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最新远光软件笔试题面试题内容(1) -
《软件工程》选择题 -
Hibernate中Criteria 和DetachedCriteria的作用是什么? -
Prototype如何实现页面局部定时刷新? -
这个。。。和我笔试时候做的 感觉完全不一样
Agile planning is multi-level, full life-cycle activity
There are four levels of planning in agile project management of highly iterative development projects.
1.The first level, high-level project planning focuses on identifying and capturing milestones, high-level activities, dependencies and schedule. The following planning activities should be included in the project plan.
2.The second-level ballpark planning and estimation focuses on coarse grained capabilities (features), engineering and non-engineering effort (management, testing, QA) estimation. This would lay the ground for the more detailed iteration release planning. High-level Project Plan must be updated with the outcome of the ballpark planning.
3.The third level, iteration release planning, focuses on more concrete, externally visible planning items such as solution features, iteration boundaries, and major project milestones such as system test intervals and release dates.
4.The fourth level, iteration planning, focuses on internal planning items within an iteration such as engineering tasks.
Agile planning occurs throughout the life of the project. One or more levels of agile planning occur through the life of the project. Initially, planning activities focus on ballpark planning. Once ballpark estimates are in place, iteration release planning can begin. Once iterations begin, iteration level planning occurs at the start of each iteration.
Proper agile planning is one of the most important responsibilities of a delivery manager. When done well, the team will be highly productive, the need for overtime will be reduced and the probability of satisfying the needs and expectations of the customer are greatly increased. Additionally, the delivery manager will significantly minimize the time spent managing issues, because the prevalence of issues will be reduced. Done poorly, the project and delivery manager will waste a lot of team’s time managing issues. Properly planned projects enable project teams to work smart.
Iterative development requires careful orchestration of requirements analysis, planning, development and system testing.
There are four levels of planning in agile project management of highly iterative development projects.
1.The first level, high-level project planning focuses on identifying and capturing milestones, high-level activities, dependencies and schedule. The following planning activities should be included in the project plan.
2.The second-level ballpark planning and estimation focuses on coarse grained capabilities (features), engineering and non-engineering effort (management, testing, QA) estimation. This would lay the ground for the more detailed iteration release planning. High-level Project Plan must be updated with the outcome of the ballpark planning.
3.The third level, iteration release planning, focuses on more concrete, externally visible planning items such as solution features, iteration boundaries, and major project milestones such as system test intervals and release dates.
4.The fourth level, iteration planning, focuses on internal planning items within an iteration such as engineering tasks.
Agile planning occurs throughout the life of the project. One or more levels of agile planning occur through the life of the project. Initially, planning activities focus on ballpark planning. Once ballpark estimates are in place, iteration release planning can begin. Once iterations begin, iteration level planning occurs at the start of each iteration.
Proper agile planning is one of the most important responsibilities of a delivery manager. When done well, the team will be highly productive, the need for overtime will be reduced and the probability of satisfying the needs and expectations of the customer are greatly increased. Additionally, the delivery manager will significantly minimize the time spent managing issues, because the prevalence of issues will be reduced. Done poorly, the project and delivery manager will waste a lot of team’s time managing issues. Properly planned projects enable project teams to work smart.
Iterative development requires careful orchestration of requirements analysis, planning, development and system testing.
2010-08-12 16:45 746计划阶段 定义系统,确定用户的要求或总体研究目标,提出可行 ... -
2010-08-12 16:45 662制定技术目标组建项目组制订项目计划处理范围变化控制实际进展整理 ... -
When to use agile and when not?
2010-08-12 16:45 650Use agile when team development ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 692检查点(Check Point) 它指在规定的时间间隔内对项目 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 624软件项目管理的必要性无规则、混乱的开发状态,进度滞后,费用超支 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 690根据使用的软件包,依赖关系可以通过将任务及其后续任务的标识符进 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 803项目的目标、范围是否明确是否获得领导的积极支持项目的组织是否健 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 694除了要考虑公司的发展方向并从中发现自己的发展道路外,在头脑中首 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 924项目名称;项目的技术内容、范围、形式和要求;项目实施计划、进度 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 981除了项目的特征,软件项目还具有以下特点:¡ 软件是逻辑实体,不 ... -
Why Is a Process Model Important?
