package example.tictactoe; import java.util.Random; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; class GameScreen extends Canvas implements CommandListener { private static final int BLACK = 0x00000000; private static final int WHITE = 0x00FFFFFF; private static final int RED = 0x00FF0000; private static final int BLUE = 0x000000FF; private static final int NO_MOVE = -1; private final TicTacToeMIDlet midlet; private final Game game; private final Command exitCommand; private final Command newGameCommand; private final Random random = new Random(); private int screenWidth, screenHeight; private int boardCellSize, boardSize, boardTop, boardLeft; private boolean playerIsCircle; private boolean computerIsCircle; private int preCursorPosition, cursorPosition; private int computerMove = NO_MOVE; private int playerMove = NO_MOVE; private int computerGamesWonTally = 0; private int playerGamesWonTally = 0; private boolean isRestart; public GameScreen(TicTacToeMIDlet midlet, boolean playerIsCircle) { this.midlet = midlet; this.playerIsCircle = playerIsCircle; computerIsCircle = !playerIsCircle; game = new Game(random); initializeBoard(); // configure Screen commands exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); newGameCommand = new Command("New", Command.SCREEN, 2); addCommand(exitCommand); addCommand(newGameCommand); setCommandListener(this); // begin the game play initialize(); } // Initialize the Game and Game screen. Also used for game restarts. private void initialize() { game.initialize(); preCursorPosition = cursorPosition = 0; playerMove = NO_MOVE; boolean computerFirst = ((random.nextInt() & 1) == 0); if (computerFirst) { computerMove = game.makeComputerMove(); } else { computerMove = NO_MOVE; } isRestart = true; repaint(); } public void paint(Graphics g) { if (game.isGameOver()) { paintGameOver(g); } else { paintGame(g); } } private void paintGame(Graphics g) { if (isRestart) { // clean the canvas g.setColor(WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight); drawBoard(g); isRestart = false; } drawCursor(g); if (playerMove != NO_MOVE) { drawPiece(g, playerIsCircle, playerMove); } if (computerMove != NO_MOVE) { drawPiece(g, computerIsCircle, computerMove); } } private void paintGameOver(Graphics g)
{ String statusMsg = null; if(game.isComputerWinner()) { statusMsg = "I win !"; computerGamesWonTally++; } else if (game.isPlayerWinner()) { statusMsg = "You win"; playerGamesWonTally++; } else { statusMsg = "Stalemate"; } String tallyMsg = "You:" + playerGamesWonTally + " Me:" + computerGamesWonTally; Font font = Font.getFont(Font.FACE_SYSTEM, Font.STYLE_PLAIN, Font.SIZE_MEDIUM); int strHeight = font.getHeight(); int statusMsgWidth = font.stringWidth(statusMsg); int tallyMsgWidth = font.stringWidth(tallyMsg); int strWidth = tallyMsgWidth; if (statusMsgWidth > tallyMsgWidth) { strWidth = statusMsgWidth; } // Get the { x, y } position for painting the strings. int x = (screenWidth - strWidth) / 2; x = x < 0 ? 0 : x; int y = (screenHeight - 2 * strHeight) / 2; y = y < 0 ? 0 : y; // clean the canvas g.setColor(WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight); // paint the strings' text g.setColor(BLACK); g.drawString(statusMsg, x, y, (Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT)); g.drawString(tallyMsg, x, (y + 1 + strHeight), (Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT)); }
