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hive serde

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2、Hive的反序列化是对key/value反序列化成hive table的每个列的值。



SerDe 是 Serialize/Deserilize 的简称,目的是用于序列化和反序列化。序列化的格式包括:

  • 分隔符(tab、逗号、CTRL-A)
  • Thrift 协议


  • Java Integer/String/ArrayList/HashMap
  • Hadoop Writable 类
  • 用户自定义类

目前存在的 Serde 见下图:

其中,LazyObject 只有在访问到列的时候才进行反序列化。 BinarySortable:保留了排序的二进制格式。

Input processing


  • Hive's execution engine (referred to as just engine henceforth) first uses the configured InputFormat to read in a record of data (the value object returned by the RecordReader of the InputFormat).

  • The engine then invokes Serde.deserialize() to perform deserialization of the record. There is no real binding that the deserialized object returned by this method indeed be a fully deserialized one. For instance, in Hive there is a LazyStruct object which is used by the LazySimpleSerde to represent the deserialized object. This object does not have the bytes deserialized up front but does at the point of access of a field.

  • The engine also gets hold of the ObjectInspector to use by invoking Serde.getObjectInspector(). This has to be a subclass of structObjectInspector since a record representing a row of input data is essentially a struct type.

  • The engine passes the deserialized object( eg. LazyStruct ) and the object inspector to all operators for their use in order to get the needed data from the record. The object inspector knows how to construct individual fields out of a deserialized record. For example, StructObjectInspector has a method called getStructFieldData() which returns a certain field in the record. This is the mechanism to access individual fields. For instance ExprNodeColumnEvaluator class which can extract a column from the input row uses this mechanism to get the real column object from the serialized row object. This real column object in turn can be a complex type (like a struct). To access sub fields in such complex typed objects, an operator would use the object inspector associated with that field (The top level StructObjectInspector for the row maintains a list of field level object inspectors which can be used to interpret individual fields).

ps:ExprNodeColumnEvaluator是真正将数据deserialize的结构,而 ObjectInspector使用的是deserialize以后的结果。

For UDFs the new GenericUDF abstract class provides the ObjectInspector associated with the UDF arguments in the initialize() method. So the engine first initializes the UDF by calling this method. The UDF can then use these ObjectInspectors to interpret complex arguments (for simple arguments, the object handed to the udf is already the right primitive object like LongWritable/IntWritable etc).


Output processing

Output is analogous to input. The engine passes the deserialized Object representing a record and the corresponding ObjectInspector to Serde.serialize(). In this context serialization means converting the record object to an object of the type expected by the OutputFormat which will be used to perform the write. To perform this conversion, the serialize() method can make use of the passed ObjectInspector to get the individual fields in the record in order to convert the record to the appropriate type.




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    8. **Hive SerDe**:序列化/反序列化库,用于处理不同格式的数据,如CSV、JSON等。 9. **Hive UDFs**:用户自定义函数,允许开发者扩展HQL的功能,实现更复杂的计算逻辑。 学习Hive的过程中,还需要了解如何在...


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