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python视频教程 更新22(完)
scanDag命令以depth first(深度优先)或breadth first(广度优先)来迭代整个DAG,输出每个节点的名称和深度等信息,这个命令插件例子中只对相机、灯光、NURBS surfaces进行支持。
在maya的Plug-in Manager中加载scanDagCmd.py,然后你可以随便创建一些相机、灯光、NURBS surfaces,并对它们进行位移等属性调整,然后分别执行
// -d 为深度优先,-b 为广度优先 // 相机 scanDag -d 1 -c 1; // 灯光 scanDag -d 1 -l 1; // NURBS surfaces scanDag -d 1 -l 1; // 或全部一起 scanDag -d 1 -c 1 -l 1 -n 1;
import maya.cmds as cmds # 相机 cmds.scanDag(d=1, c=1) # 灯光 cmds.scanDag(d=1, l=1)
Starting Depth First scan of the Dag: Filtering for Cameras
perspShape: camera
dagPath: |persp|perspShape
translation: 28.000000 21.000000 28.000000
rotation: [-0.487616, 0.785398, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 28.000000 21.000000 28.000000
upDirection: -0.331295 0.883452 -0.331295
viewDirection: -0.624695 -0.468521 -0.624695
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
topShape: camera
dagPath: |top|topShape
translation: 0.000000 100.100000 0.000000
rotation: [-1.570796, 0.000000, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 0.000000 100.100000 0.000000
upDirection: 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
viewDirection: 0.000000 -1.000000 -0.000000
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
frontShape: camera
dagPath: |front|frontShape
translation: 0.000000 0.000000 100.100000
rotation: [0.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 0.000000 0.000000 100.100000
upDirection: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
viewDirection: 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
sideShape: camera
dagPath: |side|sideShape
translation: 100.100000 0.000000 0.000000
rotation: [-0.000000, 1.570796, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 100.100000 0.000000 0.000000
upDirection: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
viewDirection: -1.000000 0.000000 -0.000000
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
// Result: 4 //
perspShape: camera
dagPath: |persp|perspShape
translation: 28.000000 21.000000 28.000000
rotation: [-0.487616, 0.785398, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 28.000000 21.000000 28.000000
upDirection: -0.331295 0.883452 -0.331295
viewDirection: -0.624695 -0.468521 -0.624695
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
topShape: camera
dagPath: |top|topShape
translation: 0.000000 100.100000 0.000000
rotation: [-1.570796, 0.000000, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 0.000000 100.100000 0.000000
upDirection: 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
viewDirection: 0.000000 -1.000000 -0.000000
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
frontShape: camera
dagPath: |front|frontShape
translation: 0.000000 0.000000 100.100000
rotation: [0.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 0.000000 0.000000 100.100000
upDirection: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
viewDirection: 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
sideShape: camera
dagPath: |side|sideShape
translation: 100.100000 0.000000 0.000000
rotation: [-0.000000, 1.570796, 0.000000]
scale: [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]
eyePoint: 100.100000 0.000000 0.000000
upDirection: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
viewDirection: -1.000000 0.000000 -0.000000
aspectRatio: 1.500000
horizontalFilmAperture: 1.417320
verticalFilmAperture: 0.944880
// Result: 4 //
