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package oracle.otnsamples.jdbc.lobtype;
// Package for JDBC classes
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
// Java Utility Classes
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Enumeration;
// Package for using Streams
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
* This sample illustrates access and manipulation of CLOB and BLOB columns
* using JDBC2.0. Oracle's JDBC2.0 driver, provides API to perform selects,
* updates, inserts and deletes from LOB columns. Here the methods specified
* by the JDBC 2.0 API specifications are used for database operations.
* The sample illustrates the above operations on CLOB and BLOB columns in the
* OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS table. It inserts sample .gif and .txt file contents,
* into the LOB columns for the chosen airport. If LOB data already exists for
* the chosen airport, it retrieves and displays them. It also
* illustrates manipulation of LOB columns, by allowing users to enter text to
* be appended to the CLOB column.
public class LOBSample {
/** Database Connection Object */
Connection connection;
/** The GUI handler for the sample */
LOBFrame gui;
* Constructor. Initializes GUI
public LOBSample() {
gui = new LOBFrame(this);
* Main entry point for the class. Instantiates the root frame,
* sets up the database connection and populates the JTable with
public static void main(String[] args) {
LOBSample lobs = new LOBSample(); // Instantiate root frame
lobs.dbConnection(); // Setup db connection
if( lobs.connection != null ) {
lobs.checkTables(); // Check if table exist, if not create it
lobs.populateAirports(); // Populate the JTable with all airports rows
* Dispatches the GUI events to the appropriate method, which performs
* the required JDBC operations. This method is invoked when event occurs
* in the GUI (like table Selection, Button clicks etc.).
public void dispatchEvent( String eventName ) {
// Dispatch Event
if( eventName.equals("Load Sample Files"))
else if( eventName.equals("Add Suggestions") ) {
String suggestions = gui.getSuggestionText();
if( !suggestions.equals("CANCEL")) {
addSuggestions(gui.getSelectedCode(), suggestions);
gui.sugArea.append(new String(suggestions));
} else if( eventName.equals("Airport Selected in Table") )
else if( eventName.equals("EXIT") )
* This method reads a properties file which is passed as
* the parameter to it and load it into a java Properties
* object and returns it.
private static Properties loadParams( String file ) throws IOException {
// Loads a ResourceBundle and creates Properties from it
Properties prop = new Properties();
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( file );
Enumeration enum = bundle.getKeys();
String key = null;
while( enum.hasMoreElements() ) {
key = (String)enum.nextElement();
prop.put( key, bundle.getObject( key ) );
return prop;
* Creates a database connection object using DataSource object. Please
* substitute the database connection parameters with appropriate values in
* Connection.properties file
private void dbConnection() {
try {
gui.putStatus("Trying to connect to the Database");
// Load the properties file to get the connection information
Properties prop = this.loadParams("Connection");
// Create a OracleDataSource instance
OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
// Sets the driver type
// Sets the database server name
// Sets the database name
// Sets the port number
ods.setPortNumber(new Integer((String)prop.get("Port")).intValue());
// Sets the user name
// Sets the password
// Create a connection object
connection = ods.getConnection();
// Sets the auto-commit property for the connection to be false.
gui.putStatus(" Connected to " + prop.get("SID") +
" Database as " + prop.get("UserName"));
} catch(SQLException ex) { // Trap SQL errors
"Error in Connecting to the Database "+'\n'+ex.toString());
} catch(IOException ex) { // Trap I/O errors
"Error in reading the properties file "+'\n'+ex.toString());
* Queries all rows from the OTN_AIRPORTS table and populates the JTable with
* the returned rows
private void populateAirports() {
Statement stmt = null;
try {
gui.appendStatus("\nPopulating Airports. Please wait...");
// Statement object for issuing SQL statements
stmt = connection.createStatement();
// Execute the query that returns all airport rows
ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT airport_code, description, name"+
" FROM otn_airports");
// Loop through the result set and populate JTable with all airports
while( resultSet.next() ) {
// Retrieve column values for this row
String code = resultSet.getString(1);
String desc = resultSet.getString(2);
String city = resultSet.getString(3);
gui.addToJTable(code, desc, city); // Insert into Jtable
gui.putStatus("Connected to database and retrieved all airport rows");
gui.appendStatus("\nPlease Choose an airport ");
} catch( SQLException ex ) { // Trap SQL errors
gui.putStatus("Error Querying OTN_AIRPORTS table: \n" + ex.toString());
} finally {
try {
stmt.close(); // Close statement which also closes open result sets
} catch(SQLException ex) {
* Creates a new row for the selected airport in OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS.
