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BattleMoonWars 归档解压/压缩程序 (Java)





头8个字节,地址0x00-0x07,属于file signature,读进来验证下是不是等于yanepkDx就可以了.







Usage: java Archiver [option] filename



Suppose data1.dat is in the same directory where this program is.

to extract files to current directory:
java Archiver e data1.dat

Suppose the files to be packed are in "data1" directory:
java Archiver a data1\



 * @(#)Archiver.java  2007/03/23
 * Written by rednaxela / FX

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

 * Demonstrating archive operations on *.dat files as seen in BattleMoonWars.
public class Archiver {
    static final byte[] SIGNATURE = {
        (byte)'y', (byte)'a', (byte)'n', (byte)'e',
        (byte)'p', (byte)'k', (byte)'D', (byte)'x',
    static final int ENTRY_LENGTH = 268;
    static final int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 256;
    static final int OFFSET_OFS = 256;
    static final int LENGTH_OFS = 260;
    static final int COMPRESSED_LENGTH_OFS = 264; // ??

    static final String USAGE = "Usage: java Archiver [option] filename\n"
                                  + "options:\n"
                                  + "[e]xtract\n"
                                  + "[a]rchive";

     * the application entry point
     * @param args (command line) parameters
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        // check command line arguments
        if (args.length != 2) error(USAGE);
        if ("e".equals(args[0].trim())) { // extract files from archive
            String filename = args[1].trim();
            if (filename.length() == 0) error("2nd argument not exist.");
        } else if ("a".equals(args[0].trim())) { // pack files into archive
            String dirname = args[1].trim();
            if (dirname.length() == 0) error("2nd argument not exist.");
        } else error(USAGE);
    private static void extractFiles(String filename) throws Exception {
        // open source archive
        File arc = new File(filename);
        if (!arc.exists()) error("Archive " + filename + " doesn't exist");
        long contentOfs = 0L;
        IndexEntry[] indexEntries = null;
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(arc);
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
        // match archive SIGNATURE
        byte[] sig = new byte[8];
        if (!Arrays.equals(SIGNATURE, sig)) error("Archive file not supported.");
        // get file count
        int fileCount = reverseEndian(dis.readInt());
        System.out.println("Files in archive: " + fileCount);
        indexEntries = new IndexEntry[fileCount];
        // read index entries
        byte[] entryBuffer = new byte[ENTRY_LENGTH];
        for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i) {
            IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry();
            ByteArrayInputStream bais =
                new ByteArrayInputStream(entryBuffer);
            String name = readCString(bais);
            System.err.print("File \"" + entry.getFilename() + "\" : ");
            int offset = BinConverter.byteArrayToIntLE(entryBuffer, OFFSET_OFS);
            System.err.print(" at relative offset 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getOffset()).toUpperCase());
            int length = BinConverter.byteArrayToIntLE(entryBuffer, LENGTH_OFS);
            System.err.print(" size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getLength()).toUpperCase());
            int compressedLength = BinConverter.byteArrayToIntLE(entryBuffer, COMPRESSED_LENGTH_OFS);
            System.err.println(" csize: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getCompressedLength()).toUpperCase());
            if (length > compressedLength) {
                System.err.println("possibly compressed");
            } else if (length < compressedLength) {
                System.err.println("possibly compressed, got length/compressedLength wrong...");
            indexEntries[i] = entry;
        // extract files
        for (IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            // data correctness check - this support ordered file archive only.
            // to support out-of-order archives, use RandomAccessFile instead.
            if (fis.getChannel().position() != entry.getOffset())
                error("Bad file content order at "
                + entry.getFilename() + " 0x"
                + Integer.toHexString((int)(fis.getChannel().position() - contentOfs)));
            File outfile = new File("./" + entry.getFilename());
            File parentDir = outfile.getParentFile();
            if (!parentDir.exists()) parentDir.mkdirs();
            BufferedOutputStream bos =
                new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile), 0x7FFFFF);
            int remainder = 0; // keep track of the amount of remaining bytes
            int length = entry.getLength();         
            while (fis.available() != 0 && remainder != length) {
    private static void packFiles(String dirname) throws Exception {
        // open source directory
        File dir = new File(dirname);
        if (!dir.exists()) error("Directory " + dirname + " doesn't exist");
        else if (!dir.isDirectory()) error(dirname + " is not a valid directory.");
        // use a ArrayList to store the index entries
        ArrayList<IndexEntry> indexEntries = new ArrayList<IndexEntry>();
        // make up index data
        buildIndex(dir, indexEntries, "");
        // calculate the offset values for each file record
        int runningOfs = SIGNATURE.length + 4 + ENTRY_LENGTH * indexEntries.size();
        for (IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            runningOfs += entry.getLength();
        // write out archive SIGNATURE and file count
        DataOutputStream dos =
            new DataOutputStream(
                new BufferedOutputStream(
                    new FileOutputStream(dir.getName() + ".dat")));
        // write out the file index
        for (IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            System.err.println("Adding file " + entry.getFilename()
                + " size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getLength()).toUpperCase()
                + " at relative offset: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getOffset()).toUpperCase());
            int zeroCount = MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - entry.getFilename().length();
            for (int i = 0; i < zeroCount; ++i)
            dos.writeInt(reverseEndian(entry.getLength())); // NOTE! Does NOT support compressed files at current time being
        // write out each file's content
        for(IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(dir.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + entry.getFilename()));
            while (bis.available() != 0)
    private static int reverseEndian(int i) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
        bytes[0] = (byte)(i >>> 24);
        bytes[1] = (byte)(i >>> 16);
        bytes[2] = (byte)(i >>> 8 );
        bytes[3] = (byte) i;
        i  =  bytes[3] << 24;
        i |= (bytes[2] << 16 ) & 0x0ff0000;
        i |= (bytes[1] <<  8 ) & 0x000ff00;
        i |=  bytes[0]        & 0x00000ff;
        return i;
    private static int reverseEndian(short s) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[2];
        bytes[0] = (byte)(s >>> 8 );
        bytes[1] = (byte) s;
        int i = 0;
        i |= (bytes[1] <<  8 ) & 0x000ff00;
        i |=  bytes[0]         & 0x00000ff;
        return i;
    private static void error(String cause) {
        System.err.println("Error " + cause);
    private static String readCString(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        ArrayList<Byte> str = new ArrayList<Byte>();
        byte current = (byte)in.read();
        while (current != (byte)0x00) {
            current = (byte)in.read();
        byte[] temp = new byte[str.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; ++i) {
            temp[i] = str.get(i);
        return new String(temp);
    private static void buildIndex(File dir, ArrayList<IndexEntry> index, String parent) {
        // list the designated directory
        File[] files = dir.listFiles();
        // traverse dir
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
            if (files[i].isDirectory()) { // current file is a directory
                                          // assumes that subdir depth doesn't exceed one
                buildIndex(files[i], index, parent+files[i].getName()+"\\");
            } else { // current file is a normal file
                IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry();

