<!-- 默认的DefaultLobHandler -->
<bean id="lobHandler" class="org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob.DefaultLobHandler" lazy-init="true" />
<!-- 特定的OracleLobHandler-->
<!-- 以c3p0数据库连接池为例,其它类型的数据库连接池仅需更换相应的jdbcExtractor类即可 -->
<bean id="jdbcExtractor" class="org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.C3P0NativeJdbcExtractor" />
<bean id="lobHandler" class="org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob.OracleLobHandler" lazy-init="true">
<property name="nativeJdbcExtractor" ref="jdbcExtractor"/>
前提:Oracle 9i或更高版本,ojdgc14或更高版本驱动JAR
<bean id="lobHandler" class="org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob.DefaultLobHandler" lazy-init="true" />
<!-- 配置sqlMapClient -->
<bean id="sqlMapClient" class="org.springframework.orm.ibatis.SqlMapClientFactoryBean">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="lobHandler" ref="lobHandler"/>
<property name="configLocation" value="classpath:ibatis.xml" />
<typeHandler jdbcType="BLOB" javaType="[B" callback="org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.BlobByteArrayTypeHandler"/>
<typeHandler jdbcType="CLOB" javaType="java.lang.String" callback="org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.ClobStringTypeHandler"/>
前提:Oracle 9i或更高版本,ojdgc14或更高版本驱动JAR
①直接JDBC:SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor或Jdbc4NativeJdbcExtractor(若采用jdbc4 api)
<bean id="jdbcExtractor" class="org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.C3P0NativeJdbcExtractor" />
<bean id="lobHandler" class="org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob.OracleLobHandler" lazy-init="true">
<property name="nativeJdbcExtractor" ref="jdbcExtractor"/>
<!-- 配置sqlMapClient -->
<bean id="sqlMapClient" class="org.springframework.orm.ibatis.SqlMapClientFactoryBean">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="lobHandler" ref="lobHandler"/>
<property name="configLocation" value="classpath:ibatis.xml" />
pakage org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support;
* iBATIS TypeHandler implementation for byte arrays that get mapped to BLOBs.
* Retrieves the LobHandler to use from SqlMapClientFactoryBean at config time.
* <p>Can also be defined in generic iBATIS mappings, as DefaultLobCreator will
* work with most JDBC-compliant database drivers. In this case, the field type
* does not have to be BLOB: For databases like MySQL and MS SQL Server, any
* large enough binary type will work.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 1.1.5
* @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.SqlMapClientFactoryBean#setLobHandler
public class BlobByteArrayTypeHandler extends AbstractLobTypeHandler {
* iBATIS TypeHandler implementation for arbitrary objects that get serialized to BLOBs.
* Retrieves the LobHandler to use from SqlMapClientFactoryBean at config time.
* <p>Can also be defined in generic iBATIS mappings, as DefaultLobCreator will
* work with most JDBC-compliant database drivers. In this case, the field type
* does not have to be BLOB: For databases like MySQL and MS SQL Server, any
* large enough binary type will work.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 1.1.5
* @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.SqlMapClientFactoryBean#setLobHandler
public class BlobSerializableTypeHandler extends AbstractLobTypeHandler {
* iBATIS TypeHandler implementation for Strings that get mapped to CLOBs.
* Retrieves the LobHandler to use from SqlMapClientFactoryBean at config time.
* <p>Particularly useful for storing Strings with more than 4000 characters in an
* Oracle database (only possible via CLOBs), in combination with OracleLobHandler.
* <p>Can also be defined in generic iBATIS mappings, as DefaultLobCreator will
* work with most JDBC-compliant database drivers. In this case, the field type
* does not have to be BLOB: For databases like MySQL and MS SQL Server, any
* large enough binary type will work.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 1.1.5
* @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.SqlMapClientFactoryBean#setLobHandler
public class ClobStringTypeHandler extends AbstractLobTypeHandler {
package org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob;
* Default implementation of the {@link LobHandler} interface. Invokes
* the direct accessor methods that <code>java.sql.ResultSet</code>
* and <code>java.sql.PreparedStatement</code> offer.
* <p>This LobHandler should work for any JDBC driver that is JDBC compliant
* in terms of the spec's suggestions regarding simple BLOB and CLOB handling.
* This does not apply to Oracle 9i, and only to a limited degree to Oracle 10g!
* As a consequence, use {@link OracleLobHandler} for accessing Oracle BLOBs/CLOBs.
* <p>Some JDBC drivers require values with a BLOB/CLOB target column to be
* explicitly set through the JDBC <code>setBlob</code> / <code>setClob</code>
* API: for example, PostgreSQL's driver. Switch the {@link #setWrapAsLob "wrapAsLob"}
* property to "true" when operating against such a driver.
* <p>On JDBC 4.0, this LobHandler also supports streaming the BLOB/CLOB content
* via the <code>setBlob</code> / <code>setClob</code> variants that take a stream
* argument directly. Consider switching the {@link #setStreamAsLob "streamAsLob"}
* property to "true" when operating against a fully compliant JDBC 4.0 driver.
* <p>See the {@link LobHandler} javadoc for a summary of recommendations.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 04.12.2003
* @see #setStreamAsLob
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getBytes
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getBinaryStream
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getString
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getAsciiStream
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getCharacterStream
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBytes
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setString
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setAsciiStream
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setCharacterStream
public class DefaultLobHandler extends AbstractLobHandler {
* {@link LobHandler} implementation for Oracle databases. Uses proprietary API
* to create <code>oracle.sql.BLOB</code> and <code>oracle.sql.CLOB</code>
* instances, as necessary when working with Oracle's JDBC driver.
* Note that this LobHandler requires Oracle JDBC driver 9i or higher!