2010-08-12 16:44 759A process model providesa place ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 696软件质量保证小组应审查每个软件开发活动是否遵循软件过程规范,包 ... -
List the key agile project management practices
2010-08-12 16:44 7281. High-level project planning2 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 408项目计划是实现成功的系统的路线图。它提供了一种手段来通知每个人 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 802需求定义不明确;缺乏一个好的软件开发过程;没有一个统一领导的产 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 1309工期是商业/日历上的天数,与人数和工作量无关。工作量是与日历天 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 663ISO9000所谓“ISO9000”不是指一般意义上的一个质量 ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 742ISO9001和CMM既有区别又相互联系,两者不可简单地互相替 ... -
什么是能力成熟度模型 (Capability Maturity Model)CMM
2010-08-12 16:44 768能力成熟度模型 (Capability Maturity Mo ... -
2010-08-12 16:44 6371. 进行相关的培训,邀请有经验的人对新员工或者junior的 ...
This book will explain how the principles behind agile product development help designers, developers, architects, and product managers create awesome products; and how to look beyond a shiny user ...
PB 中的 Describe,Evaluate,LookUpDisplay 小结 Describe 函数是 PowerBuilder 中的一个重要函数,它可以描述数据窗口对象的某个属性的取值。Describe 函数的用法是,Describe("属性名"),其中属性名是要描述的对象...
The levels represent the interfaces between the stages for (1) planning communicative intent, (2) planning multimodal realization of this intent, and (3) the realization of the planned behaviors (see...
1-1Explain/Describe the UMTS physical network architecture, and indicate the interface used between devices. 1-1 In UMTS,what’s the difference between AAL2 and AAL5? 1-2 In UMTS,what do FDD and TDD ...
### PowerBuilder中的Describe、Evaluate与LookUpDisplay用法详解 #### 一、概述 在PowerBuilder开发中,经常需要对数据窗口(DataWindow)进行各种操作,如获取元数据、执行表达式计算以及查找显示值等。本文将...
1. Describe the components of a web application. 2. Describe the four components of a URL, and describe what happens when you omit the file name from a URL when you request a web page. 3. Distinguish ...
The following N lines describe the data of the triangle. The number of rows in the triangle is > 1 but <= 100. The numbers in the triangle, all integers, are between 0 and 99. 输出 Your program is to...
The objective of this textbook, then, is to describe the foundations and applications of materials science for college-level engineering students as predicated upon the structure-processing-...
Educators describe the school psychologist EDUCATORS DESCXBE THE SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST GEORGE E . GILMORE AND JEAN M. CHANDY The University of Texas at Austin A general, two-pronged hypothesis ...
The focus of this text is to describe the services provided by various versions of the UNIX operating system. Describing the UNIX System in a strictly linear fashion, without any forward references ...
The following N lines describe the data of the triangle. The number of rows in the triangle is > 1 but <= 100. The numbers in the triangle, all integers, are between 0 and 99. Output Your program is...
on the standardization committee helped me to describe and present the new features as they are intended to be used now. Note, finally, that this book now has a problem: Although the book’s size grew...
在"xml the describe of student"这个标题中,我们关注的是如何使用XML来描述一个学生的信息。 XML文档通常由以下几部分组成: 1. **声明**:XML文档的开头是一个XML声明,例如`...
The behavior of the C code in this TPM 2.0 Part 3 is normative but does not fully describe the behavior of a TPM. The combination of this TPM 2.0 Part 3 and TPM 2.0 Part 4 is sufficient to fully ...
this document is describe the sfp how to work on the MacchiatoBin, and also describe the sfp and phylink driver flow.
We describe the tracking subsystem and show how it functions in the context of the larger perception system. The tracking subsystem gives the robot the ability to understand complex scenarios of urban...
describe the caculate of the date
language we use to describe the world around us - it’s the basis of all the sciences. This book will show you how to perform some magical miracles to impress and entertain your friends. But it ...