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request = HessianWriter().write_call(method, params) import httplib h = httplib.HTTP(self._host) h.putrequest("POST", self._uri) # required by HTTP/1.1 h.putheader("Host", self._host) h.putheader("User-Agent", "hessianlib.py/%s" % __version__) h.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(request))) h.endheaders() h.send(request) errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply() if errcode != 200: raise ProtocolError(self._url, errcode, errmsg, headers) return self.parse_response(h.getfile())
# # A Hessian client interface for Python. The date and long types require # Python 2.2 or later. # # The Hessian proxy is used as follows: # # proxy = Hessian("http://hessian.caucho.com/test/basic") # # print proxy.hello() # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 # # Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if # any, must include the following acknowlegement: # "This product includes software developed by the # Caucho Technology (http://www.caucho.com/)." # Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself, # if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear. # # 4. The names "Hessian", "Resin", and "Caucho" must not be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior # written permission. For written permission, please contact # info@caucho.com. # # 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Resin" # nor may "Resin" appear in their names without prior written # permission of Caucho Technology. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CAUCHO TECHNOLOGY OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, # OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Credits: hessianlib.py was inspired and partially based on # xmlrpclib.py created by Fredrik Lundh at www.pythonware.org # import string, time import urllib from types import * from struct import unpack from struct import pack __version__ = "0.1" # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Exceptions class Error: # base class for client errors pass class ProtocolError(Error): # Represents an HTTP protocol error def __init__(self, url, code, message, headers): self.url = url self.code = code self.message = message self.headers = headers def __repr__(self): return ( "<ProtocolError for %s: %s %s>" % (self.url, self.code, self.message) ) class Fault(Error): # Represents a fault from Hessian def __init__(self, code, message, **detail): self.code = code self.message = message def __repr__(self): return "<HessianFault %s: %s>" % (self.code, self.message) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wrappers for Hessian data types non-standard in Python # # # Boolean -- use the True or False constants # class Boolean: def __init__(self, value = 0): self.value = (value != 0) def _hessian_write(self, out): if self.value: out.write('T') else: out.write('F') def __repr__(self): if self.value: return "<True at %x>" % id(self) else: return "<False at %x>" % id(self) def __int__(self): return self.value def __nonzero__(self): return self.value True, False = Boolean(1), Boolean(0) # # Date - wraps a time value in seconds # class Date: def __init__(self, value = 0): self.value = value def __repr__(self): return ("<Date %s at %x>" % (time.asctime(time.localtime(self.value)), id(self))) def _hessian_write(self, out): out.write("d") out.write(pack(">q", self.value * 1000.0)) # # Binary - binary data # class Binary: def __init__(self, data=None): self.data = data def _hessian_write(self, out): out.write('B') out.write(pack('>H', len(self.data))) out.write(self.data) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Marshalling and unmarshalling code # # HessianWriter - writes Hessian data from Python objects # class HessianWriter: dispatch = {} def write_call(self, method, params): self.refs = {} self.ref = 0 self.__out = [] self.write = write = self.__out.append write("c\x01\x00m"); write(pack(">H", len(method))); write(method); for v in params: self.write_object(v) write("z"); result = string.join(self.__out, "") del self.__out, self.write, self.refs return result def write_object(self, value): try: f = self.dispatch[type(value)] except KeyError: raise TypeError, "cannot write %s objects" % type(value) else: f(self, value) def write_int(self, value): self.write('I') self.write(pack(">l", value)) dispatch[IntType] = write_int def write_long(self, value): self.write('L') self.write(pack(">q", value)) dispatch[LongType] = write_long def write_double(self, value): self.write('D') self.write(pack(">d", value)) dispatch[FloatType] = write_double def write_string(self, value): self.write('S') self.write(pack('>H', len(value))) self.write(value) dispatch[StringType] = write_string def write_reference(self, value): # check for and write circular references # returns 1 if the object should be written, i.e. not a reference i = id(value) if self.refs.has_key(i): self.write('R') self.write(pack(">L", self.refs[i])) return 0 else: self.refs[i] = self.ref self.ref = self.ref + 1 return 1 def write_list(self, value): if self.write_reference(value): self.write("Vt\x00\x00I"); self.write(pack('>l', len(value))) for v in value: self.