* <p>While most databases are able to work with {@link DefaultLobHandler},
* Oracle just accepts Blob/Clob instances created via its own proprietary
* BLOB/CLOB API, and additionally doesn't accept large streams for
* PreparedStatement's corresponding setter methods. Therefore, you need
* to use a strategy like this LobHandler implementation.
* <p>Needs to work on a native JDBC Connection, to be able to cast it to
* <code>oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection</code>. If you pass in Connections from a
* connection pool (the usual case in a J2EE environment), you need to set an
* appropriate {@link org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.NativeJdbcExtractor}
* to allow for automatical retrieval of the underlying native JDBC Connection.
* LobHandler and NativeJdbcExtractor are separate concerns, therefore they
* are represented by separate strategy interfaces.
* <p>Coded via reflection to avoid dependencies on Oracle classes.
* Even reads in Oracle constants via reflection because of different Oracle
* drivers (classes12, ojdbc14) having different constant values! As this
* LobHandler initializes Oracle classes on instantiation, do not define this
* as eager-initializing singleton if you do not want to depend on the Oracle
* JAR being in the class path: use "lazy-init=true" to avoid this issue.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 04.12.2003
* @see #setNativeJdbcExtractor
* @see oracle.sql.BLOB
* @see oracle.sql.CLOB
public class OracleLobHandler extends AbstractLobHandler {
Oracle数据库中LOB的调优 Oracle数据库中的LOB(Large OBject)是一种特殊的数据类型,用于存储大量的二进制数据或字符数据。LOB数据类型包括BLOB、CLOB、NCLOB和BFILE四种,分别用于存储二进制数据、字符数据、...
Oracle数据库系统中,`DBMS_LOB`是一个重要的PL/SQL包,专门用于处理大型对象(LOBs,Large Object)。LOBs是Oracle提供的一种数据类型,用于存储大量数据,如文本、图像、音频或视频文件等。这个包包含了各种过程和...
为了解决这一问题,Oracle数据库引入了LOB(Large Objects,大对象)数据类型来存储大量二进制和文本数据。本文旨在详细介绍如何在Oracle数据库中使用和维护LOB数据类型。 #### LOB概述 在Oracle数据库中,LOB是一...
Oracle 11gR2 文档中提到,LOB 可以存储在表中,也可以作为对象类型的属性。同时,Oracle 10gR2 文档中也提供了关于 LOB 的详细信息。 1.1 创建包含 LOB 的表 创建包含 LOB 的表时,需要遵守以下几个原则: * ...
对LOB字段建立索引需要特别注意,因为它们的大小可能导致性能问题。可以选择使用位图索引或快速全扫描索引。 7. **LOB与备份恢复** 备份和恢复LOB数据需要特殊考虑,如使用RMAN(Recovery Manager)或Data Pump...
ASSM 可以有效地处理 LOB 对象的碎片问题,从而提高性能。 3. **索引组织表**:对于频繁查询的 LOB 字段,考虑使用索引组织表(IOT)。这样可以在查询时避免额外的表扫描,提高查询效率。 4. **并行操作**:利用...
Oracle数据库中处理LOB大对象的知识点包含了多种类型的数据存储方式和操作方法,以下是根据提供的文件内容总结出的详细知识点: 1. LOB大对象处理的概念和作用: - LOB是Large Object的缩写,也称为大对象,用于在...
6. **日志记录**:为了追踪操作历史和问题排查,工具可能会有日志记录功能,记录每次对LOB字段的操作。 7. **跨平台支持**:从文件名来看,"lobs_linux32_10204.bin"表明该工具至少有一个适用于32位Linux系统的版本...
在Web应用中集成LOB库,可以将数字化的服务扩展到实体世界,提升用户体验,比如自动发送账单、个性化贺卡或者定制化产品标签。 **1. Lob API包装** Lob库为前端开发者提供了一层友好的封装,使得调用LOB API变得...
在Spring框架中,LOB(Large Object)字段通常用于存储大数据,如BLOB(Binary Large Object)用于二进制数据,如图片或文档,CLOB(Character Large Object)用于字符数据,如长文本。本篇文章将深入探讨如何在...
LOB语料库 创建时间: 1970年代初 创建单位:英国Lancaster大学和挪威Oslo大学以及Bergen大学 规模层级: 100万词次 基本情况:研究当代英国英语,与美国英语对比,使用了TAGIT系统,以统计方式建立换算几率矩阵,提高标注...
在探讨SQL Server数据库中存储LOB(Large Object)数据的策略与方法时,首先需要理解几个核心概念和原理。LOB数据类型通常是指存储在数据库中非常大的二进制或者字符型数据,例如文档、图表和图像文件。这些数据的...
Oracle 中 LOB 字段的存储管理和优化 Oracle 中 LOB(Large OBjects)字段是一种特殊的数据类型,用于存储非结构化数据,如图像、音频、视频等。LOB 字段的存储管理和优化是数据库管理中一个重要的方面。本文将...
Sybase IQ LOB手册是一本专业指导手册,旨在为Sybase IQ数据库管理系统用户提供如何在IQ中管理大对象(LOB)的指导。LOB主要指图片、视频、音频等大型数据类型,这类数据因为其体积较大,不适合用常规的关系型字段...
在给定的压缩包文件中,我们有两个与LOB(Large Object)类型相关的Knowledge Modules(KM),它们是KM_IKM Oracle Incremental UpdateLOB.xml和KM_LKM SQL to SQL LOB (JYTHON).xml。 首先,让我们详细了解一下LOB...
在Oracle数据库中,LOB(Large Object)是用来存储大量数据的数据类型,如文本、图像或音频文件。OCI(Oracle Call Interface)是Oracle提供的C语言接口,用于开发与Oracle数据库交互的应用程序。`OCI_LOB`样例程序...