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BattleMoonWars 归档解压/压缩程序 (Java)





头8个字节,地址0x00-0x07,属于file signature,读进来验证下是不是等于yanepkDx就可以了.







Usage: java Archiver [option] filename



Suppose data1.dat is in the same directory where this program is.

to extract files to current directory:
java Archiver e data1.dat

Suppose the files to be packed are in "data1" directory:
java Archiver a data1\



 * @(#)Archiver.java  2007/03/23
 * Written by rednaxela / FX

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

 * Demonstrating archive operations on *.dat files as seen in BattleMoonWars.
public class Archiver {
    static final byte[] SIGNATURE = {
        (byte)'y', (byte)'a', (byte)'n', (byte)'e',
        (byte)'p', (byte)'k', (byte)'D', (byte)'x',
    static final int ENTRY_LENGTH = 268;
    static final int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 256;
    static final int OFFSET_OFS = 256;
    static final int LENGTH_OFS = 260;
    static final int COMPRESSED_LENGTH_OFS = 264; // ??

    static final String USAGE = "Usage: java Archiver [option] filename\n"
                                  + "options:\n"
                                  + "[e]xtract\n"
                                  + "[a]rchive";

     * the application entry point
     * @param args (command line) parameters
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        // check command line arguments
        if (args.length != 2) error(USAGE);
        if ("e".equals(args[0].trim())) { // extract files from archive
            String filename = args[1].trim();
            if (filename.length() == 0) error("2nd argument not exist.");
        } else if ("a".equals(args[0].trim())) { // pack files into archive
            String dirname = args[1].trim();
            if (dirname.length() == 0) error("2nd argument not exist.");
        } else error(USAGE);
    private static void extractFiles(String filename) throws Exception {
        // open source archive
        File arc = new File(filename);
        if (!arc.exists()) error("Archive " + filename + " doesn't exist");
        long contentOfs = 0L;
        IndexEntry[] indexEntries = null;
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(arc);
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
        // match archive SIGNATURE
        byte[] sig = new byte[8];
        if (!Arrays.equals(SIGNATURE, sig)) error("Archive file not supported.");
        // get file count
        int fileCount = reverseEndian(dis.readInt());
        System.out.println("Files in archive: " + fileCount);
        indexEntries = new IndexEntry[fileCount];
        // read index entries
        byte[] entryBuffer = new byte[ENTRY_LENGTH];
        for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i) {
            IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry();
            ByteArrayInputStream bais =
                new ByteArrayInputStream(entryBuffer);
            String name = readCString(bais);
            System.err.print("File \"" + entry.getFilename() + "\" : ");
            int offset = BinConverter.byteArrayToIntLE(entryBuffer, OFFSET_OFS);
            System.err.print(" at relative offset 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getOffset()).toUpperCase());
            int length = BinConverter.byteArrayToIntLE(entryBuffer, LENGTH_OFS);
            System.err.print(" size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getLength()).toUpperCase());
            int compressedLength = BinConverter.byteArrayToIntLE(entryBuffer, COMPRESSED_LENGTH_OFS);
            System.err.println(" csize: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getCompressedLength()).toUpperCase());
            if (length > compressedLength) {
                System.err.println("possibly compressed");
            } else if (length < compressedLength) {
                System.err.println("possibly compressed, got length/compressedLength wrong...");
            indexEntries[i] = entry;
        // extract files
        for (IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            // data correctness check - this support ordered file archive only.
            // to support out-of-order archives, use RandomAccessFile instead.
            if (fis.getChannel().position() != entry.getOffset())
                error("Bad file content order at "
                + entry.getFilename() + " 0x"
                + Integer.toHexString((int)(fis.getChannel().position() - contentOfs)));
            File outfile = new File("./" + entry.getFilename());
            File parentDir = outfile.getParentFile();
            if (!parentDir.exists()) parentDir.mkdirs();
            BufferedOutputStream bos =
                new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile), 0x7FFFFF);
            int remainder = 0; // keep track of the amount of remaining bytes
            int length = entry.getLength();         
            while (fis.available() != 0 && remainder != length) {
    private static void packFiles(String dirname) throws Exception {
        // open source directory
        File dir = new File(dirname);
        if (!dir.exists()) error("Directory " + dirname + " doesn't exist");
        else if (!dir.isDirectory()) error(dirname + " is not a valid directory.");
        // use a ArrayList to store the index entries
        ArrayList<IndexEntry> indexEntries = new ArrayList<IndexEntry>();
        // make up index data
        buildIndex(dir, indexEntries, "");
        // calculate the offset values for each file record
        int runningOfs = SIGNATURE.length + 4 + ENTRY_LENGTH * indexEntries.size();
        for (IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            runningOfs += entry.getLength();
        // write out archive SIGNATURE and file count
        DataOutputStream dos =
            new DataOutputStream(
                new BufferedOutputStream(
                    new FileOutputStream(dir.getName() + ".dat")));
        // write out the file index
        for (IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            System.err.println("Adding file " + entry.getFilename()
                + " size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getLength()).toUpperCase()
                + " at relative offset: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entry.getOffset()).toUpperCase());
            int zeroCount = MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - entry.getFilename().length();
            for (int i = 0; i < zeroCount; ++i)
            dos.writeInt(reverseEndian(entry.getLength())); // NOTE! Does NOT support compressed files at current time being
        // write out each file's content
        for(IndexEntry entry : indexEntries) {
            BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(dir.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + entry.getFilename()));
            while (bis.available() != 0)
    private static int reverseEndian(int i) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
        bytes[0] = (byte)(i >>> 24);
        bytes[1] = (byte)(i >>> 16);
        bytes[2] = (byte)(i >>> 8 );
        bytes[3] = (byte) i;
        i  =  bytes[3] << 24;
        i |= (bytes[2] << 16 ) & 0x0ff0000;
        i |= (bytes[1] <<  8 ) & 0x000ff00;
        i |=  bytes[0]        & 0x00000ff;
        return i;
    private static int reverseEndian(short s) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[2];
        bytes[0] = (byte)(s >>> 8 );
        bytes[1] = (byte) s;
        int i = 0;
        i |= (bytes[1] <<  8 ) & 0x000ff00;
        i |=  bytes[0]         & 0x00000ff;
        return i;
    private static void error(String cause) {
        System.err.println("Error " + cause);
    private static String readCString(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        ArrayList<Byte> str = new ArrayList<Byte>();
        byte current = (byte)in.read();
        while (current != (byte)0x00) {
            current = (byte)in.read();
        byte[] temp = new byte[str.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; ++i) {
            temp[i] = str.get(i);
        return new String(temp);
    private static void buildIndex(File dir, ArrayList<IndexEntry> index, String parent) {
        // list the designated directory
        File[] files = dir.listFiles();
        // traverse dir
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
            if (files[i].isDirectory()) { // current file is a directory
                                          // assumes that subdir depth doesn't exceed one
                buildIndex(files[i], index, parent+files[i].getName()+"\\");
            } else { // current file is a normal file
                IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry();

