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A curated list of amazingly awesome PhoneGap/Cordova libraries, resources and shiny things. Inspired by other awesome lists.
Official Site
Apache Cordova - Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this allows a smartphone app to be developed with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
PhoneGap - PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about.
Plugin Registry
Cordova 5.0.0开始官方核心Plugin全部移到npm!
Cordova Plugin Registry - Discover plugins for your Apache Cordova project.
PlugReg - PlugReg allows Cordova / PhoneGap developers to search for existing plugins for their app projects. It also gives plugin authors additional exposure to their open source plugin(s).
Telerik Verified - Verified Plugins Marketplace. Curated list of Cordova/PhoneGap plugins that have been thoroughly tested, documented, and extended to empower cross-platform hybrid mobile developers
PhoneGap Build Plugins
MEAP(Mobile Enterprise Application Platform)
Kony - Discover the only enterprise-grade platform for developing and deploying HTML5, native, or hybrid mobile apps using open and standards-based tools.
IBM MobileFirst(Worklight) - IBM® MobileFirst Platform Foundation, formerly known as IBM Worklight, helps organizations extend their business to mobile devices. It provides an open and comprehensive platform to not only build, but test, run and manage native, hybrid and mobile web apps. Available as an on premises or private cloud solution, IBM MobileFirst Foundation can help reduce both application development and maintenance costs, improve time-to-market and enhance mobile application governance and security.
SAP Mobile Platform - Use SAP Mobile Platform to build and deploy mobile apps that keep people connected. This industry-leading mobile application development platform solves mobility challenges, supports mobile apps that fit your business-to-enterprise (B2E) or business-to-consumer (B2C) use case, and helps balance device user requirements with enterprise requirements.
Oracle ADF Mobile - Oracle ADF Mobile enables developers to build and extend enterprise applications for iOS and Android from a single code base. Based on a hybrid mobile architecture, ADF Mobile supports access to native device services, enables offline applications and protects enterprise investments from future technology shifts.
Applican(Japan) - Applicanは、Android/iOS対応アプリを同時開発できるハイブリッドアプリ開発環境です。カメラやGPS機能などにアクセスするための各種APIが用意されていて、HTML5+CSS+JavaScriptの知識だけでスマホアプリを作ることができます。
AppCan(China) - AppCan是中国领先的一站式移动开发服务平台,支持HTML5快速开发手机应用,同时支持iOS、Android、WindowsPhone。
DCloud HBuilder(China) - 当前最快的HTML开发工具,强大的代码助手帮你快速完成开发,最全的语法库和浏览器兼容性数据让浏览器碎片化不再头痛。
APICloud(China) - 中国首个“云端一体”的移动应用云服务提供商。
Intel XDK(appMobi) - Intel® XDK HTML5 Cross-platform Development Tool provides a simplified workflow to enable developers to easily design, debug, build, and deploy HTML5 web and hybrid apps across multiple app stores, and form factor devices.
SMP Kapsel - Kapsel is a set of plugins for Apache Cordova which adds SMP capabilities to a Cordova application.
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova - Build cross-platform mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows devices using Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova. With an extension for Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 or Visual Studio 2015 Preview, Visual Studio gives you the tools you need to get started building your first app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based on Apache Cordova.
Eclipse THyM - The Hybrid Mobile project enables cross platform mobile development with Eclipse IDE. It delivers IDE components and a framework for developing Hybrid Mobile Applications on the Eclipse platform. The delivered IDE components support the Apache Cordova framework, but they are extendible to support Apache Cordova distributions and other frameworks.
Trigger.io - Trigger.IO is a mobile development framework that enables cross-platform phone applications to be written in HTML5.
Sencha Touch - Sencha Touch, a high-performance HTML5 mobile application framework, is the cornerstone of the Sencha HTML5 platform. Built for enabling world-class user experiences, Sencha Touch is the only framework that enables developers to build powerful apps that work on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and more.
X-to-Native Tool
J2ObjC — Google’s transpiler that translates Java to Objective-C. It also includes basic Java libraries ported to Objective-C. Basic usage is to develop the app logic in Java to be shared between your Android and iOS app. The Android app would use the logic natively. For iOS, you translate the Java logic to Objective-C and import the translated code into your Swift or Objective-C project. J2ObjC is open-sourced on github and is freely available.
