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PyMat, a matrix package for the Python programming language.
JAMA, an elementary linear algebra package for Java.
MTL, the Matrix Template Library. Dense and sparse matrices and vectors; banded, symmetric, triangular matrices; basic algorithms. C++.
uBLAS, BLAS in C++ with expression templates.
tvmet, a C++ library for "tiny" vectors and matrices with expression templates.
GMM++, generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices, with solvers from ITL.
dnAnalytics, C# numerics library, linear algebra, BLAS interface.
MET, a C++ matrix library with expression templates, which eliminates the overhead of overloaded operators.
SL++, the Scientific Library project. Will provide matrices, random numbers, complex, quaternions, plotting, and FFTs. C++.
Seldon, C++ library for linear algebra with BLAS interface. Many matrix types (sparse, symmetric, hermitian, etc.) are supported.
ALP, linear and polynomial algebra. Vectors, matrices, polynomials.
SVMT: E. Robert Tisdale's proposal for a standard C++ Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Tensor Class Library (with implementation). Note: this is a proposal, not an official standard.
GNUSSL[ftp only], the GNU Scientific Software Library. Linear algebra and arrays. C++.
CPPLapack, C++ wrapper for BLAS and LAPACK.
Lapack++, C++ wrapper for BLAS and LAPACK.
IML++A C++ template library for numerical iterative methods.
MV++Numerical Matrix/Vector Classes in C++
SparseLib++A library for sparse matrix computations, including the Sparse BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). C++.
ISIS++, an object-oriented framework for solving sparse linear systems of equations. C++.
ARPACK++, a C++ template library for solving large-scale standard and generalized eigenvalue problems.
- TheTemplate Numerical Toolkit(TNT) for linear algebra is a successor to theLapack++,Sparselib++,IML++, andMV++packages. Its goal is to integrate these ideas into a generic algorithmic library, supporting generic user-defined data types, and increasing its functionality. C++.
LinAlg, basic linear algebra and optimization classes. C++.
CAM C++ Class Library(Matrix, vector, and graphics classes)
- Newmat, a C++ matrix library (docs,download)
CLHEPincludes matrix classes, random number generators for the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. C++.
BPKIT, Block Preconditioning Toolkit for iterative solution of linear systems. Callable from C++, C, or FORTRAN.
- 转自http://www.oonumerics.org/oon/
- Linear Algebra
- Arrays and Images
FreePOOMAframework for scientific computing on sequential and parallel computers. C++.
- TheBlitz++class library: Array and Vector classes which rival Fortran's performance. C++.
The AIPS++ Array and Image Classes(Astronomical Information Processing System). C++.
Daixtrose, a general-purpose expression template engine.
PETE, an expression templates library -- add expression templates to your own array class.
SCTL (BlueSail), C++, arrays, matrics, vectors, sparse, rotations.
NumPy, Numerical extensions to Python.
VIGRA, generic computer vision/image processing library.
CPPIMAA C++ image processing library
LIMP, Large Image Manipulation Program
Image Restoration and Inpainting, C++ library for image restoration.
valarray<Troy>[ftp only], approximation of thevalarray<T>class described in Ch. 26 of the ANSI/ISO C++ Standard. Usesexpression templatesfor efficient evaluation.
Image Understanding Environment (IUE), a DARPA project. C++.
WAILI, a wavelet transform library in C++.
- Neural Networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, data mining
- High-Energy Physics and Quantum Chemistry
- Multiprecision, arbitrary precision data types
NTL, arbitrary length integers, vectors/matrices/polynomials over integers and over finite fields.
EXTNUM, version of double which has the same number of mantissa bits as IEEE 754, but extends the exponent to have range from 10^-646456993to 10^646456992.
CLN, an extensive number library. Arbitrary precision integer, float, rational, polynomials, complex, modular integers, transcendental functions, assembly language kernels for some CPUs.
MUNTL, Multiprecision unsigned number template library (C++).
MPFUN++, a multiple precision floating point computation package in C++.
LiDIA, A library for computational number theory. Provides a collection of highly optimized implementations of various multiprecision data types and time-intensive algorithms.
Apfloat, a C++ High Performance Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic Package
hfloat, An arbitrary precision package, optimized for very large (> 1000) (decimal) digit numbers.
fPoint, a C++ class which helps convert floating-point arithmetic to fixed-point arithmetic by recommending range and precision requirements.
doubledouble, a quad-precision (approximately 30 decimal place) floating point arithmetic class.
- Differential Equations
Rheoolef, finite element environment in C++.
EXPDE, a C++ library for solving partial differential equations on semi-unstructured grids. Parallel.
PZ, a C++ library for finite elements. 1-3 dimensions with hp-adaptivity, continuous or discontinuous, variety of matrix formats.