 * @(#)IndexEntry.java  2007/03/23
 * Written by rednaxela / FX

public class IndexEntry {
    private String filename;
    private int length;
    private int offset;
    private int compressedLength; // TODO not yet implemented - CHECK!
     * @return the filename
    public String getFilename() {
        return filename;
     * @param filename the filename to set
    public void setFilename(String filename) {
        this.filename = filename;
     * @return the length
    public int getLength() {
        return length;
     * @param length the length to set
    public void setLength(int length) {
        this.length = length;
     * @return the offset
    public int getOffset() {
        return offset;
     * @param offset the offset to set
    public void setOffset(int offset) {
        this.offset = offset;
     * @return the compressedLength
    public int getCompressedLength() {
        return compressedLength;
     * @param offset the compressedLength to set
    public void setCompressedLength(int compressedLength) {
        this.compressedLength = compressedLength;

 * @(#)BinConverter.java

 * Some helper routines for data conversion, all data is treated in network
 * byte order.
public class BinConverter
     * Gets bytes from an array into an integer, in big-endian.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 32bit integer
    public final static int byteArrayToIntBE(
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        return (buf[ofs    ]          << 24)
            | ((buf[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff) << 16)
            | ((buf[ofs + 2] & 0x0ff) <<  8 )
            | ( buf[ofs + 3] & 0x0ff);
     * Gets bytes from an array into an integer, in little-endian.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 32bit integer
    public final static int byteArrayToIntLE(
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        return (buf[ofs + 3]          << 24)
            | ((buf[ofs + 2] & 0x0ff) << 16)
            | ((buf[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff) <<  8 )
            | ( buf[ofs    ] & 0x0ff);


     * Converts an integer to bytes in big-endian, which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 32bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void intToByteArrayBE(
        int value,
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        buf[ofs    ] = (byte)((value >>> 24) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (byte)((value >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 2] = (byte)((value >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 3] = (byte)  value;
     * Converts an integer to bytes in little-endian, which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 32bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void intToByteArrayLE(
        int value,
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        buf[ofs + 3] = (byte)((value >>> 24) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 2] = (byte)((value >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (byte)((value >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs    ] = (byte)  value;


     * Gets bytes from an array into a long.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 64bit integer
    public final static long byteArrayToLong(
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        // Looks more complex - but it is faster (at least on 32bit platforms).

