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课程——基于Python数据分析与机器学习案例实战教程分享网盘 ...
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hi,我想知道,无论在92还是94版本,更新时(如Puts)都 ...
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1. 安装
1. redis-py
git clone https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py.git
cd redis-py
python setup.py install
2. Parser安装
2. 使用
redis-py使用connection pool来管理对一个redis server的所有连接,避免每次建立、释放连接的开销。默认,每个Redis实例都会维护一个自己的连接池。可以直接建立一个连接池,然后作为参数Redis,这样就可以实现多个Redis实例共享一个连接池。
redis pipeline机制,可以在一次请求中执行多个命令,这样避免了多次的往返时延。
pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False)
1. redis-py
git clone https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py.git
cd redis-py
python setup.py install
2. Parser安装
2. 使用
import redis r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=9212) r.set('foo', 'hello') r.rpush('mylist', 'one') print r.get('foo') print r.rpop('mylist')
redis-py使用connection pool来管理对一个redis server的所有连接,避免每次建立、释放连接的开销。默认,每个Redis实例都会维护一个自己的连接池。可以直接建立一个连接池,然后作为参数Redis,这样就可以实现多个Redis实例共享一个连接池。
import redis pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=9212) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) r.set('one', 'first') r.set('two', 'second') print r.get('one') print r.get('two')
redis pipeline机制,可以在一次请求中执行多个命令,这样避免了多次的往返时延。
import redis pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=9212) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) pipe = r.pipeline() pipe.set('one', 'first') pipe.set('two', 'second') pipe.execute() pipe.set('one'. 'first').rpush('list', 'hello').rpush('list', 'world').execute()
pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False)
rc_albumbox = redis.Redis(connection_pool=(redis.ConnectionPool(host=host, port=int(port), db=3))) session_redis = redis.StrictRedis( host=getattr(settings, 'SESSION_REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'), port=getattr(settings, 'SESSION_REDIS_PORT', 6379), db=getattr(settings, 'SESSION_REDIS_DB', 0), password=getattr(settings, 'SESSION_REDIS_PASSWORD', None) )
daemonize yes pidfile /duitang/data/work/redis.pid logfile /duitang/logs/sys/redis.log dir /duitang/data/redis/ vm-swap-file /duitang/data/work/redis.swap port 6379 timeout 300 loglevel warning databases 16 save 900 1 save 300 10 save 60 10000 rdbcompression yes dbfilename dump.rdb appendonly no appendfsync always glueoutputbuf yes #shareobjects no #shareobjectspoolsize 1024 hash-max-zipmap-entries 4096 hash-max-zipmap-value 4096 list-max-ziplist-entries 4096 list-max-ziplist-value 4096 set-max-intset-entries 4096 activerehashing yes zset-max-ziplist-entries 4096 zset-max-ziplist-value 4096
import socket from itertools import chain, imap from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError, ResponseError, InvalidResponse try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO class PythonParser(object): "Plain Python parsing class" MAX_READ_LENGTH = 1000000 def __init__(self): self._fp = None def __del__(self): try: self.on_disconnect() except: pass def on_connect(self, connection): "Called when the socket connects" self._fp = connection._sock.makefile('r') def on_disconnect(self): "Called when the socket disconnects" if self._fp is not None: self._fp.close() self._fp = None def read(self, length=None): """ Read a line from the socket is no length is specified, otherwise read ``length`` bytes. Always strip away the newlines. """ try: if length is not None: bytes_left = length + 2 # read the line ending if length > self.MAX_READ_LENGTH: # apparently reading more than 1MB or so from a windows # socket can cause MemoryErrors. See: # https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py/issues/205 # read smaller chunks at a time to work around this try: buf = StringIO() while bytes_left > 0: read_len = min(bytes_left, self.MAX_READ_LENGTH) buf.write(self._fp.read(read_len)) bytes_left -= read_len buf.seek(0) return buf.read(length) finally: buf.close() return self._fp.read(bytes_left)[:-2] # no length, read a full line return self._fp.readline()[:-2] except (socket.error, socket.timeout), e: raise ConnectionError("Error while reading from socket: %s" % \ (e.args,)) def read_response(self): response = self.read() if not response: raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end") byte, response = response[0], response[1:] # server returned an error if byte == '-': if response.startswith('ERR '): response = response[4:] return ResponseError(response) if response.startswith('LOADING '): # If we're loading the dataset into memory, kill the socket # so we re-initialize (and re-SELECT) next time. raise ConnectionError("Redis is loading data into memory") # single value elif byte == '+': return response # int value elif byte == ':': return long(response) # bulk response elif byte == '$': length = int(response) if length == -1: return None response = self.read(length) return response # multi-bulk response elif byte == '*': length = int(response) if length == -1: return None return [self.read_response() for i in xrange(length)] raise InvalidResponse("Protocol Error") class HiredisParser(object): "Parser class for connections using Hiredis" def __del__(self): try: self.on_disconnect() except: pass def on_connect(self, connection): self._sock = connection._sock self._reader = hiredis.Reader( protocolError=InvalidResponse, replyError=ResponseError) def on_disconnect(self): self._sock = None self._reader = None def read_response(self): if not self._reader: raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end") response = self._reader.gets() while response is False: try: buffer = self._sock.recv(4096) except (socket.error, socket.timeout), e: raise ConnectionError("Error while reading from socket: %s" % \ (e.args,)) if not buffer: raise ConnectionError("Socket closed on remote end") self._reader.feed(buffer) # proactively, but not conclusively, check if more data is in the # buffer. if the data received doesn't end with \n, there's more. if not buffer.endswith('\n'): continue response = self._reader.gets() return response try: import hiredis DefaultParser = HiredisParser except ImportError: DefaultParser = PythonParser class Connection(object): "Manages TCP communication to and from a Redis server" def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None, encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='strict', parser_class=DefaultParser): self.host = host self.port = port self.db = db self.password = password self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout self.encoding = encoding self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors self._sock = None self._parser = parser_class() def __del__(self): try: self.disconnect() except: pass def connect(self): "Connects to the Redis server if not already connected" if self._sock: return try: sock = self._connect() except socket.error, e: raise ConnectionError(self._error_message(e)) self._sock = sock self.on_connect() def _connect(self): "Create a TCP socket connection" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) return sock def _error_message(self, exception): # args for socket.error can either be (errno, "message") # or just "message" if len(exception.args) == 1: return "Error connecting to %s:%s. %s." % \ (self.host, self.port, exception.args[0]) else: return "Error %s connecting %s:%s. %s." % \ (exception.args[0], self.host, self.port, exception.args[1]) def on_connect(self): "Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database" self._parser.on_connect(self) # if