* It then loads the sample files into the LOB columns, using JDBC2.0.
private void loadSamples( String airportCode ) {
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
gui.putStatus("Creating row for airport in OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS.. ");
// Insert a row into OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS with
// LOB column values are initialized to empty
pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS( airport_code, airport_map,"+
"airport_sug_book) VALUES(? , EMPTY_BLOB() , EMPTY_CLOB())");
pstmt.setString(1, airportCode); // Bind AIRPORT code
pstmt.execute(); // Execute SQL statement
gui.appendStatus("Created.\n Loading <map.gif> into Blob column for airport...");
// Retrieve the row just inserted, and lock it for insertion of the
// LOB columns.
stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet lobDetails = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT airport_map, airport_sug_book FROM OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS "+
"WHERE airport_code = '" + airportCode + "' FOR UPDATE");
// Load the properties file to get the sample files information
Properties prop = this.loadParams("Misc");
String mapFileName = (String)prop.get("map");
String sugBookFileName = (String)prop.get("suggestions");
// Retrieve Blob and Clob streams for AIRPORT_MAP and AIRPORT_SUG_BOOK
// columns, and load the sample files
if( lobDetails.next() ) {
// Get the Blob locator and open output stream for the Blob
Blob mapBlob = lobDetails.getBlob(1);
OutputStream blobOutputStream = ((oracle.sql.BLOB)mapBlob).getBinaryOutputStream();
// Open the sample file as a stream for insertion into the Blob column
File mapFile = new File(mapFileName);
InputStream sampleFileStream = new FileInputStream(mapFile);
// Buffer to hold chunks of data to being written to the Blob.
byte[] buffer = new byte[10* 1024];
// Read a chunk of data from the sample file input stream, and write the
// chunk to the Blob column output stream. Repeat till file has been
// fully read.
int nread = 0; // Number of bytes read
while( (nread= sampleFileStream.read(buffer)) != -1 ) // Read from file
blobOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, nread); // Write to Blob
// Close both streams
// Load the suggestion book sample file into the Clob column
gui.appendStatus("Done\nLoading <suggestionbook.txt> into Clob column ..");
// Get the Clob locator and open an output stream for the Clob
Clob sugBookClob = lobDetails.getClob(2);
Writer clobWriter = ((oracle.sql.CLOB)sugBookClob).getCharacterOutputStream();
// Open the sample file as a stream for insertion into the Clob column
File sugbookFile = new File(sugBookFileName);
FileReader sugFileReader = new FileReader(sugbookFile);
// Buffer to hold chunks of data to being written to the Clob.
char[] cbuffer = new char[10* 1024];
// Read a chunk of data from the sample file input stream, and write the
// chunk into the Clob column output stream. Repeat till file has been
// fully read.
nread = 0;
while( (nread= sugFileReader.read(cbuffer)) != -1 ) // Read from File
clobWriter.write( cbuffer, 0, nread); // Write to Clob
// Close both streams
gui.putStatus("Done Loading sample files");
gui.appendStatus("\nRetrieving and displaying sample files..");
// Retrieve and display the LOB data just inserted
drawBlob(mapBlob, airportCode);
writeClob(sugBookClob, airportCode);
gui.putStatus("Done loading and displaying LOB data");
} catch( Exception ex ) { // Trap SQL errors
gui.putStatus("Error loading sample files for the selected airport");
gui.appendStatus("\n" + ex.toString());
} finally {
try {
pstmt.close(); // Close PreparedStatement
stmt.close(); // Close statement which also closes open result sets
} catch(SQLException ex) {
* Accepts suggestions from an JOptionPane and appends the entered
* suggestions to the Clob column
private void addSuggestions(String airportCode, String suggestions) {
Statement stmt = null;
try {
gui.putStatus(" Appending entered suggestions to Clob column. Please wait...");
stmt = connection.createStatement(); // Prepare a statement
// Retrieve the Clob locator and also lock the row, for the selected
// Airport
ResultSet lobDetails = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT airport_sug_book "+
"WHERE airport_code ='" + airportCode + "' FOR UPDATE");
// Obtain the Clob locator and append suggestions
if( lobDetails.next() ) {
// Get the Clob locator
Clob clob = lobDetails.getClob(1);
// Append the entered suggestions to the end of the CLOB data.
// The first parameter to putString, is the offset from which to start
// writing, and the second parameter is the data to be written.