 * @(#)IndexEntry.java  2007/03/23
 * Written by rednaxela / FX

public class IndexEntry {
    private String filename;
    private int length;
    private int offset;
    private int compressedLength; // TODO not yet implemented - CHECK!
     * @return the filename
    public String getFilename() {
        return filename;
     * @param filename the filename to set
    public void setFilename(String filename) {
        this.filename = filename;
     * @return the length
    public int getLength() {
        return length;
     * @param length the length to set
    public void setLength(int length) {
        this.length = length;
     * @return the offset
    public int getOffset() {
        return offset;
     * @param offset the offset to set
    public void setOffset(int offset) {
        this.offset = offset;
     * @return the compressedLength
    public int getCompressedLength() {
        return compressedLength;
     * @param offset the compressedLength to set
    public void setCompressedLength(int compressedLength) {
        this.compressedLength = compressedLength;

 * @(#)BinConverter.java

 * Some helper routines for data conversion, all data is treated in network
 * byte order.
public class BinConverter
     * Gets bytes from an array into an integer, in big-endian.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 32bit integer
    public final static int byteArrayToIntBE(
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        return (buf[ofs    ]          << 24)
            | ((buf[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff) << 16)
            | ((buf[ofs + 2] & 0x0ff) <<  8 )
            | ( buf[ofs + 3] & 0x0ff);
     * Gets bytes from an array into an integer, in little-endian.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 32bit integer
    public final static int byteArrayToIntLE(
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        return (buf[ofs + 3]          << 24)
            | ((buf[ofs + 2] & 0x0ff) << 16)
            | ((buf[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff) <<  8 )
            | ( buf[ofs    ] & 0x0ff);