a password is specified, authenticate if self.password: self.send_command('AUTH', self.password) if self.read_response() != 'OK': raise ConnectionError('Invalid Password') # if a database is specified, switch to it if self.db: self.send_command('SELECT', self.db) if self.read_response() != 'OK': raise ConnectionError('Invalid Database') def disconnect(self): "Disconnects from the Redis server" self._parser.on_disconnect() if self._sock is None: return try: self._sock.close() except socket.error: pass self._sock = None def send_packed_command(self, command): "Send an already packed command to the Redis server" if not self._sock: self.connect() try: self._sock.sendall(command) except socket.error, e: self.disconnect() if len(e.args) == 1: _errno, errmsg = 'UNKNOWN', e.args[0] else: _errno, errmsg = e.args raise ConnectionError("Error %s while writing to socket. %s." % \ (_errno, errmsg)) except: self.disconnect() raise def send_command(self, *args): "Pack and send a command to the Redis server" self.send_packed_command(self.pack_command(*args)) def read_response(self): "Read the response from a previously sent command" try: response = self._parser.read_response() except: self.disconnect() raise if response.__class__ == ResponseError: raise response return response def encode(self, value): "Return a bytestring representation of the value" if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode(self.encoding, self.encoding_errors) return str(value) def pack_command(self, *args): "Pack a series of arguments into a value Redis command" command = ['$%s\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(enc_value), enc_value) for enc_value in imap(self.encode, args)] return '*%s\r\n%s' % (len(command), ''.join(command)) class UnixDomainSocketConnection(Connection): def __init__(self, path='', db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None, encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='strict', parser_class=DefaultParser): self.path = path self.db = db self.password = password self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout self.encoding = encoding self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors self._sock = None self._parser = parser_class() def _connect(self): "Create a Unix domain socket connection" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) sock.connect(self.path) return sock def _error_message(self, exception): # args for socket.error can either be (errno, "message") # or just "message" if len(exception.args) == 1: return "Error connecting to unix socket: %s. %s." % \ (self.path, exception.args[0]) else: return "Error %s connecting to unix socket: %s. %s." % \ (exception.args[0], self.path, exception.args[1]) # TODO: add ability to block waiting on a connection to be released class ConnectionPool(object): "Generic connection pool" def __init__(self, connection_class=Connection, max_connections=None, **connection_kwargs): self.connection_class = connection_class self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs self.max_connections = max_connections or 2**31 self._created_connections = 0 self._available_connections = [] self._in_use_connections = set() def get_connection(self, command_name, *keys, **options): "Get a connection from the pool" try: connection = self._available_connections.pop() except IndexError: connection = self.make_connection() self._in_use_connections.add(connection) return connection def make_connection(self): "Create a new connection" if self._created_connections >= self.max_connections: raise ConnectionError("Too many connections") self._created_connections += 1 return self.connection_class(**self.connection_kwargs) def release(self, connection): "Releases the connection back to the pool" self._in_use_connections.remove(connection) self._available_connections.append(connection) def disconnect(self): "Disconnects all connections in the pool" all_conns = chain(self._available_connections, self._in_use_connections) for connection in all_conns: connection.disconnect()
from __future__ import with_statement import datetime import time import warnings from itertools import imap, izip, starmap from redis.connection import ConnectionPool, UnixDomainSocketConnection from redis.exceptions import ( ConnectionError, DataError, RedisError, ResponseError, WatchError, ) def list_or_args(keys, args): # returns a single list combining keys and args try: i = iter(keys) # a string can be iterated, but indicates # keys wasn't passed as a list if isinstance(keys, basestring): keys = [keys] except TypeError: keys = [keys] if args: keys.extend(args) return keys def timestamp_to_datetime(response): "Converts a unix timestamp to a Python datetime object" if not response: return None try: response = int(response) except ValueError: return None return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(response) def string_keys_to_dict(key_string, callback): return dict.fromkeys(key_string.split(), callback) def dict_merge(*dicts): merged = {} [merged.update(d) for d in dicts] return merged def parse_debug_object(response): "Parse the results of Redis's DEBUG OBJECT command into a Python dict" # The 'type' of the object is the first item in the response, but isn't # prefixed with a name response = 'type:' + response response = dict([kv.split(':') for kv in response.split()]) # parse some expected int values from the string response # note: this cmd isn't spec'd so these may not appear in all redis versions int_fields = ('refcount', 'serializedlength', 'lru', 'lru_seconds_idle') for field in int_fields: if field in response: response[field] = int(response[field]) return response def parse_object(response, infotype): "Parse the results of an OBJECT command" if infotype in ('idletime', 'refcount'): return int(response) return response def parse_info(response): "Parse the result of Redis's INFO command into a Python dict" info = {} def get_value(value): if ',' not in value: return value sub_dict = {} for item in value.split(','): k, v = item.rsplit('=', 1) try: sub_dict[k] = int(v) except ValueError: sub_dict[k] = v return sub_dict for line in response.splitlines(): if line and not line.startswith('#'): key, value = line.split(':') try: if '.' in value: info[key] = float(value) else: info[key] = int(value) except ValueError: info[key] = get_value(value) return info def pairs_to_dict(response): "Create a dict given a list of key/value pairs" it = iter(response) return dict(izip(it, it)) def zset_score_pairs(response, **options): """ If ``withscores`` is specified in the options, return the response as a list of (value, score) pairs """ if not response or not options['withscores']: return response score_cast_func = options.get('score_cast_func', float) it = iter(response) return zip(it, imap(score_cast_func, it)) def int_or_none(response): if response is None: return None return int(response) def float_or_none(response): if response is None: return None return float(response) def parse_config(response, **options): # this is stupid, but don't have a better option right now if options['parse'] == 'GET': return response and pairs_to_dict(response) or {} return response == 'OK' class StrictRedis(object): """ Implementation of the Redis protocol. This abstract class provides a Python interface to all Redis commands and an implementation of the Redis protocol. Connection and Pipeline derive from this, implementing how the commands are sent and received to the Redis server """ RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge( string_keys_to_dict( 