You may have a beautiful website but that alone does not promise a
bright future in the web arena. It is essential that a website design must be
properly optimized to reach out to the target audience. A well optimized website which
is both search engine as well as user friendly makes a strong presence in the web world. Here are some SEO web design tips that can help to optimize your
website properly.
1>Create a simple web design. Plain websites load quickly and easily indexed
by search engine robots.
2>Do not use frames in your website design. Lot of frames in a website also
takes too long loading time and hence the robots find it difficult to crawl the
3>Write unique Meta title tags. It helps the robots to determine the
different web pages in a website.
4>The page name or URL must consist of the relevant keywords as it gives an
idea of what the page is all about.
5>Try to maintain a suitable length for the page name.
6>The words in the URL must not be joined. Try to use hyphen between words
in the page. The robots can easily index the URL’s with hyphens. Try to avoid using underscores.
7>The page size must not be too large, average page size must be below 50
8>Use your main targeted keywords in H1 or H2 tags. These robots give a lot
of importance to H1 tags.
9>Create simple and clear text. The search engine robots must easily read
10>Try to maintain a word limit for all the web pages. Use about 350 to 600
words for each web page.
11>Do not overuse image in a web page. The robots can’t index images and it
also takes lot of time to load a web page.
12>If you use images then Give appropriate alt text for all images in a web
page. Try to use keywords in alt text.
13>Use flash works judiciously. Try to use flash as far as required. Flash
websites and other flash works take long time to load. Search robots also fail
to index flash works.
14>Never embed your text in the flash work. The search cannot index text
embedded in a flash work.
15>Avoid using image navigation, as it is not search engine friendly. It is
ideal to use text navigation in a web page as it helps the user as well as search engines to navigate smoothly.
16>Make a detailed sitemap of a website. The search robots can easily go to
any web page from this web page.
17>Always place the logo on the upper left hand corner of the web page. The
search engine robots reads the web page like a human from left to right, top to
18>Avoid overuse of Pop - ups in the web page. This kind of advertisements
cannot be indexed by the search engine robots and is also irritating to the web
19>Use breadcrumb in a web page, if necessary. The breadcrumb must consist
of relevant words reflecting the content of the corresponding page.
20>Create an error page of your website. Incase, the user mistakenly or
wrongly types an incomplete URL then this page will be displayed. This helps
the web user to go the original website. This page must be designed properly.
21>Footer link must be designed properly so that search engine robots can
easily navigate through the web pages.
22>Get rid of useless codes in the HTML file. Make your HTML file simple.
23>Try to avoid using tables. There are too many codes in tables and takes
times to load page. Hence, try to use DIVs structure, which has less coding and
takes less loading time. It has become highly search engine friendly because
the robots can easily index it.
24>Maintain an External JavaScript.
25>Use External CSS rather than coding it in the main source file .
根据这本书的描述和标签,我们可以假设《Head First Web Design》覆盖了以下“Web开发”相关知识点: 1. 网站设计的基本原则和最佳实践,包括布局、颜色、排版和用户体验设计。 2. HTML和CSS的基础知识,这是构建...
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SEO(Search Engine Optimization)是搜索引擎优化的缩写,是一种通过改善网站结构、内容和代码等要素,提升网站在搜索引擎自然搜索结果中的排名和可见性的技术。网页地图(Sitemap),又称为站点地图,是网站中所有...
### Head First Web Design知识点概述 #### 一、书籍基本信息与创作背景 - **书名**:《Head First Web Design》 - **作者**:Ethan Watrall 和 Jeff Siarto - **出版年份**:2008年12月(第一版) - **出版社**:...
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8. **SEO优化**:简述了搜索引擎优化的重要性,教导读者如何通过优化元标签、关键词和内容结构来提高网站在搜索结果中的排名。 9. **Web设计工具**:推荐了一些常用的Web设计工具,如代码编辑器、原型设计软件和...
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《Web设计全攻略》是为初学者和有一定基础的网页设计师提供的一本全面指南,它涵盖了Web设计领域的多个重要方面。这本书旨在帮助读者理解和掌握创建出色网页设计的关键技术和策略。 一、HTML与CSS基础 HTML...
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