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == exitCommand) { midlet.quit(); } else if (c == newGameCommand) { initialize(); } } private void initializeBoard() { screenWidth = getWidth(); screenHeight = getHeight(); if (screenWidth > screenHeight) { boardCellSize = (screenHeight - 2) / 3; boardLeft = (screenWidth - (boardCellSize * 3)) / 2; boardTop = 1; } else { boardCellSize = (screenWidth - 2) / 3; boardLeft = 1; boardTop = (screenHeight - boardCellSize * 3) / 2; } } protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) { // can't continue playing until the player restarts if (game.isGameOver()) { return; } int gameAction = getGameAction(keyCode); switch (gameAction) { case FIRE: doPlayerMove();
break; case RIGHT: doMoveCursor(1, 0); break; case DOWN: doMoveCursor(0, 1); break; case LEFT: doMoveCursor(-1, 0); break; case UP: doMoveCursor(0, -1); break; default: break; } } private void doPlayerMove() { if (game.isFree(cursorPosition)) { // player move game. makePlayerMove(cursorPosition); playerMove = cursorPosition; // computer move if (!game.isGameOver()) { computerMove = game.makeComputerMove(); } repaint(); } } private void doMoveCursor(int dx, int dy) { int newCursorPosition = cursorPosition + dx + 3 * dy; if ((newCursorPosition >= 0) && (newCursorPosition < 9))
{ preCursorPosition = cursorPosition; cursorPosition = newCursorPosition; repaint(); } } // Draw a CIRCLE or CROSS piece on the board private void drawPiece(Graphics g, boolean isCircle, int pos) { int x = ((pos % 3) * boardCellSize) + 3; int y = ((pos / 3) * boardCellSize) + 3; if (isCircle) { drawCircle(g, x, y); } else { drawCross(g, x, y); } } // Draw blue CIRCLE onto the board image private void drawCircle(Graphics g, int x, int y) { g.setColor(BLUE); g.fillArc(x + boardLeft, y + boardTop, boardCellSize - 4, boardCellSize - 4, 0, 360); g.setColor(WHITE); g.fillArc(x + 4 + boardLeft, y + 4 + boardTop, boardCellSize - 4 - 8, boardCellSize - 4 - 8, 0, 360); } // Draw red CROSS onto the board image private void drawCross(Graphics g, int x, int y) { g.setColor(RED); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { g.drawLine(x + 1 + i + boardLeft, y + boardTop, x + boardCellSize - 4 - 4 + i + boardLeft, y + boardCellSize - 5 + boardTop);
g.drawLine(x + 1 + i + boardLeft, y + boardCellSize - 5 + boardTop, x + boardCellSize - 4 - 4 + i + boardLeft, y + boardTop); } } // Visually indicates a Player selected square on the board image private void drawCursor(Graphics g) { // draw cursor at selected Player square. g.setColor(WHITE); g.drawRect(((preCursorPosition % 3) * boardCellSize) + 2 + boardLeft, ((preCursorPosition/3) * boardCellSize) + 2 + boardTop, boardCellSize - 3, boardCellSize - 3); // draw cursor at selected Player square. g.setColor(BLACK); g.drawRect(((cursorPosition % 3) * boardCellSize) + 2 + boardLeft, ((cursorPosition/3) * boardCellSize) + 2 + boardTop, boardCellSize - 3, boardCellSize - 3); } private void drawBoard(Graphics g) { // clean the board g.setColor(WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight); // draw the board g.setColor(BLACK); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { g.fillRect(boardLeft, boardCellSize * i + boardTop, (boardCellSize * 3) + 2, 2); g.fillRect(boardCellSize * i + boardLeft, boardTop, 2, boardCellSize * 3); } } } |
### Java手机游戏编程之MIDP图形设计篇 在探讨Java手机游戏编程中关于MIDP(Mobile Information Device Profile)图形设计的知识点时,我们首先需要理解MIDP及其在移动设备上的应用背景。MIDP是Java ME(Micro ...
**MIDP图形技术在手机游戏中的应用** MIDP(Mobile Information Device Profile)是Java ME(Micro Edition)的一个子集,主要用于开发移动设备上的应用程序,尤其是早期的智能手机和平板电脑。在MIDP框架下,图形...
**MIDP图形编程简介** MIDP(Mobile Information Device Profile)是Java ME(Micro Edition)的一部分,用于开发在移动设备和嵌入式系统上的应用程序,特别是早期的智能手机和平板电脑。这个平台提供了一套丰富的...