'AUTH DEL EXISTS EXPIRE EXPIREAT HDEL HEXISTS HMSET MOVE MSETNX ' 'PERSIST RENAMENX SISMEMBER SMOVE SETEX SETNX SREM ZREM', bool ), string_keys_to_dict( 'DECRBY GETBIT HLEN INCRBY LINSERT LLEN LPUSHX RPUSHX SADD SCARD ' 'SDIFFSTORE SETBIT SETRANGE SINTERSTORE STRLEN SUNIONSTORE ZADD ' 'ZCARD ZREMRANGEBYRANK ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', int ), string_keys_to_dict( # these return OK, or int if redis-server is >=1.3.4 'LPUSH RPUSH', lambda r: isinstance(r, long) and r or r == 'OK' ), string_keys_to_dict('ZSCORE ZINCRBY', float_or_none), string_keys_to_dict( 'FLUSHALL FLUSHDB LSET LTRIM MSET RENAME ' 'SAVE SELECT SET SHUTDOWN SLAVEOF WATCH UNWATCH', lambda r: r == 'OK' ), string_keys_to_dict('BLPOP BRPOP', lambda r: r and tuple(r) or None), string_keys_to_dict('SDIFF SINTER SMEMBERS SUNION', lambda r: r and set(r) or set() ), string_keys_to_dict('ZRANGE ZRANGEBYSCORE ZREVRANGE ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', zset_score_pairs ), string_keys_to_dict('ZRANK ZREVRANK', int_or_none), { 'BGREWRITEAOF': lambda r: \ r == 'Background rewriting of AOF file started', 'BGSAVE': lambda r: r == 'Background saving started', 'BRPOPLPUSH': lambda r: r and r or None, 'CONFIG': parse_config, 'DEBUG': parse_debug_object, 'HGETALL': lambda r: r and pairs_to_dict(r) or {}, 'INFO': parse_info, 'LASTSAVE': timestamp_to_datetime, 'OBJECT': parse_object, 'PING': lambda r: r == 'PONG', 'RANDOMKEY': lambda r: r and r or None, } ) def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None, connection_pool=None, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', unix_socket_path=None): if not connection_pool: kwargs = { 'db': db, 'password': password, 'socket_timeout': socket_timeout, 'encoding': charset, 'encoding_errors': errors } # based on input, setup appropriate connection args if unix_socket_path: kwargs.update({ 'path': unix_socket_path, 'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection }) else: kwargs.update({ 'host': host, 'port': port }) connection_pool = ConnectionPool(**kwargs) self.connection_pool = connection_pool self.response_callbacks = self.__class__.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS.copy() def set_response_callback(self, command, callback): "Set a custom Response Callback" self.response_callbacks[command] = callback def pipeline(self, transaction=True, shard_hint=None): """ Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead between the client and server. """ return StrictPipeline( self.connection_pool, self.response_callbacks, transaction, shard_hint) def transaction(self, func, *watches, **kwargs): """ Convenience method for executing the callable `func` as a transaction while watching all keys specified in `watches`. The 'func' callable should expect a single arguement which is a Pipeline object. """ shard_hint = kwargs.pop('shard_hint', None) with self.pipeline(True, shard_hint) as pipe: while 1: try: pipe.watch(*watches) func(pipe) return pipe.execute() except WatchError: continue def lock(self, name, timeout=None, sleep=0.1): """ Return a new Lock object using key ``name`` that mimics the behavior of threading.Lock. If specified, ``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock. By default, it will remain locked until release() is called. ``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep per loop iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently holding the lock. """ return Lock(self, name, timeout=timeout, sleep=sleep) def pubsub(self, shard_hint=None): """ Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to them. """ return PubSub(self.connection_pool, shard_hint) #### COMMAND EXECUTION AND PROTOCOL PARSING #### def execute_command(self, *args, **options): "Execute a command and return a parsed response" pool = self.connection_pool command_name = args[0] connection = pool.get_connection(command_name, **options) try: connection.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response(connection, command_name, **options) except ConnectionError: connection.disconnect() connection.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response(connection, command_name, **options) finally: pool.release(connection) def parse_response(self, connection, command_name, **options): "Parses a response from the Redis server" response = connection.read_response() if command_name in self.response_callbacks: return self.response_callbacks[command_name](response, **options) return response #### SERVER INFORMATION #### def bgrewriteaof(self): "Tell the Redis server to rewrite the AOF file from data in memory." return self.execute_command('BGREWRITEAOF') def bgsave(self): """ Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk. Unlike save(), this method is asynchronous and returns immediately. """ return self.execute_command('BGSAVE') def config_get(self, pattern="*"): "Return a dictionary of configuration based on the ``pattern``" return self.execute_command('CONFIG', 'GET', pattern, parse='GET') def config_set(self, name, value): "Set config item ``name`` with ``value``" return self.execute_command('CONFIG', 'SET', name, value, parse='SET') def dbsize(self): "Returns the number of keys in the current database" return self.execute_command('DBSIZE') def debug_object(self, key): "Returns version specific metainformation about a give key" return self.execute_command('DEBUG', 'OBJECT', key) def delete(self, *names): "Delete one or more keys specified by ``names``" return self.execute_command('DEL', *names) __delitem__ = delete def echo(self, value): "Echo the string back from the server" return self.execute_command('ECHO', value) def flushall(self): "Delete all keys in all databases on the current host" return self.execute_command('FLUSHALL') def flushdb(self): "Delete all keys in the current database" return self.execute_command('FLUSHDB') def info(self): "Returns a dictionary containing information about the Redis server" return self.execute_command('INFO') def lastsave(self): """ Return a Python datetime object representing the last time the Redis database was saved to disk """ return self.execute_command('LASTSAVE') def object(self, infotype, key): "Return the encoding, idletime, or refcount about the key" return self.execute_command('OBJECT', infotype, key, infotype=infotype) def ping(self): "Ping the Redis server" return self.execute_command('PING') def save(self): """ Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk, blocking until the save is complete """ return self.execute_command('SAVE') def shutdown(self): "Shutdown the server" try: self.execute_command('SHUTDOWN') except ConnectionError: # a ConnectionError here is expected return raise RedisError("SHUTDOWN seems to have failed.") def slaveof(self, host=None, port=None): """ Set the server to be a replicated slave of the instance identified by the ``host`` and ``port``. If called without arguements, the instance is promoted to a master instead. """ if host is None and port is None: return self.execute_command("SLAVEOF", "NO", "ONE") return self.execute_command("SLAVEOF", host, port) #### BASIC KEY COMMANDS #### def append(self, key, value): """ Appends the string ``value`` to the value at ``key``. If ``key`` doesn't already exist, create it with a value of ``value``. Returns the new length of the value at ``key``. """ return self.execute_command('APPEND', key, value) def decr(self, name, amount=1): """ Decrements the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as 0 - ``amount`` """ return