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[Ruby]转载: 关于ruby中 %Q, %q, %W, %w, %x, %r, %s 的用法
我们看个简单的例子,针对字符串 #{foo}test 我们分别用单引号核双引号操作
=> "\#{foo}test"
NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo' for main:Object
from (irb):4
from C:/Ruby192/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
显而易见, 双引号对字符串内的#进行了解析, 导致ruby认为foo是个方法,出错.
类似的, %W %Q 相当于双引号, %w %q 相当于单引号.
转载: http://simpleror.wordpress.com/2009/03/15/q-q-w-w-x-r-s/
This is an alternative for double-quoted strings, when you have more quote characters in a string.Instead of putting backslashes in front of them, you can easily write:
>> %Q(Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}"")
=> "Joe said: "Frank said: "Hello!"""
The parenthesis “(…)” can be replaced with any other non-alphanumeric characters and non-printing characters (pairs), so the following commands are equivalent:
>> %Q!Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""!
>> %Q[Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""]
>> %Q+Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""+
You can use also:
>> %/Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""/
=> "Joe said: "Frank said: "Hello!"""
Used for single-quoted strings.The syntax is similar to %Q, but single-quoted strings are not subject to expression substitution or escape sequences.
>> %q(Joe said: 'Frank said: '#{what_frank_said} ' ')
=> "Joe said: 'Frank said: '\#{what_frank_said} ' '"
Used for double-quoted array elements.The syntax is similar to %Q
>> %W(#{foo} Bar Bar\ with\ space)
=> ["Foo", "Bar", "Bar with space"]
Used for single-quoted array elements.The syntax is similar to %Q, but single-quoted elements are not subject to expression substitution or escape sequences.
>> %w(#{foo} Bar Bar\ with\ space)
=> ["\#{foo}", "Bar", "Bar with space"]
Uses the ` method and returns the standard output of running the command in a subshell.The syntax is similar to %Q.
>> %x(echo foo:#{foo})
=> "foo:Foo\n"
Used for regular expressions.The syntax is similar to %Q.
>> %r(/home/#{foo})
=> "/\\/home\\/Foo/"
Used for symbols.It’s not subject to expression substitution or escape sequences.
>> %s(foo)
=> :foo
>> %s(foo bar)
=> :"foo bar"
>> %s(#{foo} bar)
=> :"\#{foo} bar"
我们看个简单的例子,针对字符串 #{foo}test 我们分别用单引号核双引号操作
=> "\#{foo}test"
NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo' for main:Object
from (irb):4
from C:/Ruby192/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
显而易见, 双引号对字符串内的#进行了解析, 导致ruby认为foo是个方法,出错.
类似的, %W %Q 相当于双引号, %w %q 相当于单引号.
转载: http://simpleror.wordpress.com/2009/03/15/q-q-w-w-x-r-s/
This is an alternative for double-quoted strings, when you have more quote characters in a string.Instead of putting backslashes in front of them, you can easily write:
>> %Q(Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}"")
=> "Joe said: "Frank said: "Hello!"""
The parenthesis “(…)” can be replaced with any other non-alphanumeric characters and non-printing characters (pairs), so the following commands are equivalent:
>> %Q!Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""!
>> %Q[Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""]
>> %Q+Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""+
You can use also:
>> %/Joe said: "Frank said: "#{what_frank_said}""/
=> "Joe said: "Frank said: "Hello!"""
Used for single-quoted strings.The syntax is similar to %Q, but single-quoted strings are not subject to expression substitution or escape sequences.
>> %q(Joe said: 'Frank said: '#{what_frank_said} ' ')
=> "Joe said: 'Frank said: '\#{what_frank_said} ' '"
Used for double-quoted array elements.The syntax is similar to %Q
>> %W(#{foo} Bar Bar\ with\ space)
=> ["Foo", "Bar", "Bar with space"]
Used for single-quoted array elements.The syntax is similar to %Q, but single-quoted elements are not subject to expression substitution or escape sequences.
>> %w(#{foo} Bar Bar\ with\ space)
=> ["\#{foo}", "Bar", "Bar with space"]
Uses the ` method and returns the standard output of running the command in a subshell.The syntax is similar to %Q.
>> %x(echo foo:#{foo})
=> "foo:Foo\n"
Used for regular expressions.The syntax is similar to %Q.
>> %r(/home/#{foo})
=> "/\\/home\\/Foo/"
Used for symbols.It’s not subject to expression substitution or escape sequences.
>> %s(foo)
=> :foo
>> %s(foo bar)
=> :"foo bar"
>> %s(#{foo} bar)
=> :"\#{foo} bar"
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