RoboVM — A Java implementation that targets iOS. RoboVM command-line tools compile Java into native iOS bytecode. RoboVM implements its own garbage collector on iOS. Like, J2ObjC, the Android app would be native. Pricing is unavailable as RoboVM is in beta.
Xamarin (C#) — A C# implementation that targets iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Using Xamarin Studio, you can write your entire app in C# and compile it down to native bytecode. For iOS, Xamarin apps use SGen or Boehm for garbage collection. Pricing starts at $25 per month.
RubyMotion(Ruby) — A Ruby implementation that targets iOS, Android, and OSX. RubyMotion command-line tools compile Ruby iOS and Android apps into native bytecode. Ruby gems must target RubyMotion which precludes many existing gems. RubyMotion implements its own garbage collector on iOS. Pricing starts at $15 per month.
Titanium Mobile(JavaScript) - An open, extensible development environment for creating beautiful native apps across different mobile devices and OSs including iOS, Android, and BlackBerry, as well as hybrid and HTML5. It includes an open source SDK with over 5,000 device and mobile operating system APIs, Studio, a powerful Eclipse-based IDE, Alloy, an MVC framework and Cloud Services for a ready-to-use mobile backend.
Adobe AIR(ActionScript) - Adobe AIR is a cross-platform runtime that enables you to use your existing Flash/ActionScript or HTML/JavaScript development skills and tools to build and deploy applications, games, and videos outside the browser and on mobile devices.
NativeScript(JavaScript) (from Telerik) - NativeScript enables you to use a complete stack of cross-platform APIs to write your application code or, if you need to, you can directly access all platform-specific native APIs using JavaScript only. That’s right—you can access all native APIs, not only the ones we thought would be useful!
React Native(JavaScript) (from Facebook) - React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React.
Hyperloop(JavaScript) (from Appcelerator) - Hyperloop is a next-generation compiler that converts JavaScript source code into native code for targeting different native OS platforms. Currently supports iOS and WinRT development.
Test Tool
Ripple Emulator - Apache Ripple is a web based mobile environment simulator designed to enable rapid development of mobile web applications for various web application frameworks, such as Apache Cordova and BlackBerry WebWorks. It can be paired with current web based mobile development workflows to decrease time spent developing and testing on real devices and/or simulators.
Weinre - weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.
GapDebug - GapDebug is a comprehensive mobile debugging tool that bridges the gap left by other debugging options. Operating on both the Windows and Mac platforms, GapDebug allows debugging of hybrid mobile apps, such as PhoneGap and Cordova, on modern iOS and Android devices. And, GapDebug is always free for local debugging.
ScreenQueri.es - *Screenqueries is not an emulator & Results may vary on actual devices. It is advisable to test website on actual devices before you go live.
Cloud Tool
PhoneGap Build - Simply upload your HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript assets to the Adobe PhoneGap Build cloud service and we do the work of compiling for you.
AppBuilder(Icenium) - Create cross-platform mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone using an instantly available, hyper productive PhoneGap/Cordova development environment.
Appery.io(Tiggzi) - Appery.io, developed by Exadel, is the first mobile platform that offers a cloud-based rapid development environment with integrated backend services and a rich catalog of API plug-ins that dramatically simplify integration with cloud services and enterprise systems.
Monaca - Accelerate Your App Development with HTML5 Hybrid Apps.
Ionic Creator - Creator makes it easy to rapidly build Ionic mobile apps. With a drag-and-drop interface and real code exporting, you can create live apps for your team with a few drags of the mouse. And it's totally free to use.
App Sandbox
PhoneGap Developer App - The PhoneGap Developer app is a testing utility for web developers and designers using the PhoneGap framework. After installing the PhoneGap Developer app you will be able to connect to your PhoneGap desktop app to instantly view and test your project on the device.
Ionic View - Ionic View makes it easy to share your Ionic and Cordova apps with clients and testers around the world, all without ever going through the App Store.
