1. Strategies for NP-Complete Problems
-- Identify computationally tractable special cases.
- knapsack capacity W = polynomial in number of items n
-- Heuristics
- Pretty good greedy heuristic
- Excellent dynamic programming heuristic
-- Exponential time but better than brute-force search
- O(nW)-time dynamic programming vs. O(2^n) brute-force search.
2. Knapsack Revisited
-- Input: n items. Each has a positive value vi and a size wi . Also, knapsack capacity is W.
-- Output: A subset S in {1, 2, ..., n} that maximizes Sum(i in S) {vi} subject to Sum(i in S) {wi} <=W
3. A Greedy Heuristic
-- Motivation: Ideal items have big value, small size.
-- Step 1: Sort and reindex item so that v1/w1 >= v2/w2 >= ... >=vn/wn
-- Step 2: Pack items in this order until one doesn't fit, then halt. (can continue to pack the follow-up items that can fit)
4. A Refined Greedy Heuristic
-- Fact: Greedy solution can be arbitrarily bad relative to an optimal solution.(i.e. v1 = 2, w1 = 1, v2 = 1000, w2 = 1000, W = 1000)
-- Fix: Step 3: Return either the Step 2 solution, or the maximum valuable item, whichever is better.
-- Theorem: Value of the 3-step greedy solution is always at least 50% value of an optimal solution. -- Runnig time: O(n log n)
5. Greedy Fractional Algorithm
-- We were allowed to fill fully the knapsack using a suitable “fraction" (like 70%) of item (k+1)
-- Greedy fractional solution at least as good as every non-fractional feasible solution.
-- Let S = an arbitrary feasible solution
-- Suppose l units of knapsack filled by S with items not packed by the greedy fractional solution
-- Must be at least l units of knapsack filled by greedy fractional solution not packed by S
-- By greedy criterion, items in Greedy Fractional solution have larger bang-per-buck vi/wi than those in S [i.e., more valuable use of space]
-- Total value of greedy fractional solution at least that of S
6. Analysis of Greedy Heuristic
-- Suppose our greedy algorithm picks the 1st k items (sorted by vi/wi ).
-- Value of 3-step greedy algorithm >= total value of 1st k items
Value of 3-step greedy algorithm >= value of (k + 1)th item
2 (value of 3-step greedy) >= total value of 1st (k + 1) items = total value of greedy fractional solution >= optimal knapsack solution
-- Analysis is Tight (i.e. W = 1000 , v1 = 502, v2 = v3 = 500, w1 = 501, w2 = w3 = 500)
7. A Refined Analysis
-- Suppose: Every item i has size wi <= 10% * knapsack capacity W.
-- Consequence: If greedy algorithm fails to pack all items, then the knapsack is >= 90% full.
-- Value of 2-step greedy algorithm >= 90% * value of greedy fractional solution >= 90% * value of an optimal solution.
-- In general, if maxi wi <= m%W, then 2-step greedy value is >= (1 - m%)*optimal
8. Arbitrarily Good Approximation
-- Goal: For a user-specified parameter e > 0 (e.g., e = 0.01), guarantee a (1 - e)-approximation.
-- Catch: Running time will increase as e decreases. (i.e., algorithm exports a running time vs. accuracy trade-off).
-- High-level idea: Exactly solve a slightly incorrect, but easier, knapsack instance.
-- If vi's are integers, can solve knapsack via dynamic programming in O(n^2vmax) time, where vmax = maxi{vi}.
-- Plan: Throw out lower-order bits of the vi's!
9. A Dynamic Programming Heuristic
-- Step 1: Round each vi down to the nearest multiple of m [larger m ==> throw out more info ==> less accuracy ==> m depends on e]
Divide the results by m to get vi' (integers). (i.e., vi' = floor(vi/m) )
-- Step 2: Use dynamic programming to solve the knapsack instance with values v1', ... , vn', sizes w1, ..., wn, capacity W.