     * Converts an integer to bytes in big-endian, which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 32bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void intToByteArrayBE(
        int value,
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        buf[ofs    ] = (byte)((value >>> 24) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (byte)((value >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 2] = (byte)((value >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 3] = (byte)  value;
     * Converts an integer to bytes in little-endian, which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 32bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void intToByteArrayLE(
        int value,
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        buf[ofs + 3] = (byte)((value >>> 24) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 2] = (byte)((value >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (byte)((value >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs    ] = (byte)  value;


     * Gets bytes from an array into a long.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 64bit integer
    public final static long byteArrayToLong(
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        // Looks more complex - but it is faster (at least on 32bit platforms).

            ((long)(( buf[ofs    ]          << 24) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff) << 16) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 2] & 0x0ff) <<  8 ) |
                    ( buf[ofs + 3] & 0x0ff       )) << 32) |
            ((long)(( buf[ofs + 4]          << 24) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 5] & 0x0ff) << 16) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 6] & 0x0ff) <<  8 ) |
                    ( buf[ofs + 7] & 0x0ff       )) & 0x0ffffffffL);


     * Converts a long to bytes, which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 64bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void longToByteArray(
        long value,
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        int tmp = (int)(value >>> 32);

        buf[ofs    ] = (byte) (tmp >>> 24);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (byte)((tmp >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 2] = (byte)((tmp >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 3] = (byte)  tmp;

        tmp = (int)value;

        buf[ofs + 4] = (byte) (tmp >>> 24);
        buf[ofs + 5] = (byte)((tmp >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 6] = (byte)((tmp >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 7] = (byte)  tmp;


     * Converts values from an integer array to a long.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 64bit integer
    public final static long intArrayToLong(
        int[] buf,
        int ofs)
        return (((long) buf[ofs    ]) << 32) |
               (((long) buf[ofs + 1]) & 0x0ffffffffL);


     * Converts a long to integers which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 64bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void longToIntArray(
        long value,
        int[] buf,
        int ofs)
        buf[ofs    ] = (int)(value >>> 32);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (int) value;


     * Makes a long from two integers (treated unsigned).
     * @param lo lower 32bits
     * @param hi higher 32bits
     * @return the built long
    public final static long makeLong(
        int lo,
        int hi)
        return (((long) hi << 32) |
                ((long) lo & 0x00000000ffffffffL));


     * Gets the lower 32 bits of a long.
     * @param val the long integer
     * @return lower 32 bits
    public final static int longLo32(
        long val)
        return (int)val;


     * Gets the higher 32 bits of a long.
     * @param val the long integer
     * @return higher 32 bits
    public final static int longHi32(
        long val)
        return (int)(val >>> 32);


    // our table for hex conversion
    final static char[] HEXTAB =
        '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
        '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'

     * Converts a byte array to a hex string.
     * @param data the byte array
     * @return the hex string
    public final static String bytesToHexStr(
        byte[] data)
        return bytesToHexStr(data, 0, data.length);


     * Converts a byte array to a hex string.
     * @param data the byte array
     * @param ofs start index where to get the bytes
     * @param len number of bytes to convert
     * @return the hex string
    public final static String bytesToHexStr(
        byte[] data,
        int ofs,
        int len)
        int pos, c;
        StringBuffer sbuf;

        sbuf = new StringBuffer();
        sbuf.setLength(len << 1);

        pos = 0;
        c = ofs + len;

        while (ofs < c)
            sbuf.setCharAt(pos++, HEXTAB[(data[ofs  ] >> 4) & 0x0f]);
            sbuf.setCharAt(pos++, HEXTAB[ data[ofs++]       & 0x0f]);
        return sbuf.toString();