Intel App Preview - App Preview allows web designers and developers who are using the Intel® XDK to preview their apps on real devices.
applican simulator - アプリカンプラットフォームと連動し、iPhone、iPadなどのデバイス上で動作確認を行う専用アプリです。これによりコンテンツのチェックを簡易なものにします。
Android Webview
Intel Crosswalk Project - Replace Android’s default WebView with Crosswalk, a predictable web runtime for developing powerful Android and Cordova apps.
Ludei WebView+(Cocoon JS) - This project is a plugin for cordova/phonegap apps, and provides a uniform webview on any Android 4.x device.
Amazon Silk - Amazon Silk is a next-generation web browser available only on Kindle Fire. Built on a split architecture that divides processing between the client and the Amazon cloud, Amazon Silk is designed to create a faster, more responsive mobile browsing experience.
Android System WebView - Android 5.0 WebView is a system-level .apk that can be updated without user intervention – a mechanism very much like Google Play Services.
UI Frameworks
jQuery Mobile - jQuery Mobile is a HTML5-based user interface system designed to make responsive web sites and apps that are accessible on all smartphone, tablet and desktop devices.
App Framework(jqMobi) - The App Framework JavaScript library is a blazingly fast cross-platform UI library built for mobile HTML5 apps. The UI styles in this library are designed to easily adapt to your target platform (Google Android*, Apple iOS*, Microsoft Windows* 8, and new RIM Blackberry* devices) so you can give your application a target-specific look and feel.
Kendo UI - Fast, light, complete: 70+ jQuery-based UI widgets in one powerful toolset. AngularJS integration, Bootstrap support, mobile controls, offline data solution.
Topcoat - CSS for clean and fast web apps
Ionic Framework - The beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.
Onsen UI - Onsen UI makes building applications simple basing on the concept of Web Components. Applications can be build using HTML tags web developers already know. It is built on top of heroic AngularJS and performance craving Topcoat.
Famo.us - Famo.us is a free, open source JavaScript framework that helps you create smooth, complex UIs for any screen.
ChocolateChip-UI - ChocolateChip-UI is a framework for making mobile Web apps. It has three components: semantic HTML5 markup, CSS and JavaScript. To successfully make an app with ChocolateChip-UI you'll need at least moderate experience working with JavaScript. This is so you can use templates, make Ajax requests and handle callbacks for user interaction.
Ratchet - Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JS components.
Mobile Angular UI - Mobile Angular UI is a mobile UI framework just like Sencha Touch or jQuery Mobile. If you know Angular JS and Twitter Bootstrap you already know it!
AppGyver Supersonic - Build beautiful data-driven apps with real native performance
Helping you select a cross-platform mobile framework
Telerik Platform
Titanium http://www.builtwithtitanium.com/
Intel XDK
Apache Cordova Documentation
PhoneGap Documentation
Ionic Documentation
Apache Cordova Tutorial @ccoenraets
Ionic Tutorial @ccoenraets
Developer Reviews
(2012/05/12) Comparing Titanium and PhoneGap - Appcelerator开发者Kevin Whinnery
(2013/09/04) Hybrid App开发实战 - 李秉骏
(2014/03/08) Hybrid sweet spot: Native navigation, web content - RoR作者DHH
(2015/02/01) 谈谈 React Native - 唐巧
(2015/03/27) 跨平台开发时代的 (再次) 到来? - Line王巍
(2015/05/11) 聊聊移动端跨平台开发的各种技术 - 百度FEX吴多益
Atom from GitHub
WebStorm from JetBrains
Brackets from Adobe
Light Table
Visual Studio Code
PhoneGap Blog
Christophe Coenraets(Developer Evangelist for Adobe/Salesforce.com)
Holly Schinsky(Developer Evangelist for Adobe)
Raymond Camden(Developer for Adobe)
John Wargo(Product Manager for SAP)
Nic Raboy
Andrew McGivery
PhoneGap 3.x Mobile Application Development Hotshot(May 26, 2014)
PhoneGap and AngularJS for Cross-Platform Development(October 31, 2014)
PhoneGap 3, Beginner's Guide, 2nd Edition(September 24, 2013)
PhoneGap for Enterprise(December 18, 2014)
Instant PhoneGap(January 2, 2014)
Apache Cordova API Cookbook(July 19, 2014)
Apache Cordova 4 Programming(Apr 9, 2015)
Apache Cordova in Action(2015)
Developing Cross Platform Mobile Applications with Cordova CLI
Ionic in Action(2015)
Online Courses
Building Mobile Apps With the Ionic Framework and AngularJS
AngularJS - AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
Zepto.js - Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.
