讲得不错。特别是最后两段,是初学者的苦口良药:思考比copy & paste更重要!
For now, though, spend some time thinking about just how powerful Ajax applications can be. Imagine a Web form that responds to you not just when you click a button, but when you type into a field, when you select an option from a combo box...even when you drag your mouse around the screen. Think about exactly what asynchronous means; think about JavaScript code running and not waiting on the server to respond to its requests. What sorts of problems can you run into? What areas do you watch out for? And how will the design of your forms change to account for this new approach in programming?
If you spend some real time with these issues, you'll be better served than just having some code you can cut-and-paste and throw into an application that you really don't understand. In the next article, you'll put these ideas into practice and I'll give you the details on the code you need to really make applications like this work. So, until then, enjoy the possibilities of Ajax.
总结,"An Introduction To Ajax"涵盖了Ajax的基本概念、DWR框架的使用以及如何与Spring框架集成。DWR简化了Ajax应用的开发,通过Spring的管理,可以更高效地构建和维护复杂的Web应用。在实际应用中,我们需要考虑...
### AJAX:将交互性和直观性带入Web应用 在当今数字化时代,Web应用程序与桌面应用程序并驾齐驱,各自在不同领域展现优势。然而,两者之间的功能与用户体验存在显著差异。桌面应用程序通常安装在本地计算机上,运行...
The history of Ajax is similar to many other apparent overnight sensations. Although Ajax seemed to come out of nowhere, in reality it had been percolating for a while. Several years of work spread ...
Introduction to Ajax The XML DOM Measuring the Benefits Chapter 2. The Request An In-Depth Look at XMLHttpRequest Creating the Object Asynchronous Data Transfers The Ready State ...
- **AJAX技术**:实现异步数据加载,使网页能在不刷新整个页面的情况下更新部分内容。 - **动画和视觉效果**:使用JavaScript可以轻松创建复杂的动画效果和视觉特效,增强用户体验。 ### JavaScript的学习资源 ...
- AJAX/*** AJAX 允许创建响应更快、用户体验更佳的动态网页。 - Silverlight 是微软开发的一个跨浏览器、跨平台插件,用于提供丰富的互联网应用体验。 8. 数据库编程: *** 是.NET Framework 提供的一组用于与...
- 通过了解和掌握Web 2.0、AJAX、XML和Web服务等相关技术,网络工程师可以更好地适应现代网络环境的需求,提高工作效率和服务质量。 - 这些技术的应用不仅限于网络领域,在更广泛的IT行业中也有着广泛的应用场景。
For those new to Rails, this book provides a quick introduction, the big picture, a walk through the installation process, and some tips on getting started. If you've already started working with ...
In conclusion, the paper "Modelling and Generating AJAX Applications: A Model-Driven Approach" highlights the need for a new modeling methodology tailored to AJAX applications. By adopting MDA ...
标题"introduction-to-ajax:我的 WordCamp Miami 的示例代码 WordPress 演讲中的 AJAX 介绍"表明这是一个关于AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)的介绍,内容源自一次在WordCamp Miami的演讲。这次演讲可能是...