Java ME(Midp)是Java平台的一个子集,设计用于资源有限的移动设备,如早期的智能手机和平板电脑。它包含了Java应用程序接口(API)和一个运行环境,使开发者能够创建跨平台的移动应用。然而,由于并非所有计算机...
《MIDP手机游戏设计》是一本专注于利用MIDP(Mobile Information Device Profile)平台进行手机游戏开发的专业书籍。MIDP是Java ME(Micro Edition)的一个子集,专为移动设备,特别是早期的智能手机和平板电脑设计...
2. **用户界面设计**:MIDP提供了一套有限的用户界面组件,如表单、按钮和文本字段。书籍会详细讲解如何使用这些组件构建简洁且功能丰富的用户界面,并讨论适配不同屏幕尺寸和方向的策略。 3. **事件处理**:MIDP中...
5. **安全和隐私**:MIDP2.0包含了安全模型,如数字签名、权限管理,以保护用户的隐私和设备的安全。 6. **模拟器和调试工具**:文档可能会讨论如何使用MIDP的模拟器进行应用测试,以及使用J2ME Polish等工具进行...
4. **用户界面设计**:讲解如何使用MIDP的图形组件创建用户友好的界面,包括布局管理、事件处理和用户交互。 5. **数据管理**:可能包括本地数据存储,如RecordStore API,用于在设备上保存应用程序数据。 6. **...
MIDP2.0(Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0),作为Java ME(Java Micro Edition)的一部分,专为资源受限的移动设备设计,如手机、PDA等,提供了标准的Java API集,使得开发者能够构建丰富的应用和服务。...
5. 超越MIDP APIs 5.1 我们需要什么? 随着技术的进步,游戏开发者和玩家对更高质量图形、更丰富的音效和更复杂的交互有了更高的期望。MIDP的API集在某些方面已经显得过时。 5.2 提供了哪些代表性功能? 为了满足更...
5. **多媒体支持**:增强了音频和图像处理能力,能够更好地处理游戏中的声音和动画效果。 **TheGame API** 是MIDP 2.0中专为游戏开发设计的一系列类和接口。它可能包括以下组件: - **GameCanvas**:一个特殊的...
5. **受限的多媒体支持**:虽然相比后来的版本,MIDP1.0对音频和图像的支持较为有限,但仍能实现基本的媒体播放功能。 6. **安全模型**:MIDP1.0有一套安全机制,限制了应用程序的权限,防止恶意软件。 **学习MIDP...
以一个简单的小游戏为例子,比较全面的介绍了MIDP图形编程方法。 包括以Screen为基础的高层界面和以Canvas为基础的底层界面开发都有涉及 目 录 1 引言...................................................... 5 ...
Java移动通信程序设计-J2ME MIDP是Java技术在移动设备上进行应用程序开发的一个关键领域。J2ME,全称为Java 2 Micro Edition,是Java平台的一个子集,专为资源有限的嵌入式设备,如手机、智能手表以及家用电器等设计...
在Java ME(J2ME)平台上,MIDP(Mobile Information Device Profile)是为移动设备设计的一个精简版Java API。MIDP 2.0是这个平台的一个重要升级,它引入了对游戏开发的强大支持,主要体现在Game API上。这个API...
1. 用户界面:MIDP 2.0提供了一个轻量级的用户界面框架,包括Canvas类,它是绘制图形的基础;Form类,用于显示文本和用户输入;Item类,如ChoiceGroup和TextBox,支持用户交互。 2. 网络支持:MIDP 2.0引入了对HTTP...
- **MIDP**: Mobile Information Device Profile 的缩写,是Java ME的一部分,专为移动设备设计的标准平台,支持创建轻量级的应用程序和服务。 - **目标**: 本指南旨在提升MIDP应用程序的效率,涵盖执行速度、JAR...
- **Java MIDP** 是Java平台的一个子集,专为资源有限的移动设备设计。它包括用户界面组件、网络功能和数据存储接口,使得开发者可以创建交互式的移动应用。 - MIDP 2.0是其一个重要的版本,提供了更丰富的图形...