FastClick - FastClick is a simple, easy-to-use library for eliminating the 300ms delay between a physical tap and the firing of a click event on mobile browsers. The aim is to make your application feel less laggy and more responsive while avoiding any interference with your current logic.
iScroll - iScroll is a high performance, small footprint, dependency free, multi-platform javascript scroller.
Hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures.
Handlebars - Handlebars is largely compatible with Mustache templates. In most cases it is possible to swap out Mustache with Handlebars and continue using your current templates.
Q.js - A tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript.
ngcordova - ngCordova is a set of AngularJS extensions on top of the Cordova API to make it easier to build, test, and deploy Cordova apps with AngularJS.
Ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic Framework.
Modernizr - Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
jsPerf - jsPerf(JavaScript performance playground) aims to provide an easy way to create and share test cases, comparing the performance of different JavaScript snippets by running benchmarks.
Official Site
Apache Cordova - Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this allows a smartphone app to be developed with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
PhoneGap - PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about.
Plugin Registry
Cordova 5.0.0开始官方核心Plugin全部移到npm!
Cordova Plugin Registry - Discover plugins for your Apache Cordova project.
PlugReg - PlugReg allows Cordova / PhoneGap developers to search for existing plugins for their app projects. It also gives plugin authors additional exposure to their open source plugin(s).
Telerik Verified - Verified Plugins Marketplace. Curated list of Cordova/PhoneGap plugins that have been thoroughly tested, documented, and extended to empower cross-platform hybrid mobile developers
PhoneGap Build Plugins
MEAP(Mobile Enterprise Application Platform)
Kony - Discover the only enterprise-grade platform for developing and deploying HTML5, native, or hybrid mobile apps using open and standards-based tools.
IBM MobileFirst(Worklight) - IBM® MobileFirst Platform Foundation, formerly known as IBM Worklight, helps organizations extend their business to mobile devices. It provides an open and comprehensive platform to not only build, but test, run and manage native, hybrid and mobile web apps. Available as an on premises or private cloud solution, IBM MobileFirst Foundation can help reduce both application development and maintenance costs, improve time-to-market and enhance mobile application governance and security.
SAP Mobile Platform - Use SAP Mobile Platform to build and deploy mobile apps that keep people connected. This industry-leading mobile application development platform solves mobility challenges, supports mobile apps that fit your business-to-enterprise (B2E) or business-to-consumer (B2C) use case, and helps balance device user requirements with enterprise requirements.
Oracle ADF Mobile - Oracle ADF Mobile enables developers to build and extend enterprise applications for iOS and Android from a single code base. Based on a hybrid mobile architecture, ADF Mobile supports access to native device services, enables offline applications and protects enterprise investments from future technology shifts.
Applican(Japan) - Applicanは、Android/iOS対応アプリを同時開発できるハイブリッドアプリ開発環境です。カメラやGPS機能などにアクセスするための各種APIが用意されていて、HTML5+CSS+JavaScriptの知識だけでスマホアプリを作ることができます。
AppCan(China) - AppCan是中国领先的一站式移动开发服务平台,支持HTML5快速开发手机应用,同时支持iOS、Android、WindowsPhone。
DCloud HBuilder(China) - 当前最快的HTML开发工具,强大的代码助手帮你快速完成开发,最全的语法库和浏览器兼容性数据让浏览器碎片化不再头痛。
APICloud(China) - 中国首个“云端一体”的移动应用云服务提供商。
Intel XDK(appMobi) - Intel® XDK HTML5 Cross-platform Development Tool provides a simplified workflow to enable developers to easily design, debug, build, and deploy HTML5 web and hybrid apps across multiple app stores, and form factor devices.
SMP Kapsel - Kapsel is a set of plugins for Apache Cordova which adds SMP capabilities to a Cordova application.
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova - Build cross-platform mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows devices using Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova. With an extension for Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 or Visual Studio 2015 Preview, Visual Studio gives you the tools you need to get started building your first app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based on Apache Cordova.
