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JavaScript Namespace模拟



If you want to write a module of JavaScript code that can be used by any script and can be used with any other module, the most important rule you must follow is to avoid defining global variables.


// Create an empty object as our namespace
// This single global symbol will hold all of our other symbols
var Class = {};
// Define functions within the namespace
Class.define = function(data) { /* code goes here */ }
Class.provides = function(o, c) { /* code goes here */ }

Note that you're not defining instance methods (or even static methods) of a JavaScript class here. You are defining ordinary functions and storing references to them within a specially created object instead of in the global object.
a module should never add more than a single symbol to the global namespace.

If a module adds a symbol to the global namespace, its documentation should clearly state what that symbol is.

If a module adds a symbol to the global namespace, there should be a clear relationship between the name of that symbol and the name of the file from which the module is loaded.




// Create the global symbol "com" if it doesn't exist
// Throw an error if it does exist but is not an object
var com;
if (!com) com = {};
else if (typeof com != "object")
    throw new Error("com already exists and is not an object");

// Repeat the creation and type-checking code for the next level
if (!com.davidflanagan) com.davidflanagan = {}
else if (typeof com.davidflanagan != "object")
    throw new Error("com.davidflanagan already exists and is not an object");

// Throw an error if com.davidflanagan.Class already exists
if (com.davidflanagan.Class)
    throw new Error("com.davidflanagan.Class already exists");

// Otherwise, create and populate the namespace with one big object literal
com.davidflanagan.Class = {
    define: function(data) { /* code here */ },
    provides: function(o, c) { /* code here */ }


Testing the Availability of a Module

var com;  // Declare global symbol before testing for its presence
if (!com || !com.davidflanagan || !com.davidflanagan.Class)
    throw new Error("com/davidflanagan/Class.js has not been loaded");



Importing Symbols from Namespaces
// This is an easier name, to save typing.
var define = com.davidflanagan.Class.define;

It is the module developer's responsibility to use namespaces to prevent collisions. But it is the module user's prerogative to import symbols from the module's namespace into the global namespace. The programmer using the module will know what other modules are in use and what all the potential name collisions are. She can determine what symbols to import and how to import them to prevent collisions.

But changing method names is not fully satisfactory, either. Another programmer who has used the module before might find the name defineClass( ) confusing because he is familiar with the function under the name define( ).
Also, module developers often put quite a bit of thought into their function names, and changing these names may not do justice to the module.



// Create a simple namespace. No error checking required.  The
// module user knows that this symbol does not exist yet.
var Class = {};
// Now import a symbol into this new namespace.
Class.define = com.davidflanagan.Class.define;


you can import only symbols that refer to a function, object, or array. If you import a symbol whose value is a primitive type such as a number or a string, you simply get a static copy of the value. Any changes to the value occur in the namespace and are not reflected in an imported copy of the value.

// Make a static copy only. Changes in the namespace are not
// reflected in the imported property since this is a primitive value.
Class.counter = com.davidflanagan.Class.counter;


The lesson for module developers is if your module defines properties that refer to primitive values, you should provide accessor methods that can be imported


// A property of primitive type; cannot be imported
com.davidflanagan.Class.counter = 0;

// Here is an accessor method that can be imported
com.davidflanagan.Class.getCounter = function( ) {
    return com.davidflanagan.Class.counter;


Module developers must always use the fully qualified name of their symbols.

Functions that call other functions in the module must use their fully qualified name so that they work correctly even when invoked without having been imported. (An exception to this rule, involving closures )


Public and Private Symbols

Not all the symbols defined in a module's namespace are intended for external use.
The most straightforward approach is simple documentation.

A convention that can help to make the public/private distinction clear, even without reference to the documentation is to prefix private symbols with an underscore.




// Create the namespace object.  Error checking omitted here for brevity.
var com;
if (!com) com = {};
if (!com.davidflanagan) com.davidflanagan = {};
com.davidflanagan.Class = {};

// Don't stick anything into the namespace directly.
// Instead we define and invoke an anonymous function to create a closure
// that serves as our private namespace. This function will export its
// public symbols from the closure into the com.davidflanagan.Class object
// Note that we use an unnamed function so we don't create any other
// global symbols.
(function( ) {  // Begin anonymous function definition
    // Nested functions create symbols within the closure
    function define(data) { counter++; /* more code here */ }
    function provides(o, c) { /* code here */ }

    // Local variable are symbols within the closure.
    // This one will remain private within the closure
    var counter = 0;

    // This function can refer to the variable with a simple name
    // instead of having to qualify it with a namespace
    function getCounter( ) { return counter; }

    // Now that we've defined the properties we want in our private
    // closure, we can export the public ones to the public namespace
    // and leave the private ones hidden here.
    var ns = com.davidflanagan.Class;
    ns.define = define;
    ns.provides = provides;
    ns.getCounter = getCounter;
})( );          // End anonymous function definition and invoke it


