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US Battles Foreign Steel

知情人士透露,美国钢铁生产商正准备针对进口钢铁产品提出一系列申诉;此举可能会导致美国在今年晚些时候大幅上调关税,加剧与中国的贸易紧张关系。美国钢铁公司(U.S. Steel Corp.)纽柯公司(Nucor Corp.)和AK钢铁集团(AK Steel Holding Corp.)等钢铁公司希望对进口钢铁产品征收特别关税,阻止海外竞争者在没有受到7,870亿美元经济刺激计划“购买美国货”条款保护的约1,000亿美元美国钢铁市场获取市场份额。上述美国公司表示,有必要上调进口关税,帮助它们应对全球衰退以及美国汽车业的痛苦振荡。汽车业是美国钢铁行业最大的客户之一。目前美国对进口钢铁产品征收1%-4%的关税或根本没有关税。知情人士透露,正式的申诉还要等到数周之后。但各钢铁公司正在积极收集证据,向美国贸易官员证明自己的要求。面临着长期经济下滑带来的冲击,各个行业都在想尽办法应对求生,目前贸易保护主义举措正在全球范围内迅速抬头。代表数家美国大型钢铁公司的华盛顿律师事务所Kellye Drye &Warren LLP合伙人哈奇斯特(David Hartquist)说,我们的客户及其律师普遍认为中国人正在倾销产品,中国钢铁公司从各级政府那里获得了广泛补贴。Reuters中国工人周四在山西省一个钢材市场美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)本周签署的经济刺激法案,实际上使美国公共项目合约对来自中国俄罗斯印度和巴西这四大钢铁出口国的企业关上了大门。这部分业务预计将占到今明两年新钢铁订单的25%。美国钢铁行业一位高管说,预计这些国家会加倍努力争夺剩余的市场份额。美国行业官员表示,为了争夺剩下的市场,海外钢铁公司已经开始以低于生产成本的价格销售产品以获取市场份额──这就是所谓的倾销行为。世界贸易组织(WTO)规定,如果各国能证明倾销商品直接影响到了本国竞争对手的销售,它们就可以上调进口关税。但立案实施调查并不容易,需要详尽的证据。而且近期可能难以收集到有力证据:去年前三个季度美国钢铁公司还拥有稳定利润,直到去年10月才出现了订单下滑。为了获得更有力的证据,美国钢铁企业可能会等到4月份再提交正式的反倾销申诉。如果美国官员认同它们的观点,可能最早会在10月份征收反倾销税。贸易律师称,此类关税可能会达到最终价格的100%以上。据世界贸易组织和欧盟官员称,目前世界各国政府会批准60%的征收惩罚性关税申请──这个比例在经济不景气时期有所上升。如果美国上调关税,那么受影响国家可能会上诉到世界贸易组织。中国官员肯定会率先做出反击。中国钢铁工业协会秘书长单尚华说,我们的出口量非常有限,我们不可能以亏本价格出口。他补充说,若美国征收反倾销税,会违反世界贸易组织规定。我们会在必要时诉诸法律。经济衰退和汽车业下滑给钢铁企业带来了尤为沉重的打击。去年12月,美国钢铁企业发货量为460万美吨,较上年同期下滑了46%。各家公司预计今年收入将出现下滑。与此同时,在去年第四季度全球需求萎缩的情况下,中国向美国的成品钢出口量较去年前三个季度平均水平暴增了79.7%。进口占总消耗的比例从24%上升至32%。尤其明显的是,中国在三类成品钢产品上的出口量显著增长:用于石油行业的钢管,去年出口量较前一年增长了一倍以上;用于汽车行业的钢板,增长17%;用于冰箱等电器和摩托车的热轧钢,增长12%。据知情人士透露,这些钢铁产品最有可能成为反倾销税的征收目标。一位钢铁企业高管表示,在市场需求萎缩之际,中国钢铁产品却大量涌进美国。即便以后需求回升,我们也很难接受订单,因为价格已经崩溃了。与此同时,其他贸易伙伴也不相信奥巴马所谓的救助计划并没有贸易保护主义条款的说法。代表安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)和蒂森克虏伯(ThyssenKrupp AG)等欧洲钢铁公司的游说组织Eurofer的埃格特(Axel Eggert)说,即便欧洲没有受到影响,我们也不喜欢“购买美国货”条款,因为这会将更多的中国钢铁产品推向欧洲。各国政府通常会以钢铁作为贸易战武器。2001年9月11日恐怖袭击事件之后,小布什总统就曾对进口钢铁产品征收特别关税。世界贸易组织官员称,印度俄罗斯和欧盟也准备上调钢铁产品进口关税。Hogan & Hartson LLP律师事务所的米祖林(Nikolay Mizulin)说,全球各地以及各行各业的公司都在准备申诉材料,我们会在春季和夏季目睹这一切。这个问题一直有着多米诺效应。欧盟官员表示,欧盟即将对化学品纺织品钢铁和生物柴油上调关税。欧盟议会下周二将公布一份新的报告,具体阐述中国钢铁行业和中国政府之间的关联。在世界贸易组织的日内瓦总部,忧心忡忡的官员们正继续密切关注着全球不断涌现的贸易保护主义措施。他们将于3月中旬公布下一份报告。John W. Miller相关阅读中国将建立国有基金用于收购外国钢铁公司 2009-02-20湖南华菱钢铁与Fortescue洽谈投资事宜 2009-02-20中国钢铁业改革要趁热打铁 2009-02-12欧盟对中国产钢盘条征收反倾销税 2009-02-11 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月20日10:55', 'AKS'));AK Steel Holding Corp.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:AKSdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月20日10:55', 'X'));United States Steel Corp.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:Xdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月20日10:55', 'NUE'));NuCor Corp.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:NUE

