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最新远光软件笔试题面试题内容(1) -
《软件工程》选择题 -
Hibernate中Criteria 和DetachedCriteria的作用是什么? -
Prototype如何实现页面局部定时刷新? -
这个。。。和我笔试时候做的 感觉完全不一样
Q: What’s the difference between Symbolic Link and HardLink?
A: ln –s src dst-file vs. ln src-file dst-file
You need to understand how file is stored on the File System and what I-node is all about?
Each file contains 2 things: file-name and structure that stores the real-data of the file.
Symbolic link is like: Added link to the filename only. It can cross device/logical partition.
Harlink is made at I-node(filesystem) level, it’s confined within the same filesystem(physical device). It’s more like adding a reference count to the original file, when hardlink is deleted, the reference minus one only.
Some people on the internet says this:
HardLink is a pointer to a file, Symbolic Link is an indirect-pointer to a file.
Since symbolic link can point to non-existent file on the disk, Hardlink can not.
Q: How much do you know about journalized file system? Why Journalized File System(JFS)?
A: Large HardDisk Partiion; quick recovery from crashes, high-performance I/O; Terabytes data file
Alternative to ext2 there are: ext3, ReiserFS, XFS, JFS
Advantage of JFS:
1. Simplify restarts (longer fsck means longer down time)
2. reduce fragmentation
3. accelerate I/O
4. obsolete fsck()
In ext2: I-NODE stores all info about a file except data itself, it’s a book-keeping file for a file.
Directory’s I-Node contains: inode numbers of its contents, plus permissions, # of blocks, and etc.
Juornal: simply a list of transactions (modifies meta-data structures: inodes, free lists, directory entries).
Onlye ext3 is backward compatible. tune2fs –j /dev/hdb3
A: ln –s src dst-file vs. ln src-file dst-file
You need to understand how file is stored on the File System and what I-node is all about?
Each file contains 2 things: file-name and structure that stores the real-data of the file.
Symbolic link is like: Added link to the filename only. It can cross device/logical partition.
Harlink is made at I-node(filesystem) level, it’s confined within the same filesystem(physical device). It’s more like adding a reference count to the original file, when hardlink is deleted, the reference minus one only.
Some people on the internet says this:
HardLink is a pointer to a file, Symbolic Link is an indirect-pointer to a file.
Since symbolic link can point to non-existent file on the disk, Hardlink can not.
Q: How much do you know about journalized file system? Why Journalized File System(JFS)?
A: Large HardDisk Partiion; quick recovery from crashes, high-performance I/O; Terabytes data file
Alternative to ext2 there are: ext3, ReiserFS, XFS, JFS
Advantage of JFS:
1. Simplify restarts (longer fsck means longer down time)
2. reduce fragmentation
3. accelerate I/O
4. obsolete fsck()
In ext2: I-NODE stores all info about a file except data itself, it’s a book-keeping file for a file.
Directory’s I-Node contains: inode numbers of its contents, plus permissions, # of blocks, and etc.
Juornal: simply a list of transactions (modifies meta-data structures: inodes, free lists, directory entries).
Onlye ext3 is backward compatible. tune2fs –j /dev/hdb3
Unix面试题(英文 附答案)1-8
2010-08-27 10:45 675101. You install Linux and rebo ... -
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2010-08-27 10:45 62621, There is a file with the fo ...
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- `fork()`: 创建新进程,是Unix/Linux编程中最基本的函数之一。 - `execve()`: 在已存在的进程中替换其执行映像,加载新的程序。 - `wait()` 和 `waitpid()`: 等待子进程结束并获取其退出状态。 - `signal()`, ...
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《Linux/UNIX系统编程手册(上、下册)》是介绍Linux与UNIX编程接口的权威著作。Linux编程资深专家Michael Kerrisk在书中详细描述了Linux/UNIX系统编程所涉及的系统调用和库函数,并辅之以全面而清晰的代码示例。...
《Linux/UNIX系统编程手册(上、下册)》是介绍Linux与UNIX编程接口的权威著作。Linux编程资深专家Michael Kerrisk在书中详细描述了Linux/UNIX系统编程所涉及的系统调用和库函数,并辅之以全面而清晰的代码示例。...
《linux/unix系统编程手册(上、下册)》是介绍linux与unix编程接口的权威著作。linux编程资深专家michael kerrisk在书中详细描述了linux/unix系统编程所涉及的系统调用和库函数,并辅之以全面而清晰的代码示例。...
《linux/unix系统编程手册(上、下册)》是介绍linux与unix编程接口的权威著作。linux编程资深专家michael kerrisk在书中详细描述了linux/unix系统编程所涉及的系统调用和库函数,并辅之以全面而清晰的代码示例。...
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