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Item 30: Use enums instead of int constants


1.  Programs that use the int enum pattern are brittle. Because int enums are compile-time constants, they are compiled into the clients that use them. If the int associated with an enum constant is changed, its clients must be recompiled. If they aren’t, they will still run, but their behavior will be undefined.


2.  The basic idea behind Java’s enum types is simple: they are classes that export one instance for each enumeration constant via a public static final field. Enum types are effectively final, by virtue of having no accessible constructors.


3.  enum types let you add arbitrary methods and fields and implement arbitrary interfaces. They provide high-quality implementations of all the Object methods, they implement Comparable and Serializable, and their serialized form is designed to withstand most changes to the enum type.


4.  There is a better way to associate a different behavior with each enum constant: declare an abstract method in the enum type, and override it with a concrete method for each constant in a constant-specific class body. Such methods are knows as constant-specific method implementations:

// Enum type with constant-specific method implementations
public enum Operation {
    PLUS { double apply(double x, double y){return x + y;} },
    MINUS { double apply(double x, double y){return x - y;} },
    TIMES { double apply(double x, double y){return x * y;} },
    DIVIDE { double apply(double x, double y){return x / y;} };
    abstract double apply(double x, double y);


Abstract methods in an enum type must be overridden with concrete methods in all of its constants.


5.  Enum types have an automatically generated valueOf(String) method that translates a constant’s name into the constant itself. If you override the toString method in an enum type, consider writing a fromString method to translate the custom string representation back to the corresponding enum.


6.  Enum constructors aren’t permitted to access the enum’s static fields, except for compile-time constant fields. This restriction is necessary because these static fields have not yet been initialized when the constructors run.


7.  Consider the strategy enum pattern if multiple enum constants share common behaviors:

// The strategy enum pattern
enum PayrollDay {
    private final PayType payType;
    PayrollDay(PayType payType) { this.payType = payType; }
    double pay(double hoursWorked, double payRate) {
        return payType.pay(hoursWorked, payRate);
    // The strategy enum type
    private enum PayType {
        WEEKDAY { 
            double overtimePay(double hours, double payRate) {
                return hours <= HOURS_PER_SHIFT ? 0 : (hours - HOURS_PER_SHIFT) * payRate / 2;
        WEEKEND {
            double overtimePay(double hours, double payRate) {
                return hours * payRate / 2;
        private static final int HOURS_PER_SHIFT = 8;
        abstract double overtimePay(double hrs, double payRate);
        double pay(double hoursWorked, double payRate) {
            double basePay = hoursWorked * payRate;
            return basePay + overtimePay(hoursWorked, payRate);




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