MBDyn, multibody dynamics analysis in C++. Built-in parallelization via MPI/Metis.
P2MESH, 2D finite volume/finite elements, C++ library designed for fast prototyping of high-performance PDE solvers.
Femlisp, a Common Lisp framework for Finite Element Methods.
GETFEM++, a C++ finite element library, generic, arbitrary dimensions.
MOUSE, a C++ library for finite volume computations on unstructured grids.
DEAL, a C++ library for adaptive finite elements and error estimation. Supports SMPs.
- ODE++, a class library for ordinary differential equations. Explicit and linear-implicit ODE systems, IVP and BVP parameters, various solvers (Runge-Kutta, multistep, BDF). [English] [Deutsch]
PETSc, object-oriented software for partial differential equations (programmed in C)
Diffpack, partial differential equations in C++. ($)
TIDE:Classes for Ordinary Differential Equations. Provides vectors and matrices, extrapolation integrator for ODEs, sparse matrix classes, eigenvalues, shooting for two point BVPs, nonlinear solver, continuation
BoxLib/CCSE Applications Suite(docs), a class library supporting adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) schemes for computational fluid dynamics.
OVERTURE, a C++ class library for solving PDEs in complicated domains. Includes adaptive mesh refinement and overlapping grids.
- FEMLIB (ftp,www) A Finite Element package [ftp only] by Michael Tiller (BROKEN LINK, no longer supported)
- Automatic differentiation and interval arithmetic
Gaol, C++ library for interval arithmetic. Includes methods for interval constraint solvers.
FADBAD-TADIFF, a C++ package for automatic differentiation using any arithmetic (double or interval) by operator overloading.
- PROFIL/BIAS [English] [Deutsch], a C++ interval arithmetic class library.
- Visualization
- Graph Theory/Combinatorics
Boost Graph Library, a general purpose, generic C++ library for graph data structures and graph algorithms.
GTL, the Graph Template Library (C++).
LEDA, a C++ library for graph theory and combinatorial computing.
- Language interoperability/scripting
CPPF77(cppf77.zip), a utility for interfacing C++ and Fortran 77 programs.
- Paul Dubois'scode for interfacing Python and C++
SWIG, generates Perl, Python, Tcl, Java, Eiffel and Guile wrappers for C++ libraries.
SILOON(Scripting Interface Languages for Object-Oriented Numerics), toolkits and run-time support for building scripting interfaces to existing numerical codes in C, C++, and Fortran. Generates script bindings for Perl, Tcl, and Python.
Matwrap, a tool which generates C++ wrapper code for matrix-oriented scripting languages such as Matlab 5, Octave, and tela.
- Transforms
FFTPACK++, a C++ wrapper for FFTPACK complex routines using LAPACK++ Matrix and Vector classes.
- TheFXTlibrary of transforms. FFTs, Hartley, Number theoretic, Walsh, others coded in C++.
- Optimization
COOOL, an object-oriented optimization library
OptSolve++, a C++ optimization library from Tech-X. (commercial)
StarFLIP, optimization library for combinatorial problems with fuzzy constraints (C++)
LM (Levenberg-Marquardt)implementation in Java for nonlinear least squares problems.
- Miscellaneous
- Tools
TAU(Tuning and Analysis Utilities), explicit instrumentation of C++ libraries for profiling and tracing. For both serial and parallel codes.
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高等数学线性代数是数学领域中的核心课程,它涵盖了函数、极限、连续性、微分学和积分学等多个重要概念。线性代数则主要研究向量、矩阵、线性变换以及它们在多维空间中的应用。 1. **函数与极限**: - **函数**:...
高等数学、概率论和线性代数是考研数学中的核心组成部分,涵盖了大量的公式和理论。以下是对这些领域的关键知识点的详细说明: 1. **高等数学**: - **导数公式**:导数是理解函数变化率的关键工具,包括基本导数...
线性代数是一门在理工科、经济管理等多个领域中具有广泛应用的基础数学课程。它主要研究向量、矩阵、线性方程组、特征值与特征向量、线性空间和线性变换等概念,是现代科学技术发展的重要理论基石。 在计算机科学中...
北京理工大学作为中国知名的高等学府,其线性代数课程的教学质量和试题难度均具有较高的代表性。这份"线性代数历年试题及答案"的压缩包文件,无疑是学生们备考的重要资源。 试题部分可能涵盖了线性代数的基本概念、...
在高等数学和线性代数的学习中,向量组的线性相关性和线性方程组是核心概念,尤其在考研复习中占有重要地位。线性相关性涉及到向量组能否通过线性组合表示彼此,而线性方程组则是这些相关性的实际应用。 向量组线性...