U.S. steelmakers are preparing a raft of complaints against foreign steel imports, a move that could result in stiff tariff increases later this year and escalate trade tensions with China, say people familiar with the matter.Companies such as U.S. Steel Corp., Nucor Corp. and AK Steel Holding Corp. hope extra tariffs will hold off foreign competitors from gaining market share in parts of the roughly $100 billion U.S. steel market not protected by 'Buy American' provisions in the $787 billion stimulus bill.The companies say higher import tariffs are needed to help them survive the global recession and a painful shakeout in the U.S. car industry -- one of its biggest customers. Foreign steel imports are currently subjected to low single-digit duties or no tariffs at all.Formal complaints are still weeks away, the people said. But companies are actively gathering evidence to strengthen their case before U.S. trade officials. The move echoes protectionist efforts gathering speed around the globe as industries brace for the punch of a protracted economic slump.'Across the board, we see a widespread belief among our clients and their lawyers that the Chinese are dumping their products and that they're vastly subsidized by various levels of the Chinese government,' says David Hartquist, a partner at Washington-based Kellye Drye & Warren LLP, which is representing several large U.S. steel companies.The stimulus bill signed into law by U.S. President Barack Obama this week effectively shuts out companies from China, Russia, India and Brazil -- four of the largest steel exporters -- from public contracts. That business will represent an estimated 25% of new steel orders this year and next.These countries are expected to 'redouble their efforts to get at the rest of the market,' says a senior official in the U.S. steel industry.To get at the rest of that market, U.S. industry officials say, foreign sellers have begun to sell steel at below production costs in order to win market share -- a practice known in the trade community as 'dumping.'World Trade Organization rules allow countries to raise import tariffs if they can prove dumped goods have directly hurt the sales of domestic competitors.Making that case is difficult and requires exhaustive evidence. That could be tough to come by in the near term: U.S. steel companies turned a healthy profit through the first three quarters of 2008 and orders didn't start falling until October.Steel companies will likely wait until April to file formal dumping complaints in order to gather better evidence. If U.S. officials agree with their arguments, they could impose tariffs as soon as October. Those duties could total more than 100% of final prices, say trade lawyers.World-wide, national governments approve 60% of requests for punitive tariffs -- a level that rises during bad economic times, according to WTO and EU officials. If increased tariffs are levied, affected countries will likely appeal to the WTO.Chinese officials are sure to lead that charge. 'Our export volume is very limited,' says Shan Xianghua, secretary-general of the China Iron & Steel Association. 'It is not possible for us to export it at loss-making prices.'Antidumping duties, he adds, would break WTO rules. 'We will pursue lawsuits if necessary.'The recession and the slowdown of the car industry have hit steel companies particularly hard. In December, American steel mills shipped out 4.6 million net tons, a 46% drop from December 2007. Companies expect revenue to decline this year.Meanwhile, as global demand slumped in the last three months of 2008, Chinese finished steel exports to the U.S. were 79.7% higher than during the rest of the year. Imports as a share of total consumption rose to 32% from 24%.In particular, China increased shiploads in three categories of finished steel: pipes used in the oil business, more than double in 2008 from the year before; steel plates used for cars, up 17%; and hot rolled bars used for appliances such as refrigerators and motorcycles, up 12%. Those are most likely to be the object of extra tariffs, say people familiar with the matter.'We now have warehouses packed with excess Chinese steel during a reduced demand market,' says a steel company official. 'If demand comes back, we're not going to get orders because prices have collapsed.'Meanwhile, other trading partners don't buy President Obama's reassurances that the bailout bill's language is not protectionist. Even though Europe isn't affected, 'we don't like 'Buy American' because it will push more Chinese steel into Europe,' says Axel Eggert of Eurofer, the lobby group that represents European steel companies like ArcelorMittal and ThyssenKrupp AG.Governments often wield steel as a weapon in trade wars. President George W. Bush imposed extra tariffs on foreign steel imports in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. India, Russia and the EU are also preparing tariff increases on steel imports, say WTO officials.All over the world, and in all types of industries, 'companies are preparing complaints right now that we'll see in the spring and summer,' says Nikolay Mizulin, a lawyer for Hogan & Hartson LLP. 'This business has always had a domino effect.' In the EU, increased tariffs are looming in chemicals, textiles, steel and biodiesel, say EU officials.On Tuesday, the European Parliament will host the release of a new report detailing the 'nexus' between the Chinese steel industry and its government.At WTO headquarters in Geneva, worried officials are keeping a 'scoreboard' of protectionist measures mushrooming around the world. Their next report is due in mid-March.John W. Miller




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