     * Converts a hex string back into a byte array (invalid codes will be
     * skipped).
     * @param hex hex string
     * @param data the target array
     * @param srcofs from which character in the string the conversion should
     * begin, remember that (nSrcPos modulo 2) should equals 0 normally
     * @param dstofs to store the bytes from which position in the array
     * @param len number of bytes to extract
     * @return number of extracted bytes
    public final static int hexStrToBytes(
        String hex,
        byte[] data,
        int srcofs,
        int dstofs,
        int len)
        int i, j, strlen, avail_bytes, dstofs_bak;
        byte abyte;
        boolean convertOK;

        // check for correct ranges
        strlen = hex.length();

        avail_bytes = (strlen - srcofs) >> 1;
        if (avail_bytes < len)
            len = avail_bytes;

        int nOutputCapacity = data.length - dstofs;
        if (len > nOutputCapacity)
            len = nOutputCapacity;

        // convert now

        dstofs_bak = dstofs;

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            abyte = 0;
            convertOK = true;

            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                abyte <<= 4;
                char cActChar = hex.charAt(srcofs++);

                if ((cActChar >= 'a') && (cActChar <= 'f'))
                    abyte |= (byte) (cActChar - 'a') + 10;
                    if ((cActChar >= '0') && (cActChar <= '9'))
                        abyte |= (byte) (cActChar - '0');
                        convertOK = false;
            if (convertOK)
                data[dstofs++] = abyte;

        return (dstofs - dstofs_bak);


     * Converts a byte array into a Unicode string.
     * @param data the byte array
     * @param ofs where to begin the conversion
     * @param len number of bytes to handle
     * @return the string
    public final static String byteArrayToStr(
        byte[] data,
        int ofs,
        int len)
        int avail_capacity, sbuf_pos;
        StringBuffer sbuf;

        // we need two bytes for every character
        len &= ~1;

        // enough bytes in the buf?
        avail_capacity = data.length - ofs;

        if (avail_capacity < len)
            len = avail_capacity;

        sbuf = new StringBuffer();
        sbuf.setLength(len >> 1);

        sbuf_pos = 0;

        while (0 < len)
                (char)((data[ofs    ] << 8 )
                    |  (data[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff)));
            ofs += 2;
            len -= 2;

        return sbuf.toString();
2 楼 RednaxelaFX 2008-04-08  
1 楼 poweryoung 2008-04-08  


    BattleMoonWars 归档解压/压缩程序(砍掉重炼版)

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    Matlab领域上传的视频是由对应的完整代码运行得来的,完整代码皆可运行,亲测可用,适合小白; 1、从视频里可见完整代码的内容 主函数:main.m; 调用函数:其他m文件;无需运行 运行结果效果图; 2、代码运行版本 Matlab 2019b;若运行有误,根据提示修改;若不会,私信博主; 3、运行操作步骤 步骤一:将所有文件放到Matlab的当前文件夹中; 步骤二:双击打开main.m文件; 步骤三:点击运行,等程序运行完得到结果; 4、仿真咨询 如需其他服务,可私信博主; 4.1 博客或资源的完整代码提供 4.2 期刊或参考文献复现 4.3 Matlab程序定制 4.4 科研合作



    基于A、RBFS 和爬山算法求解 TSP问题 附Matlab代码.rar

    1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。





    比例-积分-微分 (PID) 鲁棒控制及电流反馈以确保 UPS 的稳定性 附Matlab代码.rar

    1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。


    该是指包含恶意网址的数据库或数据集,它通常被用于网络安全研究、恶意软件检测、网络欺诈防范等领域。研究人员和安全专家会利用这个数据集来分析恶意网址的特征、行为模式,进而开发出相应的检测算法和防护措施,以识别和阻止恶意网址对用户设备和网络环境造成的潜在威胁。该数据集包含约 651,191 条经过标记的 URL,涵盖了四种主要类型:良性(Benign)、篡改(Defacement)、钓鱼(Phishing)和恶意软件(Malware)。其中,良性 URL 占据了约 428,103 条,篡改 URL 有 96,457 条,钓鱼 URL 为 94,111 条,而恶意软件 URL 则有 32,520 条。该数据集的显著特点是其多类别分类的全面性,不仅包括常见的恶意 URL 类型,还涵盖了大量良性 URL,使得研究人员能够更全面地理解和区分不同类型的 URL。此外,数据集以原始的 URL 形式提供,研究人员可以根据需要提取和创建特征,而不受预设特征的限制。