// Create a namespace for our module

// Now start populating the namespace
com.davidflanagan.Class.define = function(data) { /* code here */ };
com.davidflanagan.Class.provides = function(o, c) { /* code here */ };

// This Complex module requires the Class module to be loaded first
Module.require("com.davidflanagan.Class", 1.0);

// Import the default set of Module symbols to the global namespace
// One of these defualt symbols is importSymbols itself
Module.importSymbols(Module); // Note we pass the namespace, not module name

// Import the Complex class into the global namespace

// Import the com.davidflanagan.Class.define( ) method to a Class object
var Class = {};
importSymbols(com.davidflanagan.Class, Class, "define");

Module.registerInitializationFunction( ) 则是注册模块的初始化函数;
Module.runInitializationFunctions( )则是手动运行初始化函数

 * Module.js: module and namspace utilities
 * This is a module of module-related utility functions that are
 * compatible with JSAN-type modules.
 * This module defines the namespace Module.

// Make sure we haven't already been loaded
var Module;
if (Module && (typeof Module != "object" || Module.NAME))
    throw new Error("Namespace 'Module' already exists");

// Create our namespace
Module = {};

// This is some metainformation about this namespace
Module.NAME = "Module";    // The name of this namespace
Module.VERSION = 0.1;      // The version of this namespace

// This is the list of public symbols that we export from this namespace.
// These are of interest to programers who use modules.
Module.EXPORT = ["require", "importSymbols"];

// These are other symbols we are willing to export. They are ones normally
// used only by module authors and are not typically imported.
Module.EXPORT_OK = ["createNamespace", "isDefined",
                    "modules", "globalNamespace"];

// Now start adding symbols to the namespace
Module.globalNamespace = this;  // So we can always refer to the global scope
Module.modules = { "Module": Module };  // Module name->namespace map.

 * This function creates and returns a namespace object for the
 * specified name and does useful error checking to ensure that the
 * name does not conflict with any previously loaded module. It
 * throws an error if the namespace already exists or if any of the
 * property components of the namespace exist and are not objects.
 * Sets a NAME property of the new namespace to its name.
 * If the version argument is specified, set the VERSION property
 * of the namespace.
 * A mapping for the new namespace is added to the Module.modules object
Module.createNamespace = function(name, version) {
    // Check name for validity.  It must exist, and must not begin or
    // end with a period or contain two periods in a row.
    if (!name) throw new Error("Module.createNamespace( ): name required");
    if (name.charAt(0) == '.' ||
        name.charAt(name.length-1) == '.' ||
        name.indexOf("..") != -1)
        throw new Error("Module.createNamespace( ): illegal name: " + name);

    // Break the name at periods and create the object hierarchy we need
    var parts = name.split('.');

    // For each namespace component, either create an object or ensure that
    // an object by that name already exists.
    var container = Module.globalNamespace;
    for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
        var part = parts[i];
        // If there is no property of container with this name, create
        // an empty object.
        if (!container[part]) container[part] = {};
        else if (typeof container[part] != "object") {
            // If there is already a property, make sure it is an object
            var n = parts.slice(0,i).join('.');
            throw new Error(n + " already exists and is not an object");
        container = container[part];

    // The last container traversed above is the namespace we need.
    var namespace = container;

    // It is an error to define a namespace twice. It is okay if our
    // namespace object already exists, but it must not already have a
    // NAME property defined.
    if (namespace.NAME) throw new Error("Module "+name+" is already defined");

    // Initialize name and version fields of the namespace
    namespace.NAME = name;
    if (version) namespace.VERSION = version;

    // Register this namespace in the map of all modules
    Module.modules[name] = namespace;

    // Return the namespace object to the caller
    return namespace;
 * Test whether the module with the specified name has been defined.
 * Returns true if it is defined and false otherwise.
Module.isDefined = function(name) {
    return name in Module.modules;

 * This function throws an error if the named module is not defined
 * or if it is defined but its version is less than the specified version.
 * If the namespace exists and has a suitable version, this function simply
 * returns without doing anything. Use this function to cause a fatal
 * error if the modules that your code requires are not present.
Module.require = function(name, version) {
    if (!(name in Module.modules)) {
        throw new Error("Module " + name + " is not defined");

    // If no version was specified, there is nothing to check
    if (!version) return;

    var n = Module.modules[name];

    // If the defined version is less than the required version or if
    // the namespace does not declare any version, throw an error.
    if (!n.VERSION || n.VERSION < version)
    throw new Error("Module " + name + " has version " +
                    n.VERSION + " but version " + version +
                    " or greater is required.");