__write(v) self.write('z') dispatch[TupleType] = write_list dispatch[ListType] = write_list def write_map(self, value): if self.write_reference(value): self.write("Mt\x00\x00") for k, v in value.items(): self.__write(k) self.__write(v) self.write("z") dispatch[DictType] = write_map def write_instance(self, value): # check for special wrappers if hasattr(value, "_hessian_write"): value._hessian_write(self) else: fields = value.__dict__ if self.write_reference(fields): self.write("Mt\x00\x00") for k, v in fields.items(): self.__write(k) self.__write(v) self.write("z") dispatch[InstanceType] = write_instance # # Parses the results from the server # class HessianParser: def __init__(self, f): self._f = f self._peek = -1 # self.read = f.read self._refs = [] def read(self, len): if self._peek >= 0: value = self._peek self._peek = -1 return value else: return self._f.read(len) def parse_reply(self): # parse header 'c' x01 x00 'v' ... 'z' read = self.read if read(1) != 'r': self.error() major = read(1) minor = read(1) value = self.parse_object() if read(1) == 'z': return value self.error() # actually a fault def parse_object(self): # parse an arbitrary object based on the type in the data return self.parse_object_code(self.read(1)) def parse_object_code(self, code): # parse an object when the code is known read = self.read if code == 'N': return None elif code == 'T': return True elif code == 'F': return False elif code == 'I': return unpack('>l', read(4))[0] elif code == 'L': return unpack('>q', read(8))[0] elif code == 'D': return unpack('>d', read(8))[0] elif code == 'd': ms = unpack('>q', read(8))[0] return Date(int(ms / 1000.0)) elif code == 'S' or code == 'X': return self.parse_string() elif code == 'B': return Binary(self.parse_string()) elif code == 'V': self.parse_type() # skip type self.parse_length() # skip length list = [] self._refs.append(list) ch = read(1) while ch != 'z': list.append(self.parse_object_code(ch)) ch = read(1) return list elif code == 'M': self.parse_type() # skip type map = {} self._refs.append(map) ch = read(1) while ch != 'z': key = self.parse_object_code(ch) value = self.parse_object() map[key] = value ch = read(1) return map elif code == 'R': return self._refs[unpack('>l', read(4))[0]] elif code == 'r': self.parse_type() # skip type url = self.parse_type() # reads the url return Hessian(url) else: raise "UnknownObjectCode %d" % code def parse_string(self): f = self._f len = unpack('>H', f.read(2))[0] return f.read(len) def parse_type(self): f = self._f code = self.read(1) if code != 't': self._peek = code return "" len = unpack('>H', f.read(2))[0] return f.read(len) def parse_length(self): f = self._f code = self.read(1); if code != 'l': self._peek = code return -1; len = unpack('>l', f.read(4)) return len def error(self): raise "FOO" # # Encapsulates the method to be called # class _Method: def __init__(self, invoker, method): self._invoker = invoker self._method = method def __call__(self, *args): return self._invoker(self._method, args) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hessian is the main class. A Hessian proxy is created with the URL # and then called just as for a local method # # proxy = Hessian("http://www.caucho.com/hessian/test/basic") # print proxy.hello() # class Hessian: """Represents a remote object reachable by Hessian""" def __init__(self, url): # Creates a Hessian proxy object self._url = url # get the uri type, uri = urllib.splittype(url) if type != "http": raise IOError, "unsupported Hessian protocol" self._host, self._uri = urllib.splithost(uri) def __invoke(self, method, params): # call a method on the remote server request = HessianWriter().write_call(method, params) import httplib h = httplib.HTTP(self._host) h.putrequest("POST", self._uri) # required by HTTP/1.1 h.putheader("Host", self._host) h.putheader("User-Agent", "hessianlib.py/%s" % __version__) h.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(request))) h.endheaders() h.send(request) errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply() if errcode != 200: raise ProtocolError(self._url, errcode, errmsg, headers) return self.parse_response(h.getfile()) def parse_response(self, f): # read response from input file, and parse it parser = HessianParser(f) value = parser.parse_reply() f.close() return value def _hessian_write(self, out): # marshals the proxy itself out.write("rt\x00\x00S") out.write(pack(">H", len(self._url))) out.write(self._url) def __repr__(self): return "<HessianProxy %s>" % self._url __str__ = __repr__ def __getattr__(self, name): # encapsulate the method call return _Method(self.__invoke, name) # # Testing code. # if __name__ == "__main__": proxy = Hessian("http://hessian.caucho.com/test/test") try: print proxy.hello() except Error, v: print "ERROR", v
2 楼
某某某 写道
python hessianlib.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hessianlib.py", line 479, in ?