    字卡v4.3.4 原版 三种UI+关键字卡控制+支持获取用户信息+支持强制关注 集卡模块从一开始的版本到助力版本再到现在的新规则版本。 集卡模块难度主要在于 如何控制各种不同的字卡组合 被粉丝集齐的数量。 如果不控制那么一定会出现超过数量的粉丝集到指定的字卡组合,造成奖品不够的混乱,如果大奖价值高的话,超过数量的粉丝集到大奖后,就造成商家的活动费用超支了。我们冥思苦想如何才能限制集到指定字卡组合的粉丝数,后我们想到了和支付宝一样的选一张关键字卡来进行规则设置的方式来进行限制,根据奖品所需的关键字卡数,设定规则就可以控制每种奖品所需字卡组合被粉丝集到的数量,规则可以在活动进行中根据需要进行修改,活动规则灵活度高。新版的集卡规则,在此次政府发布号的活动中经受了考验,集到指定字卡组合的粉丝没有超出规则限制。有了这个规则限制后,您无需盯着活动,建好活动后就无人值守让活动进行就行了,您只需要时不时来看下蹭蹭上涨的活动数据即可。 被封? 无需担心,模块内置有防封功能,支持隐藏主域名,显示炮灰域名,保护活动安全进行。 活动准备? 只需要您有一个认证服务号即可,支持订阅号借用认证服务号来做活动。如果您


    DSP28035的CAN通信升级方案:包括源码、测试固件与C#上位机开发,支持周立功USBCAN-II兼容盒及BootLoader闪烁指示,DSP28035的CAN升级方案及详细配置说明:使用新动力开发板与C#上位机软件实现固件升级,涉及用户代码、BootLoader代码及硬件连接细节,DSP28035的can升级方案 提供源代码,测试用固件。 上位机采用c#开发。 说明 一、介绍 1、测试平台介绍:采用M新动力的DSP28035开发板,CAN口使用GPIO30\31。波特率为500K。 2、28035__APP为测试用的用户代码,ccs10.3.1工程,参考其CMD配置。 3、28035_Bootloader_CAN为bootloader源代码,ccs10.3.1工程; 4、SWJ为上位机,采用VS2013开发,C#语言。 5、测试使用的是周立功的USBCAN-II,can盒,如果用一些国产可以兼容周立功的,则更这里面的ControlCAN.dll即可。 6、升级的app工程需要生成hex去升级,具体参考我给的工程的设置。 7、BootLoader代码,只有D400这一个灯1s闪烁一

    基于Matlab的数字验证码识别系统:预处理与不变矩算法的实践应用及GUI界面构建,基于MATLAB不变矩算法的数字验证码识别系统设计与实现,基于matlab不变矩算法实现数字验证码 过程:先对验证图

    基于Matlab的数字验证码识别系统:预处理与不变矩算法的实践应用及GUI界面构建,基于MATLAB不变矩算法的数字验证码识别系统设计与实现,基于matlab不变矩算法实现数字验证码 过程:先对验证图像进行去噪、定位、归一化等预处理,然后计算待识别数字的不变矩,再进行特征匹配,得到识别结果。 以Matlab软件为开发平台来进行设计实现及仿真,并构建相应的GUI界面。 实验结果表明利用不变矩在识别数字验证码方面具有可行性。 ,关键词:Matlab;不变矩算法;数字验证码;预处理;特征匹配;GUI界面;实验验证;可行性。,Matlab实现数字验证码识别:预处理与不变矩算法的GUI仿真


    基于STM32F103的磁编码器通讯方案:原理图、PCB设计与源码实现,附多摩川协议手册解析,基于STM32F103的精准多摩川绝对值磁编码器通讯解决方案:原理图、PCB设计与源码实践手册,完整包含多摩川协议解析,基于STM32F103的多摩川绝对值磁编码器通讯方案 包含:原理图,PCB,源码,多摩川协议手册 ,核心关键词:STM32F103;多摩川绝对值磁编码器;通讯方案;原理图;PCB;源码;多摩川协议手册;,基于STM32F103的绝对值磁编码器通讯方案:原理图PCB与源码解析,附多摩川协议手册

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