            ((long)(( buf[ofs    ]          << 24) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff) << 16) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 2] & 0x0ff) <<  8 ) |
                    ( buf[ofs + 3] & 0x0ff       )) << 32) |
            ((long)(( buf[ofs + 4]          << 24) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 5] & 0x0ff) << 16) |
                    ((buf[ofs + 6] & 0x0ff) <<  8 ) |
                    ( buf[ofs + 7] & 0x0ff       )) & 0x0ffffffffL);


     * Converts a long to bytes, which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 64bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void longToByteArray(
        long value,
        byte[] buf,
        int ofs)
        int tmp = (int)(value >>> 32);

        buf[ofs    ] = (byte) (tmp >>> 24);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (byte)((tmp >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 2] = (byte)((tmp >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 3] = (byte)  tmp;

        tmp = (int)value;

        buf[ofs + 4] = (byte) (tmp >>> 24);
        buf[ofs + 5] = (byte)((tmp >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 6] = (byte)((tmp >>>  8 ) & 0x0ff);
        buf[ofs + 7] = (byte)  tmp;


     * Converts values from an integer array to a long.
     * @param buf where to get the bytes
     * @param ofs index from where to read the data
     * @return the 64bit integer
    public final static long intArrayToLong(
        int[] buf,
        int ofs)
        return (((long) buf[ofs    ]) << 32) |
               (((long) buf[ofs + 1]) & 0x0ffffffffL);


     * Converts a long to integers which are put into an array.
     * @param value the 64bit integer to convert
     * @param buf the target buf
     * @param ofs where to place the bytes in the buf
    public final static void longToIntArray(
        long value,
        int[] buf,
        int ofs)
        buf[ofs    ] = (int)(value >>> 32);
        buf[ofs + 1] = (int) value;


     * Makes a long from two integers (treated unsigned).
     * @param lo lower 32bits
     * @param hi higher 32bits
     * @return the built long
    public final static long makeLong(
        int lo,
        int hi)
        return (((long) hi << 32) |
                ((long) lo & 0x00000000ffffffffL));


     * Gets the lower 32 bits of a long.
     * @param val the long integer
     * @return lower 32 bits
    public final static int longLo32(
        long val)
        return (int)val;


     * Gets the higher 32 bits of a long.
     * @param val the long integer
     * @return higher 32 bits
    public final static int longHi32(
        long val)
        return (int)(val >>> 32);


    // our table for hex conversion
    final static char[] HEXTAB =
        '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
        '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'

     * Converts a byte array to a hex string.
     * @param data the byte array
     * @return the hex string
    public final static String bytesToHexStr(
        byte[] data)
        return bytesToHexStr(data, 0, data.length);


     * Converts a byte array to a hex string.
     * @param data the byte array
     * @param ofs start index where to get the bytes
     * @param len number of bytes to convert
     * @return the hex string
    public final static String bytesToHexStr(
        byte[] data,
        int ofs,
        int len)
        int pos, c;
        StringBuffer sbuf;

        sbuf = new StringBuffer();
        sbuf.setLength(len << 1);

        pos = 0;
        c = ofs + len;

        while (ofs < c)
            sbuf.setCharAt(pos++, HEXTAB[(data[ofs  ] >> 4) & 0x0f]);
            sbuf.setCharAt(pos++, HEXTAB[ data[ofs++]       & 0x0f]);
        return sbuf.toString();


     * Converts a hex string back into a byte array (invalid codes will be
     * skipped).
     * @param hex hex string
     * @param data the target array
     * @param srcofs from which character in the string the conversion should
     * begin, remember that (nSrcPos modulo 2) should equals 0 normally
     * @param dstofs to store the bytes from which position in the array
     * @param len number of bytes to extract
     * @return number of extracted bytes
    public final static int hexStrToBytes(
        String hex,
        byte[] data,
        int srcofs,
        int dstofs,
        int len)
        int i, j, strlen, avail_bytes, dstofs_bak;
        byte abyte;
        boolean convertOK;

        // check for correct ranges
        strlen = hex.length();

        avail_bytes = (strlen - srcofs) >> 1;
        if (avail_bytes < len)
            len = avail_bytes;

        int nOutputCapacity = data.length - dstofs;
        if (len > nOutputCapacity)
            len = nOutputCapacity;

        // convert now

        dstofs_bak = dstofs;

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            abyte = 0;
            convertOK = true;

            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                abyte <<= 4;
                char cActChar = hex.charAt(srcofs++);

                if ((cActChar >= 'a') && (cActChar <= 'f'))
                    abyte |= (byte) (cActChar - 'a') + 10;
                    if ((cActChar >= '0') && (cActChar <= '9'))
                        abyte |= (byte) (cActChar - '0');
                        convertOK = false;
            if (convertOK)
                data[dstofs++] = abyte;

        return (dstofs - dstofs_bak);


     * Converts a byte array into a Unicode string.
     * @param data the byte array
     * @param ofs where to begin the conversion
     * @param len number of bytes to handle
     * @return the string
    public final static String byteArrayToStr(
        byte[] data,
        int ofs,
        int len)
        int avail_capacity, sbuf_pos;
        StringBuffer sbuf;

        // we need two bytes for every character
        len &= ~1;

        // enough bytes in the buf?
        avail_capacity = data.length - ofs;

        if (avail_capacity < len)
            len = avail_capacity;

        sbuf = new StringBuffer();
        sbuf.setLength(len >> 1);

        sbuf_pos = 0;

        while (0 < len)
                (char)((data[ofs    ] << 8 )
                    |  (data[ofs + 1] & 0x0ff)));
            ofs += 2;
            len -= 2;

        return sbuf.toString();
2 楼 RednaxelaFX 2008-04-08  
1 楼 poweryoung 2008-04-08  


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