Polywell's Poly X5800A3-990X ($3499 as of March one, 2011) illustrates how close the competition is atop the performance desktop Laptop chart. The X5800A3's robust showing on our tests puts it correct with almost all of its rivals. The problem? Others do far better.
Below its hood, the Poly X5800A3-990X packs Intel's six-core Core i7-990X processor, which can be merely a clock improve outside of the acquainted Core i7-980X that many PCs already use. Presented the X5800A3-990X's mixture of the self-contained liquid cooling technique along with a stock-clock, three.47GHz chip, the system's 12GB of DDR3-1333 memory seems like overkill. Polywell need to have invested a lot more in juice for its CPU, the center in the Pc.
The $3999 iBuyPower Paladin XLC--which beefs up its Core i7-980X CPU from 3.33GHz to 4.2GHz--outperformed the X5800A3-990X on our WorldBench 6 suite of assessments by 11 details (198 as opposed to 187). The Paladin also offers a 128GB RAID-0 array of solid-state drives (the Polywell has a solitary 60GB SSD boot generate), along with a 2TB storage drive (the Polywell has a 1TB product). And boutique vendor V3 Gaming PC's Convoy desktop scored even larger (a WorldBench six mark of 204) for the significantly reduced price ($2499).
The X5800A3-990X parlays its Crossfire configuration of two ATI Radeon HD6970 cards into an remarkable body fee of 175.8 frames per second on our Unreal Tournament three benchmark check (run at a resolution of 2560 by 1600, prime quality), vs . 147.1 fps for the Paladin XLC and 204 fps.
This Poly uses an Antec Six hundred situation bred for air cooling and highlighted by a huge, 200mm, adjustable-speed fan. However, you'l need to use a screwdriver to put in or modify any device within the X5800A3's body.
Four USB ports, a Blu-ray combo push, along with a multiformat card reader adorn the front from the X5800A3-990X. The style with the front panels feels somewhat askew, nonetheless.
Polywell does a fantastic career together with the neat cabling inside the chassis. The program offers three 5.25-inch bays (a single open up), in addition 5 3.5-inch bays for future hard-drive purchases.With ample energy, you would possibly be able to plug a gadget to the system's free PCI Convey x4 and PCI Convey x16 slots, as well, but functioning round the two beastly graphics boards can be a challenge.
The system's rear connection possibilities incorporate two USB three.0 ports, an SPDIF optical and coaxial port, four USB two.0 ports, one particular gigabit ethernet port, one FireWire 400 port, and built-in 7.one surround sound--but not eSATA. The system's two videocards deliver a complete of four DVI ports, two HDMI ports, and 4 mini-DisplayPort connections.
Our evaluation design from the X5800A3-990X delivered with no any mice or keyboards, however you can customize your machine that has a wide array of input units at Polywell's Website, if you determine to drag the set off.
Polywell's Poly X5800A3-990X is really a great efficiency desktop, but it's just not nearly as good as several of its rivals.
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内容概要:本文详细介绍了 C++ 函数的基础概念及其实战技巧。内容涵盖了函数的基本结构(定义、声明、调用)、多种参数传递方式(值传递、引用传递、指针传递),各类函数类型(无参无返、有参无返、无参有返、有参有返),以及高级特性(函数重载、函数模板、递归函数)。此外,通过实际案例展示了函数的应用,如统计数组元素频次和实现冒泡排序算法。最后,总结了C++函数的重要性及未来的拓展方向。 适合人群:有一定编程基础的程序员,特别是想要深入了解C++编程特性的开发人员。 使用场景及目标:① 学习C++中函数的定义与调用,掌握参数传递方式;② 掌握不同类型的C++函数及其应用场景;③ 深入理解函数重载、函数模板和递归函数的高级特性;④ 提升实际编程能力,通过实例强化所学知识。 其他说明:文章以循序渐进的方式讲解C++函数的相关知识点,并提供了实际编码练习帮助理解。阅读过程中应当边思考边实践,动手实验有助于更好地吸收知识点。
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永磁同步电机全速域控制高频方波注入法、滑模观测器法SMO、加权切矢量控制Simulink仿真模型 低速域采用高频方波注入法HF,高速域采用滑膜观测器法SMO,期间采用加权形式切 送前方法 1、零低速域,来用无数字滤波器高频方波注入法, 2.中高速域采用改进的SMO滑模观测器,来用的是sigmoid函数,PLL锁相环 3、转速过渡区域采用加权切法 该仿真各个部分清晰分明,仿真波形效果良好内附详细控制方法资料lunwen 带有参考文献和说明文档,仿真模型 ,核心关键词: 1. 永磁同步电机; 2. 全速域控制; 3. 高频方波注入法; 4. 滑模观测器法SMO; 5. 加权切换矢量控制; 6. Simulink仿真模型; 7. 零低速域控制; 8. 中高速域控制; 9. 转速过渡区域控制; 10. 仿真波形效果; 11. 详细控制方法资料; 12. 参考文献和说明文档。,永磁同步电机多域控制策略的仿真研究
基于蜣螂优化算法的无人机三维路径规划【23年新算法应用】可直接运行 Matlab语言 主要内容:读取地形数据,利用蜣螂算法DBO优化三维路径,目标函数为总路径最短,同时不能撞到障碍物,效果如图所示,包括迭代曲线图、三维路径图、二维平面图等等 ,基于蜣螂优化算法;无人机;三维路径规划;总路径最短;障碍物避免;Matlab语言;迭代曲线图;三维路径图;二维平面图,蜣螂算法优化无人机三维路径规划:实时避障、路径最短新应用
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