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import sys import maya.OpenMaya as om import maya.OpenMayaMPx as ompx # 命令名称 kCmdName = 'scanDag' # 命令参数 kBreadthFlag = '-b' kBreadthFlagLong = 'breadthFirst' kDepthFlag = '-d' kDepthFlagLong = '-depthFirst' kCameraFlag = '-c' kCameraFlagLong = '-cameras' kLightFlag = '-l' kLightFlagLong = '-lights' kNurbsSurfaceFlag = '-n' kNurbsSurfaceFlagLong = '-nurbsSurfaces' kQuietFlag = '-q' kQuietFlagLong = '-quiet' # 定义命令 class ScanDag(ompx.MPxCommand): def __init__(self): super(ScanDag, self).__init__() def doIt(self, args): # 初始化默认变量,防止无参数命令出现 self._traversalType = om.MItDag.kDepthFirst self._filter = om.MFn.kInvalid self._quiet = False self.__parseArgs(args) return self.__doScan() def __parseArgs(self, args): ''' 检查命令所给的参数,并设置相应的变量 ''' argData = om.MArgDatabase(self.syntax(), args) if argData.isFlagSet(kBreadthFlag) or argData.isFlagSet(kBreadthFlagLong): self._traversalType = om.MItDag.kBreadthFirst if argData.isFlagSet(kDepthFlag) or argData.isFlagSet(kDepthFlagLong): self._traversalType = om.MItDag.kDepthFirst if argData.isFlagSet(kCameraFlag) or argData.isFlagSet(kCameraFlagLong): self._filter = om.MFn.kCamera if argData.isFlagSet(kLightFlag) or argData.isFlagSet(kLightFlagLong): self._filter = om.MFn.kLight if argData.isFlagSet(kNurbsSurfaceFlag) or argData.isFlagSet(kNurbsSurfaceFlagLong): self._filter = om.MFn.kNurbsSurface if argData.isFlagSet(kQuietFlag) or argData.isFlagSet(kQuietFlagLong): self._quiet = True return True def __doScan(self): ''' 完成实际的工作 ''' # 创建dag迭代器 dagIterator = om.MItDag(self._traversalType, self._filter) # Scan the entire DAG and output the name and depth of each node # 扫描整个DAG,输出每个节点的名称和深度 if self._traversalType == om.MItDag.kBreadthFirst: if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write('Starting Breadth First scan of the Dag') else: if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write('Starting Depth First scan of the Dag') if self._filter == om.MFn.kCamera: if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(': Filtering for Cameras\n') elif self._filter == om.MFn.kLight: if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(': Filtering for Lights\n') elif self._filter == om.MFn.kNurbsSurface: if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(': Filtering for Nurbs Surfaces\n') else: sys.stdout.write('\n') # 对DAG里的每个节点进行迭代 objectCount = 0 while not dagIterator.isDone(): dagPath = om.MDagPath() # 获取节点的DAG路径 dagIterator.getPath(dagPath) # 使用方法集来操作节点 dagNode = om.MFnDagNode(dagPath) # 输出节点的名称,类型,全路径 if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write('%s: %s\n' % (dagNode.name(), dagNode.typeName())) if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(' dagPath: %s\n' % dagPath.fullPathName()) # 判别节点的类型,这里只对相机、灯光、NURBS surfaces进行操作 # 实际上是可以对任意类型,进行相应的操作 objectCount += 1 if dagPath.hasFn(om.MFn.kCamera): camera = om.MFnCamera(dagPath) # Get the translation/rotation/scale data # 获取translation/rotation/scale等数据 self.__printTransformData(dagPath) # Extract some interesting Camera data # 分离一些有趣的相机数据 if not self._quiet: eyePoint = camera.eyePoint(om.MSpace.kWorld) upDirection = camera.upDirection(om.MSpace.kWorld) viewDirection = camera.viewDirection(om.MSpace.kWorld) aspectRatio = camera.aspectRatio() hfa = camera.horizontalFilmAperture() vfa = camera.verticalFilmAperture() sys.stdout.write(" eyePoint: %f %f %f\n" % (eyePoint.x, eyePoint.y, eyePoint.z)) sys.stdout.write(" upDirection: %f %f %f\n" % (upDirection.x, upDirection.y, upDirection.z)) sys.stdout.write(" viewDirection: %f %f %f\n" % (viewDirection.x, viewDirection.y, viewDirection.z)) sys.stdout.write(" aspectRatio: %f\n" % aspectRatio) sys.stdout.write(" horizontalFilmAperture: %f\n" % hfa) sys.stdout.write(" verticalFilmAperture: %f\n" % vfa) elif dagPath.hasFn(om.MFn.kLight): light = om.MFnLight(dagPath) # Get the translation/rotation/scale data # 获取translation/rotation/scale等数据 self.