Eclipse THyM - The Hybrid Mobile project enables cross platform mobile development with Eclipse IDE. It delivers IDE components and a framework for developing Hybrid Mobile Applications on the Eclipse platform. The delivered IDE components support the Apache Cordova framework, but they are extendible to support Apache Cordova distributions and other frameworks.
Trigger.io - Trigger.IO is a mobile development framework that enables cross-platform phone applications to be written in HTML5.
Sencha Touch - Sencha Touch, a high-performance HTML5 mobile application framework, is the cornerstone of the Sencha HTML5 platform. Built for enabling world-class user experiences, Sencha Touch is the only framework that enables developers to build powerful apps that work on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and more.
X-to-Native Tool
J2ObjC — Google’s transpiler that translates Java to Objective-C. It also includes basic Java libraries ported to Objective-C. Basic usage is to develop the app logic in Java to be shared between your Android and iOS app. The Android app would use the logic natively. For iOS, you translate the Java logic to Objective-C and import the translated code into your Swift or Objective-C project. J2ObjC is open-sourced on github and is freely available.
RoboVM — A Java implementation that targets iOS. RoboVM command-line tools compile Java into native iOS bytecode. RoboVM implements its own garbage collector on iOS. Like, J2ObjC, the Android app would be native. Pricing is unavailable as RoboVM is in beta.
Xamarin (C#) — A C# implementation that targets iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Using Xamarin Studio, you can write your entire app in C# and compile it down to native bytecode. For iOS, Xamarin apps use SGen or Boehm for garbage collection. Pricing starts at $25 per month.
RubyMotion(Ruby) — A Ruby implementation that targets iOS, Android, and OSX. RubyMotion command-line tools compile Ruby iOS and Android apps into native bytecode. Ruby gems must target RubyMotion which precludes many existing gems. RubyMotion implements its own garbage collector on iOS. Pricing starts at $15 per month.
Titanium Mobile(JavaScript) - An open, extensible development environment for creating beautiful native apps across different mobile devices and OSs including iOS, Android, and BlackBerry, as well as hybrid and HTML5. It includes an open source SDK with over 5,000 device and mobile operating system APIs, Studio, a powerful Eclipse-based IDE, Alloy, an MVC framework and Cloud Services for a ready-to-use mobile backend.
Adobe AIR(ActionScript) - Adobe AIR is a cross-platform runtime that enables you to use your existing Flash/ActionScript or HTML/JavaScript development skills and tools to build and deploy applications, games, and videos outside the browser and on mobile devices.
NativeScript(JavaScript) (from Telerik) - NativeScript enables you to use a complete stack of cross-platform APIs to write your application code or, if you need to, you can directly access all platform-specific native APIs using JavaScript only. That’s right—you can access all native APIs, not only the ones we thought would be useful!
React Native(JavaScript) (from Facebook) - React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React.
Hyperloop(JavaScript) (from Appcelerator) - Hyperloop is a next-generation compiler that converts JavaScript source code into native code for targeting different native OS platforms. Currently supports iOS and WinRT development.
Test Tool
Ripple Emulator - Apache Ripple is a web based mobile environment simulator designed to enable rapid development of mobile web applications for various web application frameworks, such as Apache Cordova and BlackBerry WebWorks. It can be paired with current web based mobile development workflows to decrease time spent developing and testing on real devices and/or simulators.
Weinre - weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.
GapDebug - GapDebug is a comprehensive mobile debugging tool that bridges the gap left by other debugging options. Operating on both the Windows and Mac platforms, GapDebug allows debugging of hybrid mobile apps, such as PhoneGap and Cordova, on modern iOS and Android devices. And, GapDebug is always free for local debugging.
ScreenQueri.es - *Screenqueries is not an emulator & Results may vary on actual devices. It is advisable to test website on actual devices before you go live.
Cloud Tool
PhoneGap Build - Simply upload your HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript assets to the Adobe PhoneGap Build cloud service and we do the work of compiling for you.
AppBuilder(Icenium) - Create cross-platform mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone using an instantly available, hyper productive PhoneGap/Cordova development environment.