self.execute_command('DECRBY', name, amount) def exists(self, name): "Returns a boolean indicating whether key ``name`` exists" return self.execute_command('EXISTS', name) __contains__ = exists def expire(self, name, time): "Set an expire flag on key ``name`` for ``time`` seconds" return self.execute_command('EXPIRE', name, time) def expireat(self, name, when): """ Set an expire flag on key ``name``. ``when`` can be represented as an integer indicating unix time or a Python datetime object. """ if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime): when = int(time.mktime(when.timetuple())) return self.execute_command('EXPIREAT', name, when) def get(self, name): """ Return the value at key ``name``, or None if the key doesn't exist """ return self.execute_command('GET', name) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Return the value at key ``name``, raises a KeyError if the key doesn't exist. """ value = self.get(name) if value: return value raise KeyError(name) def getbit(self, name, offset): "Returns a boolean indicating the value of ``offset`` in ``name``" return self.execute_command('GETBIT', name, offset) def getset(self, name, value): """ Set the value at key ``name`` to ``value`` if key doesn't exist Return the value at key ``name`` atomically """ return self.execute_command('GETSET', name, value) def incr(self, name, amount=1): """ Increments the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as ``amount`` """ return self.execute_command('INCRBY', name, amount) def keys(self, pattern='*'): "Returns a list of keys matching ``pattern``" return self.execute_command('KEYS', pattern) def mget(self, keys, *args): """ Returns a list of values ordered identically to ``keys`` """ keys = list_or_args(keys, args) return self.execute_command('MGET', *keys) def mset(self, mapping): "Sets each key in the ``mapping`` dict to its corresponding value" items = [] for pair in mapping.iteritems(): items.extend(pair) return self.execute_command('MSET', *items) def msetnx(self, mapping): """ Sets each key in the ``mapping`` dict to its corresponding value if none of the keys are already set """ items = [] for pair in mapping.iteritems(): items.extend(pair) return self.execute_command('MSETNX', *items) def move(self, name, db): "Moves the key ``name`` to a different Redis database ``db``" return self.execute_command('MOVE', name, db) def persist(self, name): "Removes an expiration on ``name``" return self.execute_command('PERSIST', name) def randomkey(self): "Returns the name of a random key" return self.execute_command('RANDOMKEY') def rename(self, src, dst): """ Rename key ``src`` to ``dst`` """ return self.execute_command('RENAME', src, dst) def renamenx(self, src, dst): "Rename key ``src`` to ``dst`` if ``dst`` doesn't already exist" return self.execute_command('RENAMENX', src, dst) def set(self, name, value): "Set the value at key ``name`` to ``value``" return self.execute_command('SET', name, value) __setitem__ = set def setbit(self, name, offset, value): """ Flag the ``offset`` in ``name`` as ``value``. Returns a boolean indicating the previous value of ``offset``. """ value = value and 1 or 0 return self.execute_command('SETBIT', name, offset, value) def setex(self, name, time, value): """ Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time`` seconds """ return self.execute_command('SETEX', name, time, value) def setnx(self, name, value): "Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` if key doesn't exist" return self.execute_command('SETNX', name, value) def setrange(self, name, offset, value): """ Overwrite bytes in the value of ``name`` starting at ``offset`` with ``value``. If ``offset`` plus the length of ``value`` exceeds the length of the original value, the new value will be larger than before. If ``offset`` exceeds the length of the original value, null bytes will be used to pad between the end of the previous value and the start of what's being injected. Returns the length of the new string. """ return self.execute_command('SETRANGE', name, offset, value) def strlen(self, name): "Return the number of bytes stored in the value of ``name``" return self.execute_command('STRLEN', name) def substr(self, name, start, end=-1): """ Return a substring of the string at key ``name``. ``start`` and ``end`` are 0-based integers specifying the portion of the string to return. """ return self.execute_command('SUBSTR', name, start, end) def ttl(self, name): "Returns the number of seconds until the key ``name`` will expire" return self.execute_command('TTL', name) def type(self, name): "Returns the type of key ``name``" return self.execute_command('TYPE', name) def watch(self, *names): """ Watches the values at keys ``names``, or None if the key doesn't exist """ warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning('Call WATCH from a Pipeline object')) def unwatch(self): """ Unwatches the value at key ``name``, or None of the key doesn't exist """ warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning('Call UNWATCH from a Pipeline object')) #### LIST COMMANDS #### def blpop(self, keys, timeout=0): """ LPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the ``keys`` list. If none of the lists in ``keys`` has a value to LPOP, then block for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists. If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely. """ if timeout is None: timeout = 0 if isinstance(keys, basestring): keys = [keys] else: keys = list(keys) keys.append(timeout) return self.execute_command('BLPOP', *keys) def brpop(self, keys, timeout=0): """ RPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the ``keys`` list. If none of the lists in ``keys`` has a value to LPOP, then block for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists. If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely. """ if timeout is None: timeout = 0 if isinstance(keys, basestring): keys = [keys] else: keys = list(keys) keys.append(timeout) return self.execute_command('BRPOP', *keys) def brpoplpush(self, src, dst, timeout=0): """ Pop a value off the tail of ``src``, push it on the head of ``dst`` and then return it. This command blocks until a value is in ``src`` or until ``timeout`` seconds elapse, whichever is first. A ``timeout`` value of 0 blocks forever. """ if timeout is None: timeout = 0 return self.execute_command('BRPOPLPUSH', src, dst, timeout) def lindex(self, name, index): """ Return the item from list ``name`` at position ``index`` Negative indexes are supported and will return an item at the end of the list """ return self.execute_command('LINDEX', name, index) def linsert(self, name, where, refvalue, value): """ Insert ``value`` in list ``name`` either immediately before or after [``where``] ``refvalue`` Returns the new length of the list on success or -1 if ``refvalue`` is not in the list. """ return self.execute_command('LINSERT', name, where, refvalue, value) def llen(self, name): "Return the length of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('LLEN', name) def lpop(self, name): "Remove and return the first item of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('LPOP', name) def lpush(self, name, *values): "Push ``values`` onto the head of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('LPUSH', name, *values) def lpushx(self, name, value): "Push ``value`` onto the head of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists" return self.execute_command('LPUSHX', name, value) def lrange(self, name, start, end): """ Return a slice