__printTransformData(dagPath) # Extract some interesting Light data # 分离一些有趣的灯光数据 color = om.MColor() color = light.color() if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(" color: [%f, %f, %f]\n" % (color.r, color.g, color.b)) color = light.shadowColor() if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(" shadowColor: [%f, %f, %f]\n" % (color.r, color.g, color.b)) sys.stdout.write(" intensity: %f\n" % light.intensity()) elif dagPath.hasFn(om.MFn.kNurbsSurface): surface = om.MFnNurbsSurface(dagPath) # Get the translation/rotation/scale data # 获取translation/rotation/scale等数据 self.__printTransformData(dagPath) # Extract some interesting Surface data # 分离一些有趣的NURBS surfaces数据 if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(" numCVs: %d * %d\n" % (surface.numCVsInU(), surface.numCVsInV())) sys.stdout.write(" numKnots: %d * %d\n" % (surface.numKnotsInU(), surface.numKnotsInV())) sys.stdout.write(" numSpans: %d * %d\n" % (surface.numSpansInU(), surface.numSpansInV())) else: # Get the translation/rotation/scale data # 获取translation/rotation/scale等数据 self.__printTransformData(dagPath) dagIterator.next() # 返回命令结果,这个结果为所操作的节点的数量值 self.setResult(objectCount) return om.MStatus.kSuccess def __printTransformData(self, dagPath): ''' 获取translation/rotation/scale等数据 ''' # 获取节点的Transform节点 transformNode = dagPath.transform() transform = om.MFnDagNode(transformNode) # 获取Transform的Transformation matrix matrix = om.MTransformationMatrix(transform.transformationMatrix()) if not self._quiet: # 获取节点的位移数值,并输出 translation = matrix.translation(om.MSpace.kWorld) sys.stdout.write(' translation: %f %f %f\n' % (translation.x, translation.y, translation.z)) #rOrder = om.MTransformationMatrix.kXYZ #matrix.getRotation(ptr, rOrder) # 获取节点的旋转数值,并输出 rotateOrder = 0 mquat = matrix.rotation() rot = mquat.asEulerRotation() rot.reorderIt(rotateOrder) if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(" rotation: [%f, %f, %f]\n" % (rot.x, rot.y, rot.z)) # 获取节点的缩放数值,并输出 # 这里需要使用MScriptUtil # 因为MTransformationMatrix.getScale() # 的第一个参数是C++里的指针 util = om.MScriptUtil() util.createFromDouble(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ptr = util.asDoublePtr() matrix.getScale(ptr, om.MSpace.kWorld) scaleX = util.getDoubleArrayItem(ptr, 0) scaleY = util.getDoubleArrayItem(ptr, 1) scaleZ = util.getDoubleArrayItem(ptr, 2) if not self._quiet: sys.stdout.write(' scale: [%f, %f, %f]\n' % (scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ)) # Creator def cmdCreator(): return ompx.asMPxPtr(ScanDag()) # Syntax creator def syntaxCreator(): syntax = om.MSyntax() syntax.addFlag(kBreadthFlag, kBreadthFlagLong, om.MSyntax.kBoolean) syntax.addFlag(kDepthFlag, kDepthFlagLong, om.MSyntax.kBoolean) syntax.addFlag(kCameraFlag, kCameraFlagLong, om.MSyntax.kBoolean) syntax.addFlag(kLightFlag, kLightFlagLong, om.MSyntax.kBoolean) syntax.addFlag(kNurbsSurfaceFlag, kNurbsSurfaceFlagLong, om.MSyntax.kBoolean) syntax.addFlag(kQuietFlag, kQuietFlagLong, om.MSyntax.kBoolean) return syntax # Initialize the script plug-in def initializePlugin(mobj): mplugin = ompx.MFnPlugin(mobj, 'Mack Stone', '3.0', 'Any') try: mplugin.registerCommand(kCmdName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator) except: sys.stderr.write('Failed to register command: %s\n' % kCmdName) raise # Uninitialize the script plug-in def uninitializePlugin(mobj): mplugin = ompx.MFnPlugin(mobj) try: mplugin.deregisterCommand(kCmdName) except: sys.stderr.write('Failed to unregister command: %s\n' % kCmdName) raise
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