Running time = O(n^2 max{vi'})
10. Two Dynamic Programming Algorithms
-- Dynamic programming algorithm #1:
-- Assume sizes wi and capacity W are integers
-- Running time = O(nW)
-- Dynamic programming algorithm #2:
-- Assume values vi are integers
-- Running time = O(n^2vmax), where vmax = max{vi}
11. The Subproblems and Recurrence
-- Subprolems: For i = 0, 1, ... , n and x = 0, 1, ... , n*vmax define
S(i,x) = minimum total size needed to achieve value >= x while using only the first i items. (Or +Infinity if impossible)
-- Recurrence: (i >= 1)
S(i,x) = min { S(i-1,x) [Case 1, item i not used in optimal solution] , wi + S(i-1,x-vi) [Case 2, item i used in optimal solution, interpreted as 0 if vi > x]
12. The Algorithm
-- Let A = 2-D array [indexed by i = 0, 1, ... , n and x = 0, 1, ... , n*vmax]
-- Base case: A[0,x] = 0 if x = 0 , +Infinity otherwise
-- For i = 1, 2, ... , n
For x = 0, 1, ... , n*vmax
A[i,x] = min{A[i-1,x] , wi+ A[i-1,x-vi]}
-- Return the largest x such that A[n,x] <= W
-- Running time: O(n^2vmax)
13. Accuracy Analysis
-- Since we rounded down to the nearest multiple of m, m*vi' in [vi-m , vi] for each item i.
-- If S* = optimal solution to the original problem (with the original vi), and S = our heuristic's solution, then
Sum(i in S){vi'} >= Sum(i in S*){vi'} [Since S is optimal for the vi']
-- Sum(i in S){vi} >= m * Sum(i in S) {vi'} >= m * Sum(i in S*){vi'} >= Sum{i in S*} {vi -m} >= Sum(i in S*} - nm
-- Constraint: Sum(i in S){vi} >= (1-e)*Sum(i in S*){vi}
-- To achieve above constraint: Choose m small enough that mn <= e * Sum(i in S*){vi}
Sum(i in S*){vi} is unknown to algorithm, but definitely >= vmax
Sufficient: Set m so that mn <= e*vmax, i.e., heuristic uses m = e*vmax/n
-- Running time is O(n^2vmax') , vmax' <= vmax/m = vmax / (e*vmax/n) , so running time is O(n^3/e)
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et al recently introduced a greedy layer wise unsupervised learning algorithm for Deep Belief Networks DBN a generative model with many layers of hidden causal variables In the context of the above ...
### GREEDY FUNCTION APPROXIMATION: A GRADIENT BOOSTING MACHINE #### 1. 引言与背景 本文探讨了一种新的函数逼近方法——贪心函数逼近法(Greedy Function Approximation, GFA),该方法特别关注梯度提升机...
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### Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine #### 核心知识点概览 本文将重点探讨《Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine》一文中所提及的关键概念和技术,包括梯度...
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根据提供的文件信息,本文将对“greedy_c源程序”中的关键知识点进行详细的解析与说明。此程序主要涉及了贪心算法(Greedy Algorithm)在C++中的实现,并结合具体的代码示例进行了演示。 ### 一、贪心算法概述 ...
### Greedy算法经典问题解析 #### 一、Greedy算法概览 Greedy算法是一种简单直观的算法设计策略,它在每一步选择中都采取当前看起来最优的选择,以期望达到全局最优解。这种策略并不总是能得到全局最优解,但在很...
本项目“Greedy Snake.zip”是一个基于Windows 32位汇编语言编写的贪吃蛇游戏,展示了汇编语言在实现游戏逻辑方面的强大能力。下面我们将深入探讨该项目涉及的知识点。 一、汇编语言基础 汇编语言是计算机程序设计...
* traveling salesman problem和knapsack problem:Greedy Technique可以提供快速的近似解决方案。 Greedy Technique是一种重要的算法设计技术,能够快速提供解决方案,但需要根据具体问题选择合适的技术。
贪吃蛇小游戏,闲的无聊可以下来玩玩,哈哈。由于java编写,所以需要 jre 环境噢,电脑装了java的都有此环境。纯手打,java开发,学习开发全流程见 ...
本项目"GreedySnake.zip"提供了这样一个简单的Java实现,旨在帮助初学者熟悉Java开发的基本技术和流程。以下是该项目涉及的主要知识点: 1. **Java基础知识**:在Java中编写贪吃蛇游戏,需要对基本语法、类与对象、...
8. **资源管理**:项目中的`index.jpg`、`a.png`、`b.png`可能是用于游戏背景、图标或者食物图像的资源文件,EasyX库提供了加载和显示位图的功能,使得开发者可以将这些图片集成到游戏中。 9. **Readme.txt**:此...
从给定文件内容中,我们可以梳理出一些关键的知识点,具体如下: 1. 梯度提升决策树(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree, GBDT): 该部分内容在文档中被提及,它指的是一种集成学习算法,属于机器学习和数据挖掘领域...