of the list ``name`` between position ``start`` and ``end`` ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation """ return self.execute_command('LRANGE', name, start, end) def lrem(self, name, count, value): """ Remove the first ``count`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value`` from the list stored at ``name``. The count argument influences the operation in the following ways: count > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail. count < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head. count = 0: Remove all elements equal to value. """ return self.execute_command('LREM', name, count, value) def lset(self, name, index, value): "Set ``position`` of list ``name`` to ``value``" return self.execute_command('LSET', name, index, value) def ltrim(self, name, start, end): """ Trim the list ``name``, removing all values not within the slice between ``start`` and ``end`` ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation """ return self.execute_command('LTRIM', name, start, end) def rpop(self, name): "Remove and return the last item of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('RPOP', name) def rpoplpush(self, src, dst): """ RPOP a value off of the ``src`` list and atomically LPUSH it on to the ``dst`` list. Returns the value. """ return self.execute_command('RPOPLPUSH', src, dst) def rpush(self, name, *values): "Push ``values`` onto the tail of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('RPUSH', name, *values) def rpushx(self, name, value): "Push ``value`` onto the tail of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists" return self.execute_command('RPUSHX', name, value) def sort(self, name, start=None, num=None, by=None, get=None, desc=False, alpha=False, store=None): """ Sort and return the list, set or sorted set at ``name``. ``start`` and ``num`` allow for paging through the sorted data ``by`` allows using an external key to weight and sort the items. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located ``get`` allows for returning items from external keys rather than the sorted data itself. Use an "*" to indicate where int he key the item value is located ``desc`` allows for reversing the sort ``alpha`` allows for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically ``store`` allows for storing the result of the sort into the key ``store`` """ if (start is not None and num is None) or \ (num is not None and start is None): raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified") pieces = [name] if by is not None: pieces.append('BY') pieces.append(by) if start is not None and num is not None: pieces.append('LIMIT') pieces.append(start) pieces.append(num) if get is not None: # If get is a string assume we want to get a single value. # Otherwise assume it's an interable and we want to get multiple # values. We can't just iterate blindly because strings are # iterable. if isinstance(get, basestring): pieces.append('GET') pieces.append(get) else: for g in get: pieces.append('GET') pieces.append(g) if desc: pieces.append('DESC') if alpha: pieces.append('ALPHA') if store is not None: pieces.append('STORE') pieces.append(store) return self.execute_command('SORT', *pieces) #### SET COMMANDS #### def sadd(self, name, *values): "Add ``value(s)`` to set ``name``" return self.execute_command('SADD', name, *values) def scard(self, name): "Return the number of elements in set ``name``" return self.execute_command('SCARD', name) def sdiff(self, keys, *args): "Return the difference of sets specified by ``keys``" keys = list_or_args(keys, args) return self.execute_command('SDIFF', *keys) def sdiffstore(self, dest, keys, *args): """ Store the difference of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new set named ``dest``. Returns the number of keys in the new set. """ keys = list_or_args(keys, args) return self.execute_command('SDIFFSTORE', dest, *keys) def sinter(self, keys, *args): "Return the intersection of sets specified by ``keys``" keys = list_or_args(keys, args) return self.execute_command('SINTER', *keys) def sinterstore(self, dest, keys, *args): """ Store the intersection of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new set named ``dest``. Returns the number of keys in the new set. """ keys = list_or_args(keys, args) return self.execute_command('SINTERSTORE', dest, *keys) def sismember(self, name, value): "Return a boolean indicating if ``value`` is a member of set ``name``" return self.execute_command('SISMEMBER', name, value) def smembers(self, name): "Return all members of the set ``name``" return self.execute_command('SMEMBERS', name) def smove(self, src, dst, value): "Move ``value`` from set ``src`` to set ``dst`` atomically" return self.execute_command('SMOVE', src, dst, value) def spop(self, name): "Remove and return a random member of set ``name``" return self.execute_command('SPOP', name) def srandmember(self, name): "Return a random member of set ``name``" return self.execute_command('SRANDMEMBER', name) def srem(self, name, *values): "Remove ``values`` from set ``name``" return self.execute_command('SREM', name, *values) def sunion(self, keys, *args): "Return the union of sets specifiued by ``keys``" keys = list_or_args(keys, args) return self.execute_command('SUNION', *keys) def sunionstore(self, dest, keys, *args): """ Store the union of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new set named ``dest``. Returns the number of keys in the new set. """ keys = list_or_args(keys, args) return self.execute_command('SUNIONSTORE', dest, *keys) #### SORTED SET COMMANDS #### def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Set any number of score, element-name pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs can be specified in two ways: As *args, in the form of: score1, name1, score2, name2, ... or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ... The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key: redis.zadd('my-key', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2', name3=3.3, name4=4.4) """ pieces = [] if args: if len(args) % 2 != 0: raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of " "values and scores") pieces.extend(args) for pair in kwargs.iteritems(): pieces.append(pair[1]) pieces.append(pair[0]) return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces) def zcard(self, name): "Return the number of elements in the sorted set ``name``" return self.execute_command('ZCARD', name) def zcount(self, name, min, max): return self.execute_command('ZCOUNT', name, min, max) def zincrby(self, name, value, amount=1): "Increment the score of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` by ``amount``" return self.execute_command('ZINCRBY', name, amount, value) def zinterstore(self, dest, keys, aggregate=None): """ Intersect multiple sorted sets specified by ``keys`` into a new sorted set, ``dest``. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the ``aggregate``, or SUM if none is provided. """ return self._zaggregate('ZINTERSTORE', dest, keys, aggregate) def zrange(self, name, start, end, desc=False, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): """ Return a range of values from sorted set ``name`` between ``start`` and ``end`` sorted in ascending order. ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative, indicating the end of the range. ``desc`` a boolean indicating whether to sort the results descendingly ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value """ if desc: return self.zrevrange(name, start, end, withscores) pieces = ['ZRANGE', name, start, end] if withscores: pieces.append('withscores') options = {'withscores': withscores, 'score_cast_func': score_cast_func} return self.execute_command(*pieces, **options) def zrangebyscore(self, name, min, max, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): """ Return a range of values from the sorted set ``name`` with scores between ``min`` and ``max``. If ``start`` and ``num`` are specified, then return a slice of the range. ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs `score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value """ if (start is not None and num is None) or \ (num is not None and start is None): raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified") pieces = ['ZRANGEBYSCORE', name, min, max] if start is not None and num is not None: pieces.extend(['LIMIT', start, num]) if withscores: pieces.append('withscores') options = {'withscores': withscores, 'score_cast_func': score_cast_func} return self.execute_command(*pieces, **options) def zrank(self, name, value): """ Returns a 0-based value indicating the rank of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` """ return self.execute_command('ZRANK', name, value) def zrem(self, name, *values): "Remove member ``values`` from sorted set ``name``" return self.execute_command('ZREM', name, *values) def zremrangebyrank(self, name, min, max): """ Remove all elements in the sorted set ``name`` with ranks between ``min`` and ``max``. Values are 0-based, ordered from smallest score to largest. Values can be negative indicating the highest scores. Returns the number of elements removed """ return self.execute_command('ZREMRANGEBYRANK', name, min, max) def zremrangebyscore(self, name, min, max): """ Remove all elements in the sorted set ``name`` with scores between ``min`` and ``max``. Returns the number of elements removed. """ return self.execute_command('ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', name, min, max) def zrevrange(self, name, start, num, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): """ Return a range of values from sorted set ``name`` between ``start`` and ``num`` sorted in descending order. ``start`` and ``num`` can be negative, indicating the end of the range. ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value """ pieces = ['ZREVRANGE', name, start, num] if withscores: pieces.append('withscores') options = {'withscores': withscores, 'score_cast_func': score_cast_func} return self.execute_command(*pieces, **options) def zrevrangebyscore(self, name, max, min, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): """ Return a range of values from the sorted set ``name`` with scores between ``min`` and ``max`` in descending order. If ``start`` and ``num`` are specified, then return a slice of the range. ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value """ if (start is not None and num is None) or \ (num is not None and start is None): raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified") pieces = ['ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', name, max, min] if start is not None and num is not None: pieces.extend(['LIMIT', start, num]) if withscores: pieces.append('withscores') options = {'withscores': withscores, 'score_cast_func': score_cast_func} return self.execute_command(*pieces, **options) def zrevrank(self, name, value): """ Returns a 0-based value indicating the descending rank of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` """ return self.execute_command('ZREVRANK', name, value) def zscore(self, name, value): "Return the score of element ``value`` in sorted set ``name``" return self.execute_command('ZSCORE', name, value) def zunionstore(self, dest, keys, aggregate=None): """ Union multiple sorted sets specified by ``keys`` into a new sorted set, ``dest``. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the ``aggregate``, or SUM if none is provided. """ return self._zaggregate('ZUNIONSTORE', dest, keys, aggregate) def _zaggregate(self, command, dest, keys, aggregate=None): pieces = [command, dest, len(keys)] if isinstance(keys, dict): keys, weights = keys.keys(), keys.values() else: weights = None pieces.extend(keys) if weights: pieces.append('WEIGHTS') pieces.extend(weights) if aggregate: pieces.append('AGGREGATE') pieces.append(aggregate) return self.execute_command(*pieces) #### HASH COMMANDS #### def hdel(self, name, *keys): "Delete ``keys`` from hash ``name``" return self.execute_command('HDEL', name, *keys) def hexists(self, name, key): "Returns a boolean indicating if ``key`` exists within hash ``name``" return self.execute_command('HEXISTS', name, key) def hget(self, name, key): "Return the value of ``key`` within the hash ``name``" return self.execute_command('HGET', name, key) def hgetall(self, name): "Return a Python dict of the hash's name/value pairs" return self.execute_command('HGETALL', name) def hincrby(self, name, key, amount=1): "Increment the value of ``key`` in hash ``name`` by ``amount``" return self.execute_command('HINCRBY', name, key, amount) def hkeys(self, name): "Return the list of keys within hash ``name``" return self.execute_command('HKEYS', name) def hlen(self, name): "Return the number of elements in hash ``name``" return self.execute_command('HLEN', name) def hset(self, name, key, value): """ Set ``key`` to ``value`` within hash ``name`` Returns 1 if HSET created a new field, otherwise 0 """ return self.execute_command('HSET', name, key, value) def hsetnx(self, name, key, value): """ Set ``key`` to ``value`` within hash ``name`` if ``key`` does not exist. Returns 1 if HSETNX created a field, otherwise 0. """ return self.execute_command("HSETNX", name, key, value) def hmset(self, name, mapping): """ Sets each key in the ``mapping`` dict to its corresponding value in the hash ``name`` """ if not mapping: raise DataError("'hmset' with 'mapping' of length 0") items = [] for pair in mapping.iteritems(): items.extend(pair) return self.execute_command('HMSET', name, *items) def hmget(self, name, keys): "Returns a list of values ordered identically to ``keys``" return self.execute_command('HMGET', name, *keys) def hvals(self, name): "Return the list of values within hash ``name``" return self.execute_command('HVALS', name) def publish(self, channel, message): """ Publish ``message`` on ``channel``. Returns the number of subscribers the message was delivered to. """ return self.execute_command('PUBLISH', channel, message) class Redis(StrictRedis): """ Provides backwards compatibility with older versions of redis-py that changed arguments to some commands to be more Pythonic, sane, or by accident. """ # Overridden callbacks RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge( StrictRedis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS, { 'TTL': lambda r: r != -1 and r or None, } ) def pipeline(self, transaction=True, shard_hint=None): """ Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead between the client and server. """ return Pipeline( self.connection_pool, self.response_callbacks, transaction, shard_hint) def setex(self, name, value, time): """ Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time`` seconds """ return self.execute_command('SETEX', name, time, value) def lrem(self, name, value, num=0): """ Remove the first ``num`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value`` from the list stored at ``name``. The ``num`` argument influences the operation in the following ways: num > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail. num < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head. num = 0: Remove all elements equal to value. """ return self.execute_command('LREM', name, num, value) def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ NOTE: The order of arguments differs from that of the official ZADD command. For backwards compatability, this method accepts arguments in the form of name1, score1, name2, score2, while the official Redis documents expects score1, name1, score2, name2. If you're looking to use the standard syntax, consider using the StrictRedis class. See the API Reference section of the docs for more information. Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs can be specified in two ways: As *args, in the form of: name1, score1, name2, score2, ... or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ... The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key: redis.zadd('my-key', 'name1', 1.1, 'name2', 2.2, name3=3.3, name4=4.4) """ pieces = [] if args: if len(args) % 2 != 0: raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of " "values and scores") pieces.extend(reversed(args)) for pair in kwargs.iteritems(): pieces.append(pair[1]) pieces.append(pair[0]) return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces) class PubSub(object): """ PubSub provides publish, subscribe and listen support to Redis channels. After subscribing to one or more channels, the listen() method will block until a message arrives on one of the subscribed channels. That message will be returned and it's safe to start listening again. """ def __init__(self, connection_pool, shard_hint=None): self.connection_pool = connection_pool self.shard_hint = shard_hint self.connection = None self.channels = set() self.patterns = set() self.subscription_count = 0 self.subscribe_commands = set( ('subscribe', 'psubscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'punsubscribe') ) def __del__(self): try: # if this object went out of scope prior to shutting down # subscriptions, close the connection manually before # returning it to the connection pool if self.connection and (self.channels or self.patterns): self.connection.disconnect() self.reset() except: pass def reset(self): if self.connection: self.connection_pool.release(self.connection) self.connection = None def execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs): "Execute a publish/subscribe command" if self.connection is None: self.connection = self.connection_pool.get_connection( 'pubsub', self.shard_hint ) connection = self.connection try: connection.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response() except ConnectionError: connection.disconnect() # Connect manually here. If the Redis server is down, this will # fail and raise a ConnectionError as desired. connection.connect() # resubscribe to all channels and patterns before # resending the current command for channel in self.channels: self.subscribe(channel) for pattern in self.patterns: self.psubscribe(pattern) connection.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response() def parse_response(self): "Parse the response from a publish/subscribe command" response = self.connection.read_response() if response[0] in self.subscribe_commands: self.subscription_count = response[2] # if we've just unsubscribed from the remaining channels, # release the connection back to the pool if not self.subscription_count: self.reset() return response def psubscribe(self, patterns): "Subscribe to all channels matching any pattern in ``patterns``" if isinstance(patterns, basestring): patterns = [patterns] for pattern in patterns: self.patterns.add(pattern) return self.execute_command('PSUBSCRIBE', *patterns) def punsubscribe(self, patterns=[]): """ Unsubscribe from any channel matching any pattern in ``patterns``. If empty, unsubscribe from all channels. """ if isinstance(patterns, basestring): patterns = [patterns] for pattern in patterns: try: self.patterns.remove(pattern) except KeyError: pass return self.execute_command('PUNSUBSCRIBE', *patterns) def subscribe(self, channels): "Subscribe to ``channels``, waiting for messages to be published" if isinstance(channels, basestring): channels = [channels] for channel in channels: self.channels.add(channel) return self.execute_command('SUBSCRIBE', *channels) def unsubscribe(self, channels=[]): """ Unsubscribe from ``channels``. If empty, unsubscribe from all channels """ if isinstance(channels, basestring): channels = [channels] for channel in channels: try: self.channels.remove(channel) except KeyError: pass return self.execute_command('UNSUBSCRIBE', *channels) def listen(self): "Listen for messages on channels this client has been subscribed to" while self.subscription_count: r = self.parse_response() if r[0] == 'pmessage': msg = { 'type': r[0], 'pattern': r[1], 'channel': r[2], 'data': r[3] } else: msg = { 'type': r[0], 'pattern': None, 'channel': r[1], 'data': r[2] } yield msg class BasePipeline(object): """ Pipelines provide a way to transmit multiple commands to the Redis server in one transmission. This is convenient for batch processing, such as saving all the values in a list to Redis. All commands executed within a pipeline are wrapped with MULTI and EXEC calls. This guarantees all commands executed in the pipeline will be executed atomically. Any command raising an exception does *not* halt the execution of subsequent commands in the pipeline. Instead, the exception is caught and its instance is placed into the response list returned by execute(). Code iterating over the response list should be able to deal with an instance of an exception as a potential value. In general, these will be ResponseError exceptions, such as those raised when issuing a command on a key of a different datatype. """ UNWATCH_COMMANDS = set(('DISCARD', 'EXEC', 'UNWATCH')) def __init__(self, connection_pool, response_callbacks, transaction, shard_hint): self.connection_pool = connection_pool self.connection = None self.response_callbacks = response_callbacks self.transaction = transaction self.shard_hint = shard_hint self.watching = False self.reset() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.reset() def __del__(self): try: self.reset() except: pass def reset(self): self.command_stack = [] # make sure to reset the connection state in the event that we were # watching something if self.watching and self.connection: try: # call this manually since our unwatch or # immediate_execute_command methods can call reset() self.connection.send_command('UNWATCH') self.connection.read_response() except ConnectionError: # disconnect will also remove any previous WATCHes self.connection.disconnect() # clean up the other instance attributes self.watching = False self.explicit_transaction = False # we can safely return the connection to the pool here since we're # sure we're no longer WATCHing anything if self.connection: self.connection_pool.release(self.connection) self.connection = None def multi(self): """ Start a transactional block of the pipeline after WATCH commands are issued. End the transactional block with `execute`. """ if self.explicit_transaction: raise RedisError('Cannot issue nested calls to MULTI') if self.command_stack: raise RedisError('Commands without an initial WATCH have already ' 'been issued') self.explicit_transaction = True def execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs): if (self.watching or args[0] == 'WATCH') and \ not self.explicit_transaction: return self.immediate_execute_command(*args, **kwargs) return self.pipeline_execute_command(*args, **kwargs) def immediate_execute_command(self, *args, **options): """ Execute a command immediately, but don't auto-retry on a ConnectionError if we're already WATCHing a variable. Used when issuing WATCH or subsequent commands retrieving their values but before MULTI is called. """ command_name = args[0] conn = self.connection # if this is the first call, we need a connection if not conn: conn = self.connection_pool.get_connection(command_name, self.shard_hint) self.connection = conn try: conn.