安装在N900 上的
The 5800 is based on ARM11 and uses the ARM 6 instruction set. The N900
uses ARM Cortex-8 which uses the ARM 7 instruction set. So maemo will
not run on a 5800 or actually any other device that does not run ARM 7
is pretty adapable to all processors is often what is used
initially for processor development. But linux
is not an embedded
operating system so you need to develop a CMOS, drivers for all your
input and output and wire it all up and you would have it.
Originally Posted by wizard_hu_
The hardware potential is undoubtfully there, but otherwise it is just not feasible.
Generally mobile phone manufacturers do not rush to make driver-level
details available for everyone. I would guess that this particularly
applies to flagship devices.
For this problem, there would be two 'solutions'
1) someone reverse engineers the device, and makes linux
available - it is illegal, but not impossible after all. Takes some
time of course, but it is the time of whoever does it - feel free to do
that if you want
2) Nokia does it: it would certainly succeed, then
- Nokia would have to provide end-user support for it ('how to change
background image on 5800 S60', 'how to change background image on 5800
Maemo' would be two distinct questions)
- Nokia would have to provide developer support for it, because the
device itself would still differ a lot from other Maemo devices - I
guess you would not want to give up the phone functionality in favour
of having a linux
- applications released for 'the 5800' would turn out to be
incompatible with 'the 5800', because there would be no such thing as
'the 5800' any more. Possible result: "Bah, 5800 is crap, I tell it
everyone, upload to YouTube and write on my blog, then I buy something
- Nokia could try providing everything from its own side to be
available on both OS-s, which would be possible, but obviously require
resources (time, manpower)
- doing the port itself also requires resources
- product life-cycle of nowadays mobile devices is relatively short
('consumerism', 'throw-away society', and the like), so all of these
efforts would be spent on a device which has already passed 20-30% of
its lifetime
Exactly which of these factors should make the idea attractive to
Nokia? The idea of making a successful product potentially less
successful at the cost of spending resources on it. In my opinion
"real" "XpressMusic people" do not want to change the OS. And if they
happen to change it, they will not understand why things (from 3rd
parties) start malfunctioning.
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