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Suite on HANA[SoH]之ABAP直接调用HANA存储过程 -
Retail - Assortment List -
我也是做主要做Retail行业的,方便提供密码么,大家可共同交 ...
Pricing and Promotion(PartII) -
Suite on HANA[SoH]之ABAP直接调用HANA模型 -
purehunter 写道html5足以开发复杂应用了 看来h ...
SAP公开课笔记:基于HANA的软件开发 - 第一周总结
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
Discover how to solve real-world BI problems by leveraging a slew of powerful new Analysis Services features and capabilities. These include the new DAX language, which is a more user-friendly ...
SQL Server 2012附带了强大的Analysis Services新功能,可使...随后,你将使用MDX和DAX来查询这些数据库,以便可以针对业务问题提供高级分析,并构建端到端的解决方案以满足你的需求。 ======本书为英文版==========
3Dmax插件MDLImporter和MDX Importer是针对3D建模软件3Dmax设计的两款专用工具,主要用于导入魔兽世界中的模型数据。这两款插件在高版本的3Dmax中尤为实用,能够帮助用户高效地将魔兽世界的MDL和MDX格式的模型文件...
MDX(Multidimensional Expressions)是多维表达式的一种语言,主要应用于数据仓库和商务智能领域,尤其是OLAP(在线分析处理)系统。MDX是用于查询和操作多维数据集的语言,允许用户从不同角度对数据进行切片、 ...
MDX,全称“Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Dynamic eXtension”,最初是由EA公司为他们的游戏《荣誉勋章:联合袭击》开发的一种3D模型和动画格式。随着时间的发展,MDX格式被广泛应用于其他基于DirectX的游戏,...
《剑桥高阶英英与路透金融英语:深度解析mdx及电子词典应用》 在当今数字化时代,学习工具的创新不断推动语言学习的进步。提到“剑桥高阶英英”和“路透金融英语”,这两大权威的英语学习资源已经不再局限于传统的...
MDX字典文件阅览器是一款专门设计用于打开和阅读MDX格式字典资源的软件。MDX文件是MDict(Mobile Dictionary)字典系统的一种核心文件格式,它包含了丰富的文字、图片、音频甚至视频等内容,使得用户可以在电脑或...
htmls2mdx >> 可以显示图片 >> 可以页面跳转 >> 可以处理中文 >> 提供源代码 >> 不提供维护,没时间 1. 使用CHM反编译工具把chm解包到某文件夹下,比如d:\Test\chm 2. 使用htmls2mdx,输入目录d:\Test\chm 3. htmls2...
MDX(Multiple Dictionary eXchange)词典是一种用于存储大量词汇和相关数据的文件格式,常见于语言处理、翻译软件和编程环境中。这种格式通常包含了丰富的词汇信息,如单词、短语、释义、例句等,便于快速查找和...