1. Programs that use the int enum pattern are brittle. Because int enums are compile-time constants, they are compiled into the clients that use them. If the int associated with an enum constant is changed, its clients must be recompiled. If they aren’t, they will still run, but their behavior will be undefined.
2. The basic idea behind Java’s enum types is simple: they are classes that export one instance for each enumeration constant via a public static final field. Enum types are effectively final, by virtue of having no accessible constructors.
3. enum types let you add arbitrary methods and fields and implement arbitrary interfaces. They provide high-quality implementations of all the Object methods, they implement Comparable and Serializable, and their serialized form is designed to withstand most changes to the enum type.
4. There is a better way to associate a different behavior with each enum constant: declare an abstract method in the enum type, and override it with a concrete method for each constant in a constant-specific class body. Such methods are knows as constant-specific method implementations:
// Enum type with constant-specific method implementations public enum Operation { PLUS { double apply(double x, double y){return x + y;} }, MINUS { double apply(double x, double y){return x - y;} }, TIMES { double apply(double x, double y){return x * y;} }, DIVIDE { double apply(double x, double y){return x / y;} }; abstract double apply(double x, double y); }
Abstract methods in an enum type must be overridden with concrete methods in all of its constants.
5. Enum types have an automatically generated valueOf(String) method that translates a constant’s name into the constant itself. If you override the toString method in an enum type, consider writing a fromString method to translate the custom string representation back to the corresponding enum.
6. Enum constructors aren’t permitted to access the enum’s static fields, except for compile-time constant fields. This restriction is necessary because these static fields have not yet been initialized when the constructors run.
7. Consider the strategy enum pattern if multiple enum constants share common behaviors:
// The strategy enum pattern enum PayrollDay { MONDAY(PayType.WEEKDAY), TUESDAY(PayType.WEEKDAY), WEDNESDAY(PayType.WEEKDAY), THURSDAY(PayType.WEEKDAY), FRIDAY(PayType.WEEKDAY), SATURDAY(PayType.WEEKEND), SUNDAY(PayType.WEEKEND); private final PayType payType; PayrollDay(PayType payType) { this.payType = payType; } double pay(double hoursWorked, double payRate) { return payType.pay(hoursWorked, payRate); } // The strategy enum type private enum PayType { WEEKDAY { double overtimePay(double hours, double payRate) { return hours <= HOURS_PER_SHIFT ? 0 : (hours - HOURS_PER_SHIFT) * payRate / 2; } }, WEEKEND { double overtimePay(double hours, double payRate) { return hours * payRate / 2; } }; private static final int HOURS_PER_SHIFT = 8; abstract double overtimePay(double hrs, double payRate); double pay(double hoursWorked, double payRate) { double basePay = hoursWorked * payRate; return basePay + overtimePay(hoursWorked, payRate); } } }
Item 34: Use enums instead of int constants Item 35: Use instance fields instead of ordinals Item 36: Use EnumSet instead of bit fields Item 37: Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing Item 38: ...
10. **条目10:优先考虑使用枚举而非int常量(Use Enums Instead of Int Constants)** 枚举提供了类型安全,可以方便地添加方法和实现接口,比使用整数常量更易管理和维护。 11. **条目11:使用泛型(Generics)*...
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说明文档1 队伍简介初赛名次第42名复赛名次第22名队伍名把球给我两名队员全部来自中国科学院大学2 算法思路首先手工标记第一阶段2015年和2017的图像里的建筑物,将大图像划分成小图像,训练多个模型,识别出图像中的建筑物,不对测试集(第二阶段的图像)进行任何标注,直接在图像上预测,分别识别出2015和2017的建筑物,再将所得的两张建筑物图像相减,对结果文件进行边缘平滑和散点去除即可得出最后的结果。切割成160*160、224*224、256*256大小的小图片训练模型基于第一阶段的训练数据,分别训练了deeplabv2、resnet_fcn两个模型,分别在3种大小的图像上训练得到了5个模型(由于resnet最小图像限制为197,只用了224和256两种大小的图像),设定输出概率大于0.5判定为建筑物,小于0.5则为非建筑物未在测试数据上进行建筑物标注,线下建筑物识别准确率82%左右,经过标注,建筑物识别准确率能达到90%。复赛初始提交,泛化成绩0.742。经过数据标注和再训练,最终成绩0.829。数据增强用于模型训练阶段,数据后处理是对
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