Retail solution的article master中(MM41/42/43),在basic view维护UoM的位置可以勾选是basic uom/order uom/issue uom/sales uom
在sales view中,UoM是validity area的一个key值。当我们选择retail的distribution chain的时候,SAP自动带出的是retail uom,当我们选择whole sale或者公司间的交易时(DC->Store)SAP自动带出issue uom,这个事怎么实现的呢?
原来在SAP配置里 Logistics - General->Basic Data Retail->Distribution Chain Control
在Distr.chain category这个选项中,我们可以选择这个distribution chain是for store/for DC/for wholesale。如果选择了第一项就是retail的distribution chain SAP会带出sale uom
这里SAP的处理还是十分智能的,我和merchandise logistics的顾问还以为SAP有啥magic呢,呵呵。
.on(view1, view2, view3) .start(); Available attributes View Selector FiftyShadesOf.with(context) .on(,, //views id .on(view1, view2, view3) //views references ...
The descriptions of the the options above still generally apply, although not all of them work on Windows. #### Makefile **NOTE:** This Method is deprecated. Use CMake if at all possible. ...
CREATE VIEW V_Sale1 AS SELECT SaleDate,Customer.CusNO,CusName,Product.ProNO,ProName,Price,Proout.Quantity, SM=(Price *Proout.Quantity) FROM Customer ,Product,Proln,Proout WHERE Customer.CusNO=Proout....
Analysis of the dataset UCI Default of Credit Card Clients Dataset, that contains information on default payments, demographic factors, credit data, history of payment, and bill statements of credit ...
完成CSS的编辑后,回到Visual Studio或SharePoint Designer,找到“default.master”文件,点击“Save”保存主页面的更改。接下来,刷新Web站点,查看地址并访问,你会看到菜单的样式已经按照你的设置进行了更新。 ...
5. 在Hadoop的配置文件core-site.xml中,设置`fs.defaultFS`属性,指定HDFS的默认文件系统,通常格式为"hdfs://namenode:port"。 在Windows环境下运行Hadoop和相关的大数据应用,如Pig、Hive、Spark等,WinUtils是...
To run a single integration test in debug mode (for remote debugging in an IDE) on the default port of 5005: $ mvn verify -DrunITs -Dit.test=<<YourIT>> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug To skip test $ ...
Research on CreditRisk+ Model Based on Severity Variation and Sector Correlation of Multi-system Risk Factors,彭建刚,吕志华,On the basis of multi-system risk factors CreditRisk+ model based on ...
~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <h1>Welcome to our website! ``` 在这个内容页面中,`<asp:Content>`标签指定了`ContentPlaceHolderID`为...
URW 793 when using constant struct with enums2.00 of 5 Closed10861 Access Violation when compiling code with default index property0.00 of 5 Closed10772 Designer improperly handles controls tagged ...
Dynamic-load-view Overview 中文介绍 Dynamic-load-view can load View in external ...Safty.when hotfix failed,just rollback to your default view. Compatibility. all version between 4.0~6.0 device is ok.
that gives the values of the output nodes for each pattern on the last iteration (or the only iteration, if you are in testing mode and there is only one iteration), the error file that gives you ...
12.5.4 Effect of Threads on CodeView Commands Part 2 Utilities Chapter 13 Linking Object Files with LINK 13.1 Determining Linker Output 13.2 Specifying Files for Linking 13.2.1 Specifying File Names...
Abstract—Based on demands in proxy pattern, this article proposes informatization solution of proxy pattern which includes enterprise management, proxy management, franchisee management and supply ...
《Default.rdp文件详解及其在IT环境中的应用》 Default.rdp文件是远程桌面协议(Remote Desktop Protocol,RDP)的配置文件,主要用于保存用户连接远程计算机时的设置信息。在Windows操作系统中,这种文件类型通常...
"pdfview打开pdf文件,避免android无法通过webview打开pdf文件"这个主题正是关注如何在Android应用中集成PDF阅读功能,特别是在Eclipse环境下。我们将探讨PDFView库的使用方法,以及如何将其集成到Eclipse项目中。 ...
Hive on Spark EXPLAIN statement : 讲述了 Common Join / Map join / Bucket Map Join / Sorted Merge ...the execution plan with the Spark query engine, instead of the default (“mr”) MapReduce query engine