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MaxDB Content Server migration from windows to unix

  • SAP

Is it possible to relocate an SAP Content Server?

Yes, but you should consider the following points:

  • If you want to move an entire SAP Content Server with all its repositories, copy the file ContentServer.ini and the security directory (underneath the ContentServer directory) to the new server.  Use the SAP DB backup/restore functionality to copy the contents of the database.
  • If the machine name or the HTTP port of the Content Server is changed during relocation, remember to modify the repository definitions in the SAP system accordingly.
  • We do not recommend that you just make a physical copy of the old server, as this may create problems with the IIS when you change the IP address, causing the IIS to shut down. If this happens, a simple uninstall does not help. You will have to reinstall NT, the service pack, and the option pack, so please be careful.

note 129352 - Homogeneous system copy with MaxDB (SAP DB) can help for SAP DB backup/restore


Please be aware that SAP only support MaxDB RDBMS so far.







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