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response(conn, command_name, **options) except ConnectionError: conn.disconnect() # if we're not already watching, we can safely retry the command # assuming it was a connection timeout if not self.watching: conn.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response(conn, command_name, **options) self.reset() raise def pipeline_execute_command(self, *args, **options): """ Stage a command to be executed when execute() is next called Returns the current Pipeline object back so commands can be chained together, such as: pipe = pipe.set('foo', 'bar').incr('baz').decr('bang') At some other point, you can then run: pipe.execute(), which will execute all commands queued in the pipe. """ self.command_stack.append((args, options)) return self def _execute_transaction(self, connection, commands): all_cmds = ''.join(starmap(connection.pack_command, [args for args, options in commands])) connection.send_packed_command(all_cmds) # we don't care about the multi/exec any longer commands = commands[1:-1] # parse off the response for MULTI and all commands prior to EXEC. # the only data we care about is the response the EXEC # which is the last command for i in range(len(commands)+1): self.parse_response(connection, '_') # parse the EXEC. response = self.parse_response(connection, '_') if response is None: raise WatchError("Watched variable changed.") if len(response) != len(commands): raise ResponseError("Wrong number of response items from " "pipeline execution") # We have to run response callbacks manually data = [] for r, cmd in izip(response, commands): if not isinstance(r, Exception): args, options = cmd command_name = args[0] if command_name in self.response_callbacks: r = self.response_callbacks[command_name](r, **options) data.append(r) return data def _execute_pipeline(self, connection, commands): # build up all commands into a single request to increase network perf all_cmds = ''.join(starmap(connection.pack_command, [args for args, options in commands])) connection.send_packed_command(all_cmds) return [self.parse_response(connection, args[0], **options) for args, options in commands] def parse_response(self, connection, command_name, **options): result = StrictRedis.parse_response( self, connection, command_name, **options) if command_name in self.UNWATCH_COMMANDS: self.watching = False elif command_name == 'WATCH': self.watching = True return result def execute(self): "Execute all the commands in the current pipeline" stack = self.command_stack if self.transaction or self.explicit_transaction: stack = [(('MULTI', ), {})] + stack + [(('EXEC', ), {})] execute = self._execute_transaction else: execute = self._execute_pipeline conn = self.connection if not conn: conn = self.connection_pool.get_connection('MULTI', self.shard_hint) # assign to self.connection so reset() releases the connection # back to the pool after we're done self.connection = conn try: return execute(conn, stack) except ConnectionError: conn.disconnect() # if we were watching a variable, the watch is no longer valid since # this connection has died. raise a WatchError, which indicates # the user should retry his transaction. If this is more than a # temporary failure, the WATCH that the user next issue will fail, # propegating the real ConnectionError if self.watching: raise WatchError("A ConnectionError occured on while watching " "one or more keys") # otherwise, it's safe to retry since the transaction isn't # predicated on any state return execute(conn, stack) finally: self.reset() def watch(self, *names): """ Watches the values at keys ``names`` """ if self.explicit_transaction: raise RedisError('Cannot issue a WATCH after a MULTI') return self.execute_command('WATCH', *names) def unwatch(self): """ Unwatches all previously specified keys """ return self.watching and self.execute_command('UNWATCH') or True class StrictPipeline(BasePipeline, StrictRedis): "Pipeline for the StrictRedis class" pass class Pipeline(BasePipeline, Redis): "Pipeline for the Redis class" pass class LockError(RedisError): "Errors thrown from the Lock" pass class Lock(object): """ A shared, distributed Lock. Using Redis for locking allows the Lock to be shared across processes and/or machines. It's left to the user to resolve deadlock issues and make sure multiple clients play nicely together. """ LOCK_FOREVER = float(2**31+1) # 1 past max unix time def __init__(self, redis, name, timeout=None, sleep=0.1): """ Create a new Lock instnace named ``name`` using the Redis client supplied by ``redis``. ``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock. By default, it will remain locked until release() is called. ``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep per loop iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently holding the lock. Note: If using ``timeout``, you should make sure all the hosts that are running clients have their time synchronized with a network time service like ntp. """ self.redis = redis self.name = name self.acquired_until = None self.timeout = timeout self.sleep = sleep if self.timeout and self.sleep > self.timeout: raise LockError("'sleep' must be less than 'timeout'") def __enter__(self): return self.acquire() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.release() def acquire(self, blocking=True): """ Use Redis to hold a shared, distributed lock named ``name``. Returns True once the lock is acquired. If ``blocking`` is False, always return immediately. If the lock was acquired, return True, otherwise return False. """ sleep = self.sleep timeout = self.timeout while 1: unixtime = int(time.time()) if timeout: timeout_at = unixtime + timeout else: timeout_at = Lock.LOCK_FOREVER timeout_at = float(timeout_at) if self.redis.setnx(self.name, timeout_at): self.acquired_until = timeout_at return True # We want blocking, but didn't acquire the lock # check to see if the current lock is expired existing = float(self.redis.get(self.name) or 1) if existing < unixtime: # the previous lock is expired, attempt to overwrite it existing = float(self.redis.getset(self.name, timeout_at) or 1) if existing < unixtime: # we successfully acquired the lock self.acquired_until = timeout_at return True if not blocking: return False time.sleep(sleep) def release(self): "Releases the already acquired lock" if self.acquired_until is None: raise ValueError("Cannot release an unlocked lock") existing = float(self.redis.get(self.name) or 1) # if the lock time is in the future, delete the lock if existing >= self.acquired_until: self.redis.delete(self.name) self.acquired_until = None
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1. **源代码**:包含了实现与腾讯云Redis服务交互的Python源码,如客户端类(Client)、各种操作接口(如CreateInstance, DeleteInstance等)以及相关的异常处理类。 2. **文档**:可能包含SDK的使用指南、API参考...
- **Python:** Redis-Py是Python社区广泛使用的客户端,支持连接池、pipeline和事务操作。 - **Node.js:** ioredis是Node.js环境下的高性能客户端,它具有异步非阻塞的特性,同时支持Promise和回调。 - **PHP:** ...