- 浏览: 360604 次
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- 来自: Wen Zhou
引用notifempty #增加日期作为后缀,不然会是一 ...
使用Linux的logrotate拆分rails的log -
uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Mutex (NameError) -
推荐一个免费HTML虚拟空间 -
ruby库 - nokogiri -
标题中的错误信息"`require': no such file to load -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native"是一个常见的Ruby编程语言中的加载错误,通常发生在尝试使用SQLite3数据库驱动时。这个错误表明系统无法找到指定的sqlite3_native库,...
gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory
../3rdparty/botan/botan.cpp:46226:21: fatal error: cpuid.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. Makefile:5559: recipe for target '.obj/release-shared/botan.o' failed make[3]: *** [....
arm-linux-gcc交叉编译工具: ...cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 解决方法: $sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmpfr.so.6 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmpfr.so.4
1)进入存放jdk文件的文件夹路径 我这里是 usr/local/jdk/ 2)输入命令 chmod 777 jdk1.8.0_221/bin/java修改权限 3)再次输入 java -version 成功 总结 以上所述是小编给大家介绍的解决-BASH: /HOME/JAVA/JDK1.8.0...
在描述中提到的错误"'/lib/modules/3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64/build: No such file or directory'",通常是因为缺少了对应的kernel-devel包导致的。当尝试编译与当前运行内核版本匹配的模块时,系统会寻找对应的构建...
信得过我就下载,肯定成功...11:43 Emulator: Could not launch 'D:\AndroidSDK\emulator/qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.exe': No such file or directory 11:43 Emulator: Process finished with exit code 2
Cannot open include file: ‘mysql.h’: No such file or directory pip install wheel pip install wheel mysqlclient-1.4.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl mysqlclient-1.4.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl ...
# for pcre, such as ngx.gmatch etc, --with-pcre=PATH/pcre-8.36 --with-pcre-jit # if use openssl, then need --with-http_ssl_module # export LUAJIT_LIB=/usr/local/lib export LUAJIT_INC=/usr/local/...
/root/.swt/lib/linux/x86_64/libswt-mozilla-gtk-4335.so: libxpcom.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Can't load library: /root/.swt/lib/linux/x86_64/libswt-mozilla-gtk.so ...
然而,在使用过程中,有时会遇到启动脚本错误,如"env: /etc/init.d/mongodb : no such file or directory"。这个错误提示表明系统无法找到MongoDB的初始化脚本来启动服务。下面我们将深入探讨这个问题的原因以及...
Linux /usr/share/cracklib/pw_dict.pwd: No such file or directory PWOpen: No such file or directory rpm -ivh /cracklib-dicts-2.8.16-4.el6.i686.rpm passwd #rpm -ivh /dsis/cracklib-dicts-2.8.16-4.el6...
torch-1.7.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl pytorch 1.7.0的whl文件 适用于Linux 64系统 + Python 3.8环境
Snack Sound Toolkit is designed to be used with a scripting language such as Tcl/Tk or Python.Snack has commands for basic sound handling such as playback recording file and socket I/O. Snack also ...
4. **--with-file-aio**: 启用文件异步I/O。例如:`--with-file-aio`。 - 异步I/O可以显著提高文件读写效率,在处理大文件时尤其明显。 5. **--with-ipv6**: 启用IPv6支持。例如:`--with-ipv6`。 - IPv6已经成为...
linux输入yum后提示: -bash: /usr/bin/yum: No such file or directory的解决方案 今天在安装程序时,发现有一个插件未安装,我就随手敲了一个命令,看都没看 yum remove yum 然后就杯具了… [root@localhost ~]#...
(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib64/dri/swrast_dri.so failed (/usr/lib64/dri/swrast_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) (EE) GLX: could not load software renderer The...
more information, such as the ld(1) and ld.so(8) manual pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/lib64//include/tbnet' /usr/bin/...