 * This function imports symbols from a specified module.  By default, it
 * imports them into the global namespace, but you may specify a different
 * destination as the second argument.
 * If no symbols are explicitly specified, the symbols in the EXPORT
 * array of the module will be imported. If no such array is defined,
 * and no EXPORT_OK is defined, all symbols from the module will be imported.
 * To import an explicitly specified set of symbols, pass their names as
 * arguments after the module and the optional destination namespace. If the
 * modules defines an EXPORT or EXPORT_OK array, symbols will be imported
 * only if they are listed in one of those arrays.
Module.importSymbols = function(from) {
    // Make sure that the module is correctly specified. We expect the
    // module's namespace object but will try with a string, too
    if (typeof from == "string") from = Module.modules[from];
    if (!from || typeof from != "object")
        throw new Error("Module.importSymbols( ): " +
                        "namespace object required");

    // The source namespace may be followed by an optional destination
    // namespace and the names of one or more symbols to import;
    var to = Module.globalNamespace; // Default destination
    var symbols = [];                // No symbols by default
    var firstsymbol = 1;             // Index in arguments of first symbol name

    // See if a destination namespace is specified
    if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof arguments[1] == "object") {
        if (arguments[1] != null) to = arguments[1];
        firstsymbol = 2;

    // Now get the list of specified symbols
    for(var a = firstsymbol; a < arguments.length; a++)

    // If we were not passed any symbols to import, import a set defined
    // by the module, or just import all of them.
    if (symbols.length == 0) {
        // If the module defines an EXPORT array, import
        // the symbols in that array.
        if (from.EXPORT) {
            for(var i = 0; i < from.EXPORT.length; i++) {
                var s = from.EXPORT[i];
                to[s] = from[s];
        // Otherwise if the modules does not define an EXPORT_OK array,
        // just import everything in the module's namespace
        else if (!from.EXPORT_OK) {
            for(s in from) to[s] = from[s];

    // If we get here, we have an explicitly specified array of symbols
    // to import. If the namespace defines EXPORT and/or EXPORT_OK arrays,
    // ensure that each symbol is listed before importing it.
    // Throw an error if a requested symbol does not exist or if
    // it is not allowed to be exported.
    var allowed;
    if (from.EXPORT || from.EXPORT_OK) {
        allowed = {};
        // Copy allowed symbols from arrays to properties of an object.
        // This allows us to test for an allowed symbol more efficiently.
        if (from.EXPORT)
            for(var i = 0; i < from.EXPORT.length; i++)
                allowed[from.EXPORT[i]] = true;
        if (from.EXPORT_OK)
            for(var i = 0; i < from.EXPORT_OK.length; i++)
                allowed[from.EXPORT_OK[i]] = true;

    // Import the symbols
    for(var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
        var s = symbols[i];              // The name of the symbol to import
        if (!(s in from))                // Make sure it exists
            throw new Error("Module.importSymbols( ): symbol " + s +
                            " is not defined");
        if (allowed && !(s in allowed))  // Make sure it is a public symbol
            throw new Error("Module.importSymbols( ): symbol " + s +
                            " is not public and cannot be imported.");
        to[s] = from[s];                 // Import it

// Modules use this function to register one or more initialization functions
Module.registerInitializationFunction = function(f) {
    // Store the function in the array of initialization functions
    // If we have not yet registered an onload event handler, do so now.
    Module._registerEventHandler( );
// A function to invoke all registered initialization functions.
// In client-side JavaScript, this will automatically be called in
// when the document finished loading. In other contexts, you must
// call it explicitly.
Module.runInitializationFunctions = function( ) {
    // Run each initialization function, catching and ignoring exceptions
    // so that a failure by one module does not prevent other modules
    // from being initialized.
    for(var i = 0; i < Module._initfuncs.length; i++) {
        try { Module._initfuncs[i]( ); }
        catch(e) { /* ignore exceptions */}
    // Erase the array so the functions are never called more than once.
    Module._initfuncs.length = 0;

// A private array holding initialization functions to invoke later
Module._initfuncs = [];

// If we are loaded into a web browser, this private function registers an
// onload event handler to run the initialization functions for all loaded
// modules. It does not allow itself to be called more than once.
Module._registerEventHandler = function( ) {
    var clientside =   // Check for well-known client-side properties
        "window" in Module.globalNamespace &&
        "navigator" in window;

    if (clientside) {
        if (window.addEventListener) {  // W3C DOM standard event registration
            window.addEventListener("load", Module.runInitializationFunctions,
        else if (window.attachEvent) {  // IE5+ event registration
            window.attachEvent("onload", Module.runInitializationFunctions);
        else {
            // IE4 and old browsers
            // If the <body> defines an onload tag, this event listener
            // will be overwritten and never get called.
            window.onload = Module.runInitializationFunctions;

    // The function overwrites itself with an empty function so it never
    // gets called more than once.
    Module._registerEventHandler = function( ) {};




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