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import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * jBixbe debuggee: test insert and delete operation of a balanced tree data * structure. Using integer values read from keyboard as tree elements. * * @author ds-emedia */ public class BTree<T extends Comparable<T>> { private static BTree<Integer> tree = new BTree<Integer>(); private static BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(System.in)); public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { System.out.println("test balanced tree operations"); System.out.println("*****************************"); String input; Integer value; do { input = stringInput("please select: [i]nsert, [d]elete, [e]xit"); switch (input.charAt(0)) { case 'i': value = Integer.parseInt(stringInput("insert: "), 10); if (tree.isMember(value)) { System.out.println("value " + value + " already in tree"); } else { tree.insert(value); } break; case 'd': value = Integer.parseInt(stringInput("delete: "), 10); if (tree.isMember(value)) { tree.delete(value); } else { System.out.println(value + " not found in tree"); } break; } } while ((input.charAt(0) != 'e')); } private static String stringInput(String inputRequest) throws IOException { System.out.println(inputRequest); return reader.readLine(); } /* +++++++++++ instance declarations +++++++++++ */ private Node root; /** * Creates an empty balanced tree. */ public BTree() { root = null; } /** * Creates a balances tree using the given node as tree root. */ public BTree(Node root) { this.root = root; } /** * Inserts an element into the tree. */ public void insert(T info) { insert(info, root, null, false); } /** * Checks whether the given element is already in the tree. */ public boolean isMember(T info) { return isMember(info, root); } /** * Removes an elememt from the tree. */ public void delete(T info) { delete(info, root); } /** * Returns a text representation of the tree. */ public String toString() { return inOrder(); } /** * Returns all elements of the tree in in-order traversing. */ public String inOrder() { return inOrder(root); } /** * Returns all elements of the tree in pre-order traversing. */ public String preOrder() { return preOrder(root); } /** * Returns all elements of the tree in post-order traversing. */ public String postOrder() { return postOrder(root); } /** * Returns the height of the tree. */ public int getHeight() { return getHeight(root); } private void insert(T info, Node node, Node parent, boolean right) { if (node == null) { if (parent == null) { root = node = new Node(info, parent); } else if (right) { parent.right = node = new Node(info, parent); } else { parent.left = node = new Node(info, parent); } restructInsert(node, false); } else if (info.compareTo(node.information) == 0) { node.information = info; } else if (info.compareTo(node.information) > 0) { insert(info, node.right, node, true); } else { insert(info, node.left, node, false); } } private boolean isMember(T info, Node node) { boolean member = false; if (node == null) { member = false; } else if (info.compareTo(node.information) == 0) { member = true; } else if (info.compareTo(node.information) > 0) { member = isMember(info, node.right); } else { member = isMember(info, node.left); } return member; } private void delete(T info, Node node) throws NoSuchElementException { if (node == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } else if (info.compareTo(node.information) == 0) { deleteNode(node); } else if (info.compareTo(node.information) > 0) { delete(info, node.right); } else { delete(info, node.left); } } private void deleteNode(Node node) { Node eNode, minMaxNode, delNode = null; boolean rightNode = false; if (node.isLeaf()) { if (node.parent == null) { root = null; } else if (node.isRightNode()) { node.parent.right = null; rightNode = true; } else if (node.isLeftNode()) { node.parent.left = null; } delNode = node; } else if (node.hasLeftNode()) { minMaxNode = node.left; for (eNode = node.left; eNode != null; eNode = eNode.right) { minMaxNode = eNode; } delNode = minMaxNode; node.information = minMaxNode.information; if (node.left.right != null) { minMaxNode.parent.right = minMaxNode.left; rightNode = true; } else { minMaxNode.parent.left = minMaxNode.left; } if (minMaxNode.left != null) { minMaxNode.left.parent = minMaxNode.parent; } } else if (node.hasRightNode()) { minMaxNode = node.right; delNode = minMaxNode; rightNode = true; node.information = minMaxNode.information; node.right = minMaxNode.right; if (node.right != null) { node.right.parent = node; } node.left = minMaxNode.left; if (node.left != null) { node.left.parent = node; } } restructDelete(delNode.parent, rightNode); } private int getHeight(Node node) { int height = 0; if (node == null) { height = -1; } else { height = 1 + Math.max(getHeight(node.left), getHeight(node.right)); } return height; } private String inOrder(Node node) { String result = ""; if (node != null) { result = result + inOrder(node.left) + " "; result = result + node.information.toString(); result = result + inOrder(node.right); } return result; } private String preOrder(Node node) { String result = ""; if (node != null) { result = result + node.information.toString() + " "; result = result + preOrder(node.left); result = result + preOrder(node.right); } return result; } private String postOrder(Node node) { String result = ""; if (node != null) { result = result + postOrder(node.left); result = result + postOrder(node.right); result = result + node.information.toString() + " "; } return result; } private void restructInsert(Node node, boolean wasRight) { if (node != root) { if (node.parent.balance == '_') { if (node.isLeftNode()) { node.parent.balance = '/'; restructInsert(node.parent, false); } else { node.parent.balance = '\\'; restructInsert(node.parent, true); } } else if (node.parent.balance == '/') { if (node.isRightNode()) { node.parent.balance = '_'; } else { if (!wasRight) { rotateRight(node.parent); } else { doubleRotateRight(node.parent); } } } else if (node.parent.balance == '\\') { if (node.isLeftNode()) { node.parent.balance = '_'; } else { if (wasRight) { rotateLeft(node.parent); } else { doubleRotateLeft(node.parent); } } } } } private void restructDelete(Node z, boolean wasRight) { Node parent; boolean isRight = false; boolean climb = false; boolean canClimb; if (z == null) { return; } parent = z.parent; canClimb = (parent != null); if (canClimb) { isRight = z.isRightNode(); } if (z.balance == '_') { if (wasRight) { z.balance = '/'; } else { z.balance = '\\'; } } else if (z.balance == '/') { if (wasRight) { if (z.left.balance == '\\') { doubleRotateRight(z); climb = true; } else { rotateRight(z); if (z.balance == '_') { climb = true; } } } else { z.balance = '_'; climb = true; } } else { if (wasRight) { z.balance = '_'; climb = true; } else { if (z.right.balance == '/') { doubleRotateLeft(z); climb = true; } else { rotateLeft(z); if (z.balance == '_') { climb = true; } } } } if (canClimb && climb) { restructDelete(parent, isRight); } } private void rotateLeft(Node a) { Node b = a.right; if (a.parent == null) { root = b; } else { if (a.isLeftNode()) { a.parent.left = b; } else { a.parent.right = b; } } a.right = b.left; if (a.right != null) { a.right.parent = a; } b.parent = a.parent; a.parent = b; b.left = a; if (b.balance == '_') { a.balance = '\\'; b.balance = '/'; } else { a.balance = '_'; b.balance = '_'; } } private void rotateRight(Node a) { Node b = a.left; if (a.parent == null) { root = b; } else { if (a.isLeftNode()) { a.parent.left = b; } else { a.parent.right = b; } } a.left = b.right; if (a.left != null) { a.left.parent = a; } b.parent = a.parent; a.parent = b; b.right = a; if (b.balance == '_') { a.balance = '/'; b.balance = '\\'; } else { a.balance = '_'; b.balance = '_'; } } private void doubleRotateLeft(Node a) { Node b = a.right; Node c = b.left; if (a.parent == null) { root = c; } else { if (a.isLeftNode()) { a.parent.left = c; } else { a.parent.right = c; } } c.parent = a.parent; a.right = c.left; if (a.right != null) { a.right.parent = a; } b.left = c.right; if (b.left != null) { b.left.parent = b; } c.left = a; c.right = b; a.parent = c; b.parent = c; if (c.balance == '/') { a.balance = '_'; b.balance = '\\'; } else if (c.balance == '\\') { a.balance = '/'; b.balance = '_'; } else { a.balance = '_'; b.balance = '_'; } c.balance = '_'; } private void doubleRotateRight(Node a) { Node b = a.left; Node c = b.right; if (a.parent == null) { root = c; } else { if (a.isLeftNode()) { a.parent.left = c; } else { a.parent.right = c; } } c.parent = a.parent; a.left = c.right; if (a.left != null) { a.left.parent = a; } b.right = c.left; if (b.right != null) { b.right.parent = b; } c.right = a; c.left = b; a.parent = c; b.parent = c; if (c.balance == '/') { b.balance = '_'; a.balance = '\\'; } else if (c.balance == '\\') { b.balance = '/'; a.balance = '_'; } else { b.balance = '_'; a.balance = '_'; } c.balance = '_'; } class Node { T information; Node parent; Node left; Node right; char balance; public Node(T information, Node parent) { this.information = information; this.parent = parent; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.balance = '_'; } boolean isLeaf() { return ((left == null) && (right == null)); } boolean isNode() { return !isLeaf(); } boolean hasLeftNode() { return (null != left); } boolean hasRightNode() { return (right != null); } boolean isLeftNode() { return (parent.left == this); } boolean isRightNode() { return (parent.right == this); } } }
[转自 :http://www.jbixbe.com/doc/tutorial/BTree.html ]
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