// clob.length(), returns the length of the data in the CLOB column
((oracle.sql.CLOB)clob).putString(((oracle.sql.CLOB)clob).length() + 1,
gui.appendStatus(" Done");
} catch( SQLException ex ) {
gui.putStatus("Error appending suggestions to the Clob column");
gui.appendStatus("\n" + ex.toString());
} finally {
try {
stmt.close(); // Close statement which also closes open result sets
} catch(SQLException ex) {
* This method is called when a row is selected from the airport JTable.
* It checks if there exists data in OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS for the selected
* airport. If there exists data, it calls drawBlob and writeClob to
* display the data
private void airportSelected(String airportCode) {
Statement stmt = null;
try {
gui.putStatus("Retrieving LOB details for selected airport..");
// Create a SQL statement
stmt = connection.createStatement();
// Query OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS for the selected AIRPORT
ResultSet lobDetails = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT airport_map, airport_sug_book FROM OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS "+
"WHERE airport_code = '" + airportCode + "'");
// Check if LOB columns exist
if( lobDetails.next() ) {
// LOB details exist
// Display airport map and suggestion book (LOB details)
drawBlob(lobDetails.getBlob(1), airportCode);
writeClob(lobDetails.getClob(2), airportCode);
gui.putStatus("Done retrieving and displaying LOB details");
} else {
// No LOB details
gui.putStatus(" No airport map and suggestion book exist for selected airport");
gui.appendStatus("\n Press <Load Sample Files> to load LOB details");
} catch( Exception ex ) { // Trap SQL errors
gui.putStatus("Error retrieving LOB Details for the selected airport");
} finally {
try {
stmt.close(); // Close statement which also closes open result sets
} catch(SQLException ex) {
* Retrieve the Blob data from input Blob column into a local file,
* and draws the image
private void drawBlob(Blob blob, String airPCode) {
try {
// Open a stream to read the Blob data
InputStream blobStream = blob.getBinaryStream();
// get user home folder name
String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home");
// append the file name with user home directory, file separator and
// file extension GIF
String fileName = userHome+File.separator+airPCode+".gif";
// Open a file stream to save the Blob data
FileOutputStream fileOutStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
// Read from the Blob data input stream, and write to the file output
// stream
byte[] buffer = new byte[10]; // buffer holding bytes to be transferred
int nbytes = 0; // Number of bytes read
while( (nbytes = blobStream.read(buffer)) != -1 ) // Read from Blob stream
fileOutStream.write(buffer, 0, nbytes); // Write to file stream
// Flush and close the streams
gui.drawMap(fileName); // Draw retrieved image to GUI
} catch( Exception ex ) { // Trap SQL and IO errors
gui.putStatus(" Error in retrieving and drawing map for selected airport");
gui.appendStatus("\n" + ex.toString());
* Retrieve the character data from the input Clob, save in a
* StringBuffer and display the StringBuffer contents in GUI
void writeClob(Clob clob, String airPCode) {
try {
// Open a stream to read Clob data
Reader clobStream = clob.getCharacterStream();
// Holds the Clob data when the Clob stream is being read
StringBuffer suggestions = new StringBuffer();
// Read from the Clob stream and write to the stringbuffer
int nchars = 0; // Number of characters read
char[] buffer = new char[10]; // Buffer holding characters being transferred
while( (nchars = clobStream.read(buffer)) != -1 ) // Read from Clob
suggestions.append(buffer, 0, nchars); // Write to StringBuffer
clobStream.close(); // Close the Clob input stream
gui.sugArea.append(new String(suggestions)); // Display in GUI
} catch( Exception ex ) { // Trap SQL and IO errors
gui.putStatus("Error in getting and drawing Clob for the airport, "+ airPCode +":");
* Close the database Connection and exit the application
public void exitApplication() {
try {
gui.putStatus("Closing the connection....please wait.....");
if( connection != null )
connection.close(); //Close the connection object.
} catch( SQLException ex ) { //Trap SQL Errors
System.exit(0); //Exit the application
* Checks if the tables ('OTN_AIRPORTS' and 'OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS')
* are present, else creates it.
* Look into PopulateTable.java for more details
private void checkTables() {
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rset = null;
PopulateTable popTable = null;
try {
stmt = connection.createStatement();
// check from User_tables data dictionary table if the table is existing.
rset = stmt.executeQuery(" SELECT Table_Name FROM User_Tables "+
" WHERE Table_Name = 'OTN_AIRPORTS' ");
// if the resultset of the above query does not have any record, it means
// OTN_AIRPORTS table is not existing. So the table is created.
if (!rset.next()) {
// call the class to create the table
if (popTable == null)
popTable = new PopulateTable(connection,gui);
gui.putStatus("OTN_AIRPORTS Table created.");
// check from User_tables data dictionary table if the table is existing.