Appery.io(Tiggzi) - Appery.io, developed by Exadel, is the first mobile platform that offers a cloud-based rapid development environment with integrated backend services and a rich catalog of API plug-ins that dramatically simplify integration with cloud services and enterprise systems.
Monaca - Accelerate Your App Development with HTML5 Hybrid Apps.
Ionic Creator - Creator makes it easy to rapidly build Ionic mobile apps. With a drag-and-drop interface and real code exporting, you can create live apps for your team with a few drags of the mouse. And it's totally free to use.
App Sandbox
PhoneGap Developer App - The PhoneGap Developer app is a testing utility for web developers and designers using the PhoneGap framework. After installing the PhoneGap Developer app you will be able to connect to your PhoneGap desktop app to instantly view and test your project on the device.
Ionic View - Ionic View makes it easy to share your Ionic and Cordova apps with clients and testers around the world, all without ever going through the App Store.
Intel App Preview - App Preview allows web designers and developers who are using the Intel® XDK to preview their apps on real devices.
applican simulator - アプリカンプラットフォームと連動し、iPhone、iPadなどのデバイス上で動作確認を行う専用アプリです。これによりコンテンツのチェックを簡易なものにします。
Android Webview
Intel Crosswalk Project - Replace Android’s default WebView with Crosswalk, a predictable web runtime for developing powerful Android and Cordova apps.
Ludei WebView+(Cocoon JS) - This project is a plugin for cordova/phonegap apps, and provides a uniform webview on any Android 4.x device.
Amazon Silk - Amazon Silk is a next-generation web browser available only on Kindle Fire. Built on a split architecture that divides processing between the client and the Amazon cloud, Amazon Silk is designed to create a faster, more responsive mobile browsing experience.
Android System WebView - Android 5.0 WebView is a system-level .apk that can be updated without user intervention – a mechanism very much like Google Play Services.
UI Frameworks
jQuery Mobile - jQuery Mobile is a HTML5-based user interface system designed to make responsive web sites and apps that are accessible on all smartphone, tablet and desktop devices.
App Framework(jqMobi) - The App Framework JavaScript library is a blazingly fast cross-platform UI library built for mobile HTML5 apps. The UI styles in this library are designed to easily adapt to your target platform (Google Android*, Apple iOS*, Microsoft Windows* 8, and new RIM Blackberry* devices) so you can give your application a target-specific look and feel.
Kendo UI - Fast, light, complete: 70+ jQuery-based UI widgets in one powerful toolset. AngularJS integration, Bootstrap support, mobile controls, offline data solution.
Topcoat - CSS for clean and fast web apps
Ionic Framework - The beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.
Onsen UI - Onsen UI makes building applications simple basing on the concept of Web Components. Applications can be build using HTML tags web developers already know. It is built on top of heroic AngularJS and performance craving Topcoat.
Famo.us - Famo.us is a free, open source JavaScript framework that helps you create smooth, complex UIs for any screen.
ChocolateChip-UI - ChocolateChip-UI is a framework for making mobile Web apps. It has three components: semantic HTML5 markup, CSS and JavaScript. To successfully make an app with ChocolateChip-UI you'll need at least moderate experience working with JavaScript. This is so you can use templates, make Ajax requests and handle callbacks for user interaction.
Ratchet - Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JS components.
Mobile Angular UI - Mobile Angular UI is a mobile UI framework just like Sencha Touch or jQuery Mobile. If you know Angular JS and Twitter Bootstrap you already know it!