print proxy.hello()
File "hessianlib.py", line 396, in __call__
return self._invoker(self._method, args)
File "hessianlib.py", line 445, in __invoke
return self.parse_response(h.getfile())
File "hessianlib.py", line 451, in parse_response
value = parser.parse_reply()
File "hessianlib.py", line 284, in parse_reply
value = self.parse_object()
File "hessianlib.py", line 292, in parse_object
return self.parse_object_code(self.read(1))
File "hessianlib.py", line 359, in parse_object_code
raise "UnknownObjectCode %d" % code
TypeError: int argument required
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hessianlib.py", line 479, in ?
print proxy.hello()
File "hessianlib.py", line 396, in __call__
return self._invoker(self._method, args)
File "hessianlib.py", line 445, in __invoke
return self.parse_response(h.getfile())
File "hessianlib.py", line 451, in parse_response
value = parser.parse_reply()
File "hessianlib.py", line 284, in parse_reply
value = self.parse_object()
File "hessianlib.py", line 292, in parse_object
return self.parse_object_code(self.read(1))
File "hessianlib.py", line 359, in parse_object_code
raise "UnknownObjectCode %d" % code
TypeError: int argument required
1 楼
python hessianlib.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hessianlib.py", line 479, in ?
print proxy.hello()
File "hessianlib.py", line 396, in __call__
return self._invoker(self._method, args)
File "hessianlib.py", line 445, in __invoke
return self.parse_response(h.getfile())
File "hessianlib.py", line 451, in parse_response
value = parser.parse_reply()
File "hessianlib.py", line 284, in parse_reply
value = self.parse_object()
File "hessianlib.py", line 292, in parse_object
return self.parse_object_code(self.read(1))
File "hessianlib.py", line 359, in parse_object_code
raise "UnknownObjectCode %d" % code
TypeError: int argument required
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hessianlib.py", line 479, in ?
print proxy.hello()
File "hessianlib.py", line 396, in __call__
return self._invoker(self._method, args)
File "hessianlib.py", line 445, in __invoke
return self.parse_response(h.getfile())
File "hessianlib.py", line 451, in parse_response
value = parser.parse_reply()
File "hessianlib.py", line 284, in parse_reply
value = self.parse_object()
File "hessianlib.py", line 292, in parse_object
return self.parse_object_code(self.read(1))
File "hessianlib.py", line 359, in parse_object_code
raise "UnknownObjectCode %d" % code
TypeError: int argument required
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通过Hessian,Java服务可以被Python客户端调用,反之亦然。 5. **性能比较**:压缩包内的"java 几种远程服务调用协议的比较.txt"可能包含关于Hessian与其他RPC协议(如RMI、SOAP、gRPC等)的性能对比。通常,...
4. **跨语言支持**:虽然最初是为Java设计的,但Hessian也有其他语言的实现,比如Python、C++、C#等,因此可以在多种语言之间进行通信。 在【描述】中提到的博客链接,可能详细介绍了如何使用Hessian进行客户端和...
