Mind Fusion公司发布了Charting for WinForms新版本v3.5 。以下是一些新功能介绍:
如果您的数据包含null、double.NaN或其他没有定义的数据,你有三种方式来处理它 :忽略它,用0取代它或用与它相邻的两个值的平均值代替。使用HandleEmptyValue的属性可以选择如何处理未定义的值。
XML文件代表的图表主题,可以用SaveTheme和 LoadTheme方法保存和载入。任由你使用的是一个特别的主题编辑工具,能够让你快速、轻松地创建,编辑和保存主题。
- 修复了一个在3D柱面命中测试中给出错误结果的BUG。
- 线元的二次数据索引能够给出与用户点击部分相邻区域数据的索引,这项新的特性,将与数据索引功能一起使你全面知晓用户所点击的区域图中的特定区域信息。
- DataIndex和SeriesIndex属性支持的所有图表类型,你可以了解到各个系列指数和元素被点击的系列指数。
- TickAlignment属性取代DivMarkerAlignment属性。
- MajorTickLength取代DivMarkerLength。
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll 是.NET Framework 3.5中一个重要的组件,主要负责提供Windows Forms应用程序中的数据可视化功能,特别是图表控件。这个动态链接库(DLL)文件包含了用于创建各种图表...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
基于C#+ASP.NET实现的ASP.NET Dynamic Charting Controls2控件使用代码。
"High-speed Charting Control"是一款专为VC++开发环境设计的高效图表控件,它提供了丰富的可视化工具,如柱状图和饼状图,用于快速创建高性能的数据可视化应用。这款控件以其开源特性、易用性和高效性在IT行业中广...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
Chart for WinForms comes packed with all the charting functionality you need. You get over 80 chart types, designers for code-free development, flexible and customizable charting elements, visual ...
【标题】"VS2015可用 High-speed charting 图表控件 非常好用.rar" 提供了一个高效能的图表解决方案,专为Visual Studio 2015设计。这个控件允许开发者在他们的应用程序中快速创建高质量、动态的图表,用于数据可视...
High-speed Charting Control(MFC绘图控件),主要用于MFC绘图,具体参考博主博客