AppGyver Supersonic - Build beautiful data-driven apps with real native performance
Helping you select a cross-platform mobile framework
Telerik Platform
Titanium http://www.builtwithtitanium.com/
Intel XDK
Apache Cordova Documentation
PhoneGap Documentation
Ionic Documentation
Apache Cordova Tutorial @ccoenraets
Ionic Tutorial @ccoenraets
Developer Reviews
(2012/05/12) Comparing Titanium and PhoneGap - Appcelerator开发者Kevin Whinnery
(2013/09/04) Hybrid App开发实战 - 李秉骏
(2014/03/08) Hybrid sweet spot: Native navigation, web content - RoR作者DHH
(2015/02/01) 谈谈 React Native - 唐巧
(2015/03/27) 跨平台开发时代的 (再次) 到来? - Line王巍
(2015/05/11) 聊聊移动端跨平台开发的各种技术 - 百度FEX吴多益
Atom from GitHub
WebStorm from JetBrains
Brackets from Adobe
Light Table
Visual Studio Code
PhoneGap Blog
Christophe Coenraets(Developer Evangelist for Adobe/Salesforce.com)
Holly Schinsky(Developer Evangelist for Adobe)
Raymond Camden(Developer for Adobe)
John Wargo(Product Manager for SAP)
Nic Raboy
Andrew McGivery
PhoneGap 3.x Mobile Application Development Hotshot(May 26, 2014)
PhoneGap and AngularJS for Cross-Platform Development(October 31, 2014)
PhoneGap 3, Beginner's Guide, 2nd Edition(September 24, 2013)
PhoneGap for Enterprise(December 18, 2014)
Instant PhoneGap(January 2, 2014)
Apache Cordova API Cookbook(July 19, 2014)
Apache Cordova 4 Programming(Apr 9, 2015)
Apache Cordova in Action(2015)
Developing Cross Platform Mobile Applications with Cordova CLI
Ionic in Action(2015)
Online Courses
Building Mobile Apps With the Ionic Framework and AngularJS
AngularJS - AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
Zepto.js - Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.
FastClick - FastClick is a simple, easy-to-use library for eliminating the 300ms delay between a physical tap and the firing of a click event on mobile browsers. The aim is to make your application feel less laggy and more responsive while avoiding any interference with your current logic.
iScroll - iScroll is a high performance, small footprint, dependency free, multi-platform javascript scroller.
Hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures.
Handlebars - Handlebars is largely compatible with Mustache templates. In most cases it is possible to swap out Mustache with Handlebars and continue using your current templates.
Q.js - A tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript.
ngcordova - ngCordova is a set of AngularJS extensions on top of the Cordova API to make it easier to build, test, and deploy Cordova apps with AngularJS.
Ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic Framework.
Modernizr - Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
jsPerf - jsPerf(JavaScript performance playground) aims to provide an easy way to create and share test cases, comparing the performance of different JavaScript snippets by running benchmarks.
2015-04-23 11:27 16883如何为Android APK签名,已经在这里说过了。这里说说如 ... -
2015-04-12 17:26 31279Cordova每次大版本的发布都会带来系统架构很大的变化,很多 ... -
把CordovaWebView嵌入到自己的应用(Embedding WebViews)
2015-04-07 10:56 25193以下以Android为例。 (1)下载最新版的Cordova ... -
2015-01-22 17:01 9674搭建开发环境是程序员的基本功,虚拟机技术(VMware、Vir ... -
Cordova 3.x 入门 - 目录
2014-12-06 21:32 59562这个系列是基于Cordova 3. ... -
2014-10-09 16:02 4901(1)从Crosswalk官网下载Cordova Androi ... -
2014-09-19 11:10 22212(1)首先下载最新版的Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) ... -
Cordova 3.x 实用插件(6) -- 检查APP是否被安装
2014-09-12 11:17 10125应用中经常要启动其他应用,比如:打开市场为自己的应用打分、强制 ... -
Cordova 3.x 实用插件(5) -- 通过自定义URL Scheme启动你的APP
2014-09-11 14:45 7671通过URL Scheme来启动APP是一种很常见的做法,比如: ... -
Cordova 3.x 实例开发 -- 基于Ionic的Todo应用
2014-05-27 13:04 32279基于Ionic的Todo应用,以下为Android截图,代码在 ... -
2014-05-15 10:56 10060Cordova历史发展 ・2009年 通过iPhoneDevC ... -
Cordova Android中ShowTitle的问题
2014-04-28 13:34 4024根据官方文档的描述,要想显示TitleBar需要在config ... -
Cordova 3.x 源码分析(7) -- CordovaLib概要
2014-04-25 17:16 10318在http://rensanning.iteye.com/bl ... -
Cordova 3.x 源码分析(6) -- cordova.js本地交互JS<->Native
2014-04-24 12:11 15795src/android/android/nativeapipr ... -
Cordova 3.x 源码分析(5) -- cordova.js导入、初始化、启动、加载插件
2014-04-22 16:44 27215执行cordova.js的入口就以下2行代码: // 导入co ... -
Cordova 3.x 源码分析(4) -- cordova.js事件通道pub/sub
2014-04-22 15:40 4346作为观察者模式(Observer)的一种变形,很多MV*框架( ... -
Cordova 3.x 源码分析(3) -- cordova.js模块系统require/define
2014-04-16 13:21 6547类似于Java的package/import,在JavaScr ... -
Cordova 3.x 源码分析(2) -- cordova.js概要
2014-04-16 13:14 11603前提环境: 引用Platform: android Versi ... -
Cordova 3.x 源码分析(1) -- Cordova CLI
2014-04-15 15:07 6276(1)Node.js的使用 Cordova CLI基于node ... -
Cordova 3.x 实用插件(4) -- Android的SEND、VIEW、CALL(WebIntent)
2014-04-09 16:20 6684插件地址:https://github.com/Initsog ...