Java的Hessian库通常集成在如Resin这样的应用服务器中,例如提供的链接所示的Resin 3.1和4.0版本的文档和API参考,可以帮助开发者深入理解如何在Java和Python之间建立和使用Hessian接口。通过这些接口,开发者可以...
- **跨语言支持**:除了Java之外,Hessian还支持.NET、Python等多种编程语言,这使得开发者可以在异构系统之间轻松地实现服务交互。 #### 使用场景 Hessian适用于需要高性能远程服务调用的应用场景,尤其适合于...
此外,Hessian支持Java、C++、Python等多种编程语言,具有良好的跨平台性。对于需要频繁交互且数据量不大的Web服务,Hessian是一个理想的选择。 接下来,我们来看看Hessian的调用流程: 1. **服务端实现**:在...
此外,Hessian4.0.7可能支持更多的编程语言,如Python、Ruby等,扩大了Hessian的适用范围。同时,该版本可能对多线程和并发处理进行了优化,以适应高并发场景下的服务通信需求。 下载这些不同版本的Hessian,开发者...
Hessian支持Java、C++、Python等多种语言,便于跨平台的远程调用。 二、Spring集成Hessian Spring通过其AOP(面向切面编程)和IoC(控制反转)理念,为Hessian提供了便捷的整合方式。在Spring中,我们可以定义一个...
Hessian 支持 Java、C++、Python 等多种语言,使得跨语言的服务调用成为可能。Hessian 的优点在于它能够自动序列化和反序列化对象,减少了网络传输的数据量,提高了服务调用的效率。在分布式系统中,Hessian 可以...
4. **简单易用**:Hessian提供了客户端和服务端的API,使得开发者可以快速实现RPC服务。 在Java中,使用Hessian主要涉及以下几个步骤: **1. 引入依赖** 在项目中引入Hessian的库,通常是Caucho公司的Hessian库,...
Hessian支持多种语言,包括Java、PHP、Python等,这使得跨平台的集成变得容易。 在提供的压缩包中,我们有三个文件:`java_client.rar`、`java_server.rar`和`php-client.rar`。这些文件分别代表了Java客户端、Java...
3. **跨语言支持**:虽然起源于Java,但Hessian也提供了对其他语言如C++、Python等的支持,便于构建多语言环境下的分布式系统。 4. **透明性**:Hessian允许远程调用像本地方法调用一样,提高了开发者的生产力。 ##...
Hessian支持Java、C++、Python等多种编程语言,能够实现不同语言间的无缝通信。 二、Spring与Hessian的结合 Spring是一个广泛应用的开源Java框架,它提供了丰富的功能来简化企业级应用的开发。在Spring中集成...
- **跨语言支持**:Hessian不仅支持Java,还支持其他语言如C++,Python等,这使得多语言间的通信变得简单。 - **动态类型**:Hessian可以处理动态类型,无需预先定义复杂的接口或者数据结构。 - **透明性**:对于...
Hessian支持Java、C++、Python等多种语言,可以实现跨平台的通信。 二、Hessian服务端开发 在Java环境下,我们可以使用Caucho公司的Hessian库来创建Hessian服务。首先,我们需要定义一个服务接口,例如: ```java...
Hessian支持多种语言,包括Java、C++、Python等,使得跨语言的交互成为可能。 在"基于spring+hessian框架的webservice实例"中,我们将看到如何结合Spring和Hessian来创建和消费Web服务。首先,我们需要创建一个服务...
它支持Java、C++、Python等多种语言,常用于服务端和客户端之间的轻量级通信。 Spring框架是Java应用开发的核心框架,它提供了一个全面的编程和配置模型,简化了企业级应用的开发。Spring包含了许多模块,如核心...
4. **跨语言支持**:虽然Hessian最初是为Java设计的,但后来也有了其他语言的实现,如C++、Python等。这意味着Hessian可以在不同的编程语言环境中工作,实现跨平台的通信。 5. **性能优化**:由于Hessian采用二进制...