1. Scientific method of analyzing algorithm:
a) Observe some feature of the natural world.
b) Hypothesize a model that is consistent with the observations.
c) Predict events using the hypothesis.
d) Verify the predictions by making further observations.
e) Validate by repeating until the hypothesis and observations agree.
2. Knuth prooves that in principle, accurate mathematical models of algorithm analysis are available. Total running time is the sum of cost × frequency for all operations.
3. Turing mentioned that we can use some basic operation (most common operation in the algorithm) as a proxy for running time.
4. Tilde notation : Estimate running time (or memory) as a function of input size N. Ignore lower order terms:
– when N is large, terms are negligible
– when N is small, we don't care
Technical definition. f(N) ~ g(N) means lim N→ ∞ f (N)/g(N) = 1
5. the small set of functions:
1, log N, N, N log N, N^2, N^3, and 2^N
suffices to describe order-of-growth of typical algorithms.

6. An N^2 log N algorithm for 3-SUM problem ( given a list of numbers , try to tell how many triples' sum equals to 0. )
Sorting-based algorithm.
a) Sort the N (distinct) numbers.
b) For each pair of numbers a[i] and a[j], binary search for -(a[i] + a[j]).
Analysis. Order of growth is N^2 log N.
a) Step 1: N^2 with insertion sort.
b) Step 2: N^2 log N with binary search.
7. Commonly-used notations in the theory of algorithms:

8. Algorithm design approach:
a) Develop an algorithm.
b) Prove a lower bound.
a) Lower the upper bound (discover a new algorithm).
b) Raise the lower bound (more difficult).
9. Tilde-notation provide an approximate model of algorithm analysis.
10. Typical memory usage for objects in Java:
Object overhead: 16 bytes.
Reference: 8 bytes.
Padding: Each object uses a multiple of 8 bytes.
11. A String of length N
typically uses 40 bytes (for the String
object) plus 24 + 2N
bytes (for the array that contains the characters) for a total of 64 + 2N

12. Total memory usage for a data type value:
a) Primitive type: 4 bytes for int, 8 bytes for double, …
b) Object reference: 8 bytes.
c) Array: 24 bytes ( 16 bytes of object overhead, 4 bytes for the length, and 4 bytes of padding) + memory for each array entry.
d) Object: 16 bytes + memory for each instance variable + 8 bytes if inner class (for pointer to enclosing class).
e) Padding: round up to multiple of 8 bytes.

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Based on a new classification of algorithm design techniques and a clear delineation of analysis methods, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms presents the subject in a coherent and ...
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3rd Edition (算法分析设计基础Anany Levitin )第三版课后答案,第三版,1-12章全,有hints也有solutions,英文版
根据提供的文件信息,我们可以深入探讨《算法分析导论》这一主题。这本由Robert Sedgewick和Philippe Flajolet合著的书籍是算法分析领域的一部经典之作,旨在为读者提供全面且深入的算法分析知识。...
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1. 算法设计与分析(The Design and Analysis of Algorithms):文档标题强调了算法设计与分析的重要性。算法作为解决问题的一系列定义良好的指令集,在计算机科学中扮演着核心的角色。设计算法要求既高效又能准确...
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3rd Edition (算法分析设计基础Anany Levitin )第三版课后答案,第三版,1-12章全,有hints也有solutions,英文版
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms的中文版3
Anany Levitin的Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms中文版1
Title: The Design and Analysis of Algorithms Author: A. Levitin ISBN: 0-321-35828-7 Publisher: Addison Wesley Pub. Date: 2nd Ed., 2007 算法设计与分析基础 中文版 教材
An introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms, Robert Sedgewick 著
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本书基于“Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”第二版的内容,旨在帮助读者解决书中提出的练习题,深化对算法设计与分析的理解。 在算法的世界里,设计是创造解决问题的步骤,而分析则是评估...
《算法分析导论》第二版是罗伯特·塞杰维克(Robert Sedgewick)与菲利普·弗拉乔莱特(Philippe Flajolet)联合著作的一本关于算法分析领域的权威书籍。这本书详细介绍了算法分析的基本理论和方法,帮助读者掌握...
**标题**:“Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3rd edition.pdf” **描述**:“Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3rd edition.pdf” 该书籍主要介绍了算法设计与分析...