
ruby access database

  • ruby

访问 sql by ADO
require "dbi" 
require "win32ole" 

dbh=DBI.connect("DBI:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=pubs;User Id=sa;Password=root;")
dbh.execute('select * from ...')

连接 odbc


    Agile Web Development with Rails Final

    It simplifies database access by enabling developers to interact with databases using Ruby code instead of SQL. 4. **Built-in Features:** - Rails includes numerous built-in features like ...

    fzerocentral-api:即将推出的F-Zero Central网站的数据API

    这是您需要定义的变量: FZCAPI_DATABASE_NAME=your_database_name_hereFZCAPI_DATABASE_USERNAME=username_to_access_this_databaseFZCAPI_DATABASE_PASSWORD=password_for_this_usernameFZCAPI_TEST_DATABASE_...

    Neo4j Cookbook(PACKT,2015)

    you will learn how to connect and access Neo4j servers from programming languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, and Scala. You will also learn about Neo4j administration and maintenance before ...


    需要确保模型包含`devise :database_authenticatable`,并添加`include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User`来扩展模块。 3. **API端点和路由**: devise_token_auth提供了一系列API端点,如注册(POST /auth/sign_...


    this chapter do not involve any database access or library setup. A good way to get a feel of the power of any programming language is to dive in and explore the data structure of that programming ...

    Advanced Rails Recipes

    ##### Part II—Database Recipes 这部分则专注于数据库相关的优化策略和技术实现。 **8. Add ForeignKey Constraints** 介绍如何在数据库表之间建立外键约束,从而保证数据的一致性和完整性。 **9. Write ...


    It is an open source, disturbed, versioned, column-oriented store and is written in Java to provide random real-time access to big Data. We'll start off by ensuring you have a solid understanding ...


    要在 CentOS 系统中配置 Redmine,需要安装一系列依赖服务,包括 Apache 服务器、Ruby 解释器、MySQL 数据库以及 LDAP 和邮件服务器支持。以下是详细的配置步骤: 一、安装 Apache 服务器 Apache 是一款流行的 Web ...


    6. 连接SQL Server数据库指定数据库名:在连接SQL Server数据库时,可以通过Initial Catalog或Database关键字来指定数据库名。正确答案:D。 7. 数据不一致的根本原因:在数据库中,数据不一致通常是由于数据冗余...


    So that I can access my saved URL's, I'd like to be able to see my list of my bookmarks. 用户故事2 As a user, So I can update my bookmarks, I'd like to save a new bookmark to my bookmark manager. 要...

    Test-Drive ASP.NET MVC

    Microsoft has addressed the shortcomings of ASP.NET and created a framework that goes toe-to-toe with other popular web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails. Programming in C# is fun again! This book ...

    专家:Sour do Grupo deUsuáriosRuby doParaná

    在本地计算机上运行cp .env.example .env # edit the keys in case you want to change the applicationcp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml # config your database access databundle installrake...


    地窖发展起床并跑步因为安装依赖项很麻烦,所以我们为您启动了这个宝贝! 赶紧跑bin/bootstrap 确保遵循它给您的任何指示。 完成之后,您应该已经安装了... (预设= 10 ) DATABASE_URL :设置为模仿在Heroku上设置


    In order to access my favourite site quickly I want to display a list of my bookmarks As a user In order to save time I want to be able to save a website with a bookmark 领域建模 如何运行数据库 连接...


    Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y # 刷新权限表 Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y ``` 根据提示完成上述步骤,可以确保数据库的安全性得到基本保障。 #### 第五步:关闭SELinux SELinux...


    Object-Relational Database Mapping(ORM,对象关系映射)是一种技术,它允许程序开发者使用面向对象的方式来操作数据库,而不需要直接编写SQL语句。在大型企业应用系统中,ORM是必不可少的,因为它能够将应用程序...

    ASP.NET MVC in Action

    - **Data Access Patterns:** The book covers various data access patterns, including Repository and Unit of Work patterns, which are crucial for managing database interactions in a scalable and ...


    ActiveRecord是模式设计中的一个概念,源于对象关系映射(ORM,Object-Relational Mapping)框架,最初在Ruby on Rails框架中被广泛使用。它将数据库表与对象模型紧密结合,使得开发者可以像操作对象一样操作数据库...

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