  • 浏览: 56431 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 广州



mac ggts java.net.UnknowHostException


scutil --set HostName "localhost"
scutil --get HostName

Preferences -> Groovy -> Grails -> Launch Grails


and uncheck “Keep external Grails running“.



Unexpected exception: org/eclipse/equinox/internal/p2/repository/RepositoryTransport


Window-> Preferences -> General -> Network Connection.

Now remove the proxy bypass and clear SOCKS IP.





I experienced this issue when the SOCKS proxy in eclipse was incorrectly configured. My machine which sits in a LAN connects to the internet using an HTTP proxy. In the Network Connections tab in eclipse, i had configured the HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS proxy. The SOCKS proxy was not required in this case, and on clearing the SOCKS proxy, the error disappeared and Eclipse Marketplace became accessible...woohoo !!

Resolution Steps

  1. In Eclipse, click Windows -> Preferences
  2. Search for 'Network Connections' in the 'filter' textbox
  3. Set HTTP and HTTPS proxies correctly ( If you are connecting to the internet using a proxy)
    Note : If you are connecting to the internet without proxy, use the 'Direct' profile setting in the 'ActionProvider' drop down. Else use the 'Manual' setting.
  4. Set SOCKS proxy ( If you have a SOCKS proxy server configured), otherwise clear this row.
  5. Apply the changes and save it.

Now Marketplace should become accessible for you.

For details on Network Connections configuration in Eclipse, use the following link




I fixed this problem by (1) changing windows->preferences->gerneral->network connection: Active provider to "Manual". (2) configure the "proxy entries" below. Since my proxy listens on 8087 on my localhost, here is my configuration:

http :
https :


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