rset = stmt.executeQuery(" SELECT Table_Name FROM User_Tables "+
// if the resultset of the above query does not have any record, it means
// OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS table is not existing. So the table is created.
if (!rset.next()) {
// call the class to create the table
if (popTable == null)
popTable = new PopulateTable(connection,gui);
gui.putStatus("OTN_AIRPORT_LOB_DETAILS Table created.");
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
gui.putStatus("Could not create required tables : "+sqlEx.toString());
} finally {
try {
if( rset != null ) rset.close( );
if( stmt != null ) stmt.close( );
} catch(SQLException ex) { }
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### 在Oracle中存取BLOB对象实现文件的上传和下载 #### 核心知识点解析: **一、BLOB数据类型简介** BLOB(Binary Large Object)是数据库中的二进制大对象类型,主要用于存储大量二进制数据,如图像、音频、视频等...
这通常涉及到从本地文件中读取数据,然后写入到BLOB对象中。 ```java // 读取本地文件数据 InputStream is = new FileInputStream("path/to/local/file"); byte[] buffer = new byte[10240]; int bytesRead; while ...
本篇文章将深入探讨如何在MySQL和Oracle数据库中插入Blob数据,并提供相关的源码实例。 一、MySQL中的Blob数据插入 MySQL提供了多种方式插入Blob数据,包括使用PreparedStatement接口。以下是一个Java源码示例: ...
写入Blob字段时,先创建`OracleParameter`对象,将其Direction设置为` ParameterDirection.Input `,OracleDbType设置为`OracleDbType.Blob`,然后赋值。以下是一个示例: ```csharp // 读取Blob字段 using ...
Oracle数据库中的BLOB(Binary Large Object)字段是用来存储大量二进制数据的,例如图片、文档或音频文件。在Delphi编程环境中,处理这类数据时需要掌握特定的API调用和方法。本篇文章将深入探讨如何在Delphi中对...
### Oracle中的BLOB和CLOB的区别 在Oracle数据库中,`BLOB`(Binary Large Object)和`CLOB`(Character Large Object)是用于存储大量数据的两种特殊数据类型。这两种类型都属于`LOB`(Large Object)类别,主要...
本例中,我们讨论如何将DB2数据库中的BLOB数据类型复制到Oracle数据库。 1. **BLOB与CLOB数据类型**: BLOB(Binary Large Object)存储二进制大对象,如图像、音频或视频文件。CLOB(Character Large Object)...
4. **插入BLOB数据**:使用`OCIBlobOpen`打开BLOB对象,然后调用`OCIBlobWrite`将二进制数据写入BLOB字段。这可能涉及从文件读取数据,例如"www.pudn.com.txt"或"row.txt"。 5. **执行SQL语句**:使用`OCIParse`...
在软件开发过程中,尤其是在处理数据库中的二进制大对象(Binary Large Object, 简称BLOB)时,经常需要将数据库中的BLOB数据转换为文件进行读取或处理。本文将详细介绍如何使用C#语言结合Oracle数据库实现这一功能...
// 从结果集中获取BLOB对象 java.sql.Blob blob = res.getBlob("zp"); InputStream inStream = blob.getBinaryStream(); try { // 获取图片数据长度 long nLen = blob.length(); int nSize = (int) nLen; ...
本文将深入探讨如何使用Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API来操作Oracle数据库中的BLOB字段,包括创建表、插入和读取BLOB数据的方法。 #### 创建包含BLOB字段的表 在Oracle数据库中创建一个包含BLOB字段的表...
这段代码首先创建一个Blob对象,然后从文件系统读取文件,并将其内容写入Blob对象。最后,通过预编译的SQL语句插入到数据库中。 要从数据库中读出文件,可以使用以下Java代码: ```java public void readBlob() ...
在数据库系统中,二进制大对象(Binary Large Object,简称BLOB)是一种用于存储大量二进制数据的数据类型,例如图像、音频或视频文件等。Oracle数据库支持Blob类型,允许用户在数据库中直接存储和管理这些大型文件。...
- **插入数据**:在Insert按钮的事件处理程序中,创建一个新的OracleCommand对象,设置SQL插入语句,可能包括使用OracleParameter对象处理BLOB数据。这里,将文件读取为字节数组,然后将其作为参数传递给命令对象。...
插入Blob数据时,首先需要插入其他非Blob列的值,然后对Blob列使用`empty_blob()`函数创建一个空的Blob对象。例如: ```sql INSERT INTO tLob VALUES (1, 'Gene', empty_clob(), empty_blob(), bfilename('MYDIR'...