的规格和技术参数。NtRAM是一种同步静态SRAM(Static Random-...
- **Turnaround mode**: - 进入时序:LP11 → LP10 → LP00 → LP10 → LP00。 - 退出时序:LP00 → LP10 → LP11。 - 主要用于从slave返回数据,如ACK(确认)。 #### 六、时序要求 - **T_LPX**:LP模式下的...
Fixed : Issue with alignment and resizing of detail view container when item has no detail view assigned in TTMSFMXTableview v1.6.0.0 New : XE3 Support New : OnSearchOpen / OnSearchClose called ...
这两款NtRAMTM(No Turnaround Random Access Memory)芯片提供512Kx36位和1Mx18位的存储容量,是同步SRAM,这意味着它们的操作与输入时钟同步。NtRAMTM设计的独特之处在于它能够在任何操作周期组合中充分利用带宽。...
平均周转时间(Average Turnaround Time, ATAT)和平均带权周转时间(Average Weighted Turnaround Time, AWTT)是评估调度算法性能的重要指标。周转时间是指一个任务从提交给操作系统开始,到该任务完成所需的总...
- **同步静态RAM**:如SBSRAM(Simple Burst SRAM)、ZBTSRAM(Zero Bus Turnaround SRAM),适用于高速访问。 - **同步动态RAM**:如SDRAM,用于大量数据的快速存取。 - **同步FIFO**:用于数据缓冲,支持同步...
SAMSUNG Electronics推出的K7M801825A和K7M803625A是9,437,184位同步静态SRAM(Static RAM)芯片,采用了创新的NtRAMTM(No Turnaround Random Access Memory)技术,极大地提高了数据处理效率和系统性能。...
- **Turnaround**进入时序:LP11→LP10→LP00→LP10→LP00;退出时序:LP00→LP10→LP11。 此外,在调试过程中,HS mode下的几个关键时序要求非常重要,包括T_LPX、T_HS-SETTLE、T_HS-TRAIL等。这些时序参数对于...
而“Tx-Rx turnaround”可能指的是发射机(Tx)和接收机(Rx)之间的切换,这是为了保证通信过程中能够及时切换信号方向以适应双向通信的需求。 提到的“PSCCH”指的是物理共享控制信道(Physical Sidelink Control...
Turnaround of JV * 表现改善不改变股权结构 * 表现改善伴随股权结构变化 - 收购 Equity Structure Restructuring * 股权结构变化以提高表现 * 股权结构变化伴随表现改善 - 收购 Withdrawal * 撤资现有...
- `turnaround_time`:周转时间。 - `schedule_count`:调度次数。 同样地,也需要定义一个队列结构体,包括: - `name`:队列名称。 - `time_slice`:时间片大小。 - `processes`:队列中的进程列表。 **第...
3. **周转时间(Turnaround Time)**: 在第二部分(12 points)中提到了四个进程P0到P3的周转时间。周转时间是从进程提交到完成的总时间,包括等待时间和服务时间。 4. **死锁(Deadlock)**: 第三部分讨论了死锁的情况。...