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This page provides an at-a-glance reference for the tags for the Aptana ScriptDoc system. For comprehensive ScriptDoc tag information, including syntax and examples, see the [ScriptDoc comprehensive tag reference] page.
Tag Description
[@alias] ID for a class or function.
[@author] Author of a JavaScript file or function.
[@classDescription] Description of the class (if applicable).
[@constructor] Signifies that a function is a constructor for a class.
[@deprecated] Signifies that a function or a property has been deprecated.
[@exception] Specifies the type of exception thrown by a function.
[@id] Unique identifier for a function or property.
[@inherits] Indicated one "class" derives from another.
[@memberOf] Signifies that a function is a member of the specified class.
[@method] Signifies that a function is a method of a class, if applicable.
[@namespace] Creates the link between the namespace of a library file and an external .sdoc file.
[@param] Use @param to tag each parameter for a function.
[@projectDescription] Gives a description of the JavaScript file.
[@return] Specifies information about the return value(s) of a function.
[@sdoc] Defines the path to an external .sdoc file for a library file.
[@see] Links to another related class or function.
[@since] Specifies since which version the library, function, or property became valid.
[@type] Specifies what data type a property is.
[@version] Specifies the version number of the JavaScript file or class.


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    Notation 纯文本笔记工具

    极简轻盈高效的纯文本笔记工具软件。如果你需要一款 Windows 上的极简高效的笔记软件,Notation 将会是你很好的选择。而它配合 SimpleNote 又能完美的跨平台使用,使得该软件实用性大大提升。

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