适用于Cordova / PhoneGap的跨平台BarcodeScanner。 遵循,因此可与一起。 安装 这需要phonegap 7.1.0+(当前稳定的v8.0.0) phonegap plugin add phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner 也可以通过repo url直接安装...
科尔多瓦的厨房水槽/样板-PhoneGap-Babel-React-Hotloader-Webpack-Framework7-Firestore-FontAwesome 具有原生外观的即用型混合移动应用程序的模板。 预习 安卓 的iOS 工具类 参见下文 编译为iOS和Android应用 ...
WiFi向导2-3.1.1目录安装掌握发行版流星错误/拒绝通用抛出错误例子离子/角度示例(用户提供) 变更日志: 关于WifiWizard2在Cordova / Phonegap项目中为Android和iOS应用程序启用Wifi管理。 该项目是WifiWizard插件...
使用 Cordova (PhoneGap)、AngularJS 和 Leaflet 开始移动项目的样板代码。 这最终将变成一个成熟的 Yeoman 生成器项目,但现在它作为一个存储库,可以快速开始基于移动地图的项目。 这个项目是使用的awesome 生成...
Framework7-Vue-Webpack Cordova模板 您可以使用此模板完美地启动新的cordova项目。 该模板使用: 最低要求 科尔多瓦: 6.0.0 Node.js: 6.5.0 (支持ES6) 警告(对于Linux和Mac OS用户): 对于实时重载,我...
- **多平台支持**:Ionic支持通过PhoneGap或Cordova这样的工具将应用打包成iOS和Android的原生应用。 ##### 1.2 AngularJS集成 - Ionic使用AngularJS作为其核心框架的一部分,这意味着开发者可以利用AngularJS的...
Integrate PhoneGap plugins with NG-Cordova Test your apps to improve and optimize performance In Detail Hybrid Apps are a promising choice in mobile app development to achieve cost-effectiveness and...
此外,`Ionic`还支持Cordova/PhoneGap插件,这样可以访问到设备的硬件功能,如相机、GPS、蓝牙等。 关于`CSS`,在`uforoapp`中,开发者可能使用了`Sass`(Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)预处理器,它是CSS的...
- PhoneGap是Adobe提供的一项服务,允许开发者使用Cordova生成原生应用安装包。 - **9.4 使用Cordova CLI生成安装包** - Cordova命令行工具(CLI)可以直接用于生成应用安装包。 - **9.5 使用Ionic package生成...
`Ionic`的核心特性包括响应式布局、触摸优化的组件、动画库以及与 Cordova/PhoneGap 的集成,这使得开发者可以利用设备的硬件功能,如摄像头、GPS等。 在`adnmb-ionic`项目中,`CSS`是关键的技术之一。`CSS`(层叠...
- **config.xml**:定义Cordova/PhoneGap项目的配置,包括应用元数据、设备权限等。 - **www**:项目的静态资源根目录,包括HTML、CSS、JavaScript和其他前端资源。 - **src**:可能包含项目的主要源代码,比如...
1. **config.xml**:这是 Cordova/PhoneGap 项目的核心配置文件,定义了应用的基本信息,如应用ID、版本号、图标和启动画面等。 2. **ionic.config.json**:这是 Ionic 应